League of Legends Solo Queue Tier Lists for Patch 14.9:
Welcome to the longest-running League of Legends tier list in the world. This tier list is created using statistical analysis coupled with nearly a decade of experience in League of Legends. Specially curated for players that aren't already God's gift to the world, this list is for the humble player looking to climb without massive hours dedicated to mastering champions.Trusted for our consistent updates and constant feedback, this list is as much yours as it is ours. If you disagree with any champion placements feel free to post in the comment section! We'll gladly either voice our opinion or enter into a discussion on champion placement.
Read on to see the tier list that's granted millions of players around the world massive success in their League of Legends ranked climb.

SEASON 14 - PATCH 14.9
SEASON 14 - PATCH 14.9Welcome to the longest-running League of Legends tier list in the world. This tier list is created using statistical analysis coupled with nearly a decade of experience in League of Legends. Specially curated for players that aren't already God's gift to the world, this list is for the humble player looking to climb without massive hours dedicated to mastering champions.
Trusted for our consistent updates and constant feedback, this list is as much yours as it is ours. If you disagree with any champion placements feel free to post in the comment section! We'll gladly either voice our opinion or enter into a discussion on champion placement.
Read on to see the tier list that's granted millions of players around the world massive success in their League of Legends ranked climb.
Trusted for our consistent updates and constant feedback, this list is as much yours as it is ours. If you disagree with any champion placements feel free to post in the comment section! We'll gladly either voice our opinion or enter into a discussion on champion placement.
Read on to see the tier list that's granted millions of players around the world massive success in their League of Legends ranked climb.
Patch 14.9 Tier List Update Summary
Skarner's doing quite well in the current patch and although there were a slew of nerfs, champions like Jinx, Pyke, Skarner, and Twitch continue to excel in their chosen roles.
Check out the full tier list below!
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LoL Tier List For Solo Queue
The tier lists below start at the strongest champions on the tier list and is ordered from left to right in power level. The tier lists are also separated into multiple segments for ease of understanding, but champions from a higher segment of the tier list may still lose to a counter pick from a lower-tier segment of the tier list.
Full LoL Tier List For Solo Queue
The tier list below lists every viable champion in the game along with a few unorthodox picks that can still perform fairly well. This tier list is meant to organize every viable champion in the game into an order with the average experienced player in mind. Generally speaking, this is somewhere between silver and platinum. This tier list can also be used for higher divisions, but the higher you go, the more specialized at specific champions you become.
God Tier List
[Highest Influence | Good In Almost Every Situation | Easiest to Gain LP With]Mid Lane | Sylas, Ahri |
Jungle | Skarner, Bel'Veth, Viego |
Top Lane | Malphite, Camille, Trundle |
Bot Lane | Jinx, Jhin,Twitch |
Support | Pyke, Thresh, Janna |
Tier 1
[Strong/Preferred Choices | Good Effort to Benefit Ratio | Works Well In Solo Queue]
Mid-Lane: Vex, Diana, Aurelion Sol, Twisted Fate, Akshan, Lux, Kassadin, Taliyah, Anivia, Fizz, Akali, Ekko, Katarina, Xerath, Cassiopeia, Lissandra, Yone, Rumble, Viktor, Talon, Renekton, Vladimir, Neeko, Yasuo, Annie, Swain
Jungle: Shaco, Master Yi, Rammus, Diana, Amumu, Rengar, Nocturne, Graves, Nidalee, Kha'Zix, Ivern, Ekko, Vi, Kindred, Evelynn, Lee Sin, Maokai, Briar, Xin Zhao, Jax
Top: Sett, Nasus, Rek'Sai, Gragas, Mordekaiser, Rek'Sai, Urgot, Shen, Aatrox, Garen, Twisted Fate, Gwen, Yorick, Vayne, Kayle, Ornn, Riven, Volibear, Poppy, Akshan, Quinn, Darius, Sion, Gangplank, Maokai, Kled, Rengar, Pantheon, Irelia
Bot Lane: Ashe, Kog'Maw, Lucian, Samira, Draven, Nilah, Senna, Miss Fortune, Vayne, Seraphine, Caitlyn, Ziggs, Kai'Sa
Support: Nami, Lulu, Milio, Braum, Blitzcrank, Rakan, Skarner, Sona, Senna, Nautilus, Thresh, Leona, Maokai, Zyra, Soraka, Rell, Camille, Morgana, Taric, Xerath, Alistar, Fiddlesticks, Lux, Amumu
Tier 2
[Viable/Balanced Choices | Common In Solo Queue | Needs Practice To Get Good]Mid-Lane: Azir, Orianna, Malzahar, Syndra, Malphite, Karma, Gragas, Zoe, Galio, Qiyana, Veigar, Zilean, Heimerdinger, Lucian, Irelia, Tristana, Ryze, Morgana, Ziggs, Seraphine, Zed, Pantheon, Nocturne, Brand, Vel'Koz, Kayle, Kled, Wukong
Jungle: Kayn, Lillia, Udyr, Fiddlesticks, Gragas, Volibear, Jarvan IV, Brand, Hecarim, Warwick, Taliyah, Nunu, Elise, Talon, Mordekaiser, Poppy, Olaf, Sejuani, Shyvana, Rumble, Dr. Mundo, Trundle,
Bot Lane: Ezreal, Yasuo, Swain, Twisted Fate, Sivir, Veigar, Tristana, Xayah, Smolder
Support: Bard, Annie, Heimerdinger, Zac, Zilean, Seraphine, Shaco, Vel'Koz, Neeko, Renata Glasc, Yuumi, Swain, Brand, Karma, Ashe, Galio, Gragas, Syndra, Anivia, Tahm Kench, Pantheon
Tier 3
[Needs Higher Skill or Knowledge | Counterpicks]Jungle: Zac, Wukong, Gwen, Morgana, Zed, Sylas, Sett, Malphite, Cho'Gath, Pantheon
Top: Olaf, Gnar, Swain, Dr. Mundo, K'Sante, Zac, Lee Sin, Udyr, Cho'gath, Viego, Akali, Nocturne, Hecarim, Jarvan IV, Rammus, Lucian, Nautilus, Neeko, Ryze, Karma
Bot Lane: Aphelios, Zeri, Varus, Kalista, Cho'gath, Karthus, Cassiopeia, Heimerdinger, Quinn, Corki, Akshan, Singed
Tier 4
[Low Benefit Based On Effort Used]Mid-Lane: Nasus, Sion, Teemo, Jarvan IV, Riven, Jhin
Jungle: Darius, Tryndamere, Riven, Nasus, Tahm Kench, Qiyana
Top: Briar, Shaco, Galio, Soraka
Bot Lane:
New Player LoL Tier List
Many users have requested a summarized tier list that just includes suggested champions to play for new players. The tier list below includes the best beginner champions. The tier list is also organized from most beginner-friendly to least beginning friendly (Top, Bot, Support, Mid, Jungle). Since jungle isn't particularly beginner-friendly I've only included two champions on the list.
Top Tier List
- God Tier: Garen
- Tier 1: Darius
- God Tier: Garen
- Tier 1: Darius
Bot Tier List
- God Tier: Miss Fortune
- Tier 1: Jinx
- God Tier: Miss Fortune
- Tier 1: Jinx
Support Tier List
- God Tier: Lux, Janna
- Tier 1: Blitzcrank, Sona
- God Tier: Lux, Janna
- Tier 1: Blitzcrank, Sona
Mid Tier List
- God Tier: Ahri
- Tier 1: Diana
- God Tier: Ahri
- Tier 1: Diana
Jungle Tier List
- God Tier: Briar
- Tier 1: Volibear
- God Tier: Briar
- Tier 1: Volibear
Instructions and Caveats
- Champions in BOLD I will talk about shortly
- Champions UNDERLINED may be over/undervalued, but aren't/haven't played enough for me to make a better judgment.
- Within each tier, the champions are strongest from left to right, but within a tier, each champion's strength is relatively close. This is especially true for Tiers 2 and 3 where these champions are ALL highly playable and player dependent on how strong they are in-game.
- Win Rates are important in analyzing each champion's strength but are not the end-all criteria for any champion's position.
- Professional Picks may not necessarily translate into good picks for the solo queue ladder, the two have slightly different meta-games and skill levels.
- The creator of this list is diamond so there may be some personal bias towards higher tier play on certain champions.
League of Legends Tier List Descriptions
When making this tier list we initially considered using tier list descriptions similar to others with S-tier, A-tier etc. However, In the initial build of the tier list way back when we started, it was more popular to use a God Tier designation and then go down from there on the tier list. As a result, we've stuck by this concept through the years. However, since God Tier is supposed to be relatively exclusive on this tier list, we try and limit it to only three or four picks at most. This means that there may be champions that are close to God tier on this tier list, but don't quite make it and are instead at the top of Tier 1.
Tier 1: These champions generally do very well regardless, and have some sort of advantage over most other champions. When they do well, their team does well. Even when they don't do well, their team still has a good chance of a comeback victory by utilizing one or more aspects of their late-game utility.
Tier 2: This is the Tier of balanced champions where Riot shoots to place their designs. These champions generally do well in their own right and are very strong picks with a good chance of winning. However, they're not overpowered by any means and do have their weaknesses.
Tier 3: These champions can still do very well, but tend to need a little more snowballing to get rolling. Even if they get an early lead, it's still very possible to turn the tides on them with just a mistake or two. They may also have some weaknesses that can be capitalized on.
Tier 4: These champions are either underpowered or offer less reward than other champions for the same amount of effort. These champions basically start winning from the get-go or get made fun of for the rest of the game. They need gold to do their job correctly, and if they don't get enough of it, they become sandbags for the enemy team to punch. Chances of a comeback with one of these champions feeding on your team is almost none.
Thoughts on Win Rates
League of Legends is an extremely intricate game and this tier list strives to be as accurate as possible to give you the strongest champion picks. We ordered them on the tier list based on what is most likely to give you the highest chance of winning the game. However, the tier list will over time, have a bias towards win rates since this does indicate that the ordering is accurate and not prone to fluctuations in play rate.
With enough playtime, a high win rate on a champion indicates *something* generally goes right, and a low win rate indicates that whatever is happening in games with this champion isn't in their favor.
A low win rate may mean a champion is being played incorrectly and is stronger than his win rate indicates, but a top 25 win rate (with 120 champions) almost always indicates that a champion is at least a good candidate for Tier 1 or high Tier 2 if the sample size is large enough.
This means that champions with high win rates do not mean that they're necessarily GOOD right now, especially if they have a low play rate or tend to get into favorable match-ups. If we feel this is the case, these champions will place differently on this tier list than you'd think.
Similarly, champions with low win rates that are still within the acceptable deviations may end up slightly higher than you'd expect from a champion with mediocre win rates.
If there are champions on this tier list with low overall play rates but good win rates after relatively few games of practice, it may mean that players that pick those champions up just to try them are bringing down the average. If this is the case, we will place them higher on the list.
More thoughts on win rates here.
In Tier 3 of this tier list, we've placed certain champions that are good as a second pick but can get spanked hard if they end up first picking by a variety of meta champions. If you're good at a large variety of champions, picking a champion that counters your lane is a good place to start. If you can get a slight advantage and don't have a clear experience advantage, picking a champion that both places high on this tier list and also counters your enemy lane may give you enough to win a game.
Check out a few of our more popular champion counter guides:
A low win rate may mean a champion is being played incorrectly and is stronger than his win rate indicates, but a top 25 win rate (with 120 champions) almost always indicates that a champion is at least a good candidate for Tier 1 or high Tier 2 if the sample size is large enough.
This means that champions with high win rates do not mean that they're necessarily GOOD right now, especially if they have a low play rate or tend to get into favorable match-ups. If we feel this is the case, these champions will place differently on this tier list than you'd think.
Similarly, champions with low win rates that are still within the acceptable deviations may end up slightly higher than you'd expect from a champion with mediocre win rates.
If there are champions on this tier list with low overall play rates but good win rates after relatively few games of practice, it may mean that players that pick those champions up just to try them are bringing down the average. If this is the case, we will place them higher on the list.
More thoughts on win rates here.
Counter Picking Champions
Check out a few of our more popular champion counter guides:
LoL Tier List Champion Explanations
Braum [Tier 1 Support]
In the current state of the game, heavy auto-attack based marksmen dominate the field, making Braum the perfect counter to blocking the multitude of other-wise game ending auto attacks raining from the sky. He's also quite good as an offensive support and deals massive damage with fast attacking allies.
Jinx [God Tier Bot]
It's almost impossible to keep Jinx down. Her early game is nearly balanced and her mid to late game snowballs so fast with a few kills that team fights are always a dangerous affair for any enemies to engage in.
Pyke [God Tier Support]
The meta revolves around fast roams and annoying support ganks, making Pyke one of the most obnoxious supports to play around. He's always able to get to unexpected places early and following him is highly difficult for most supports. Even if he loses lane early due to misplay he can easily bring it back through some effective movements around the map.
Skarner [God Tier Jungle]
After a rocky initial start on his rework, Skarner's panned out to be quite a powerhouse in multiple spots including as expected Jungle and even as support. His crowd control and mobility is quite good and although his ultimate isn't quite as good as it used to be for solo killing players it's much better now in chaotic teamfights.
Twitch [God Tier Bot]
Twitch has always been a pubstomp champion that excelled when marksmen in general were strong in the meta. This is true even now as you see fellow champions like Jinx and Kog'Maw enjoy the strength of bot lane items in the current patch. Although his lane phase can be weak, most people choose to play scaling marksmen which allows him to farm up and get into the game.
- The purpose of this list is for discussion and to provide a starting point for champion selection.
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