Hitting this page with a fresh update as requested since it has indeed been a while and I do owe you guys a bonus for missing last patch's solo queue tier list. Overall, Riot's done a decent job balancing and picking out just five of every role was certainly not easy. Check out the ones we selected down below!
Season 13 - Patch 13.9 League of Legends Champions List
"Strongest Champions When Mastered"
Tier lists show champions that will help you win games the fastest for the effort needed to play them. This list shows the absolute strongest, most overpowered champions in League of Legends that you can pick after many hours of practice and learning the ins and outs of their kits. If you're willing to put in the work, these champions will carry you as far as you can go on the ranked ladder.
Patch 13.9
Hitting this page with a fresh update as requested since it has indeed been a while and I do owe you guys a bonus for missing last patch's solo queue tier list. Overall, Riot's done a decent job balancing and picking out just five of every role was certainly not easy. Check out the ones we selected down below!
Winning in solo queue is a complex affair. There are so many variables involved outside of player control such as lag, that consistency plays a massive part in climbing the ranks. Some champions excel in outplaying other champions, while others rely on brute force or special skills to win.
However, in an ideal situation with teammates who select champions that reasonably synergize with you, which champions offer the most bang for their buck when mastered?
What Makes a Champion "Strong"?
Damage-based champions rely mostly on sheer damage, usually via skill shots to overpower their enemies;
Utility-based champions do something unique and game-changing, creating situations that are extremely beneficial to their own team or create detrimental effects for the enemy team that they cannot ignore.
Outplay-based champions make the enemy miss skills that would otherwise definitely hit, mitigating large amounts of potential damage.
Although some champions may overlap, the criterion laid out above is used and we will omit the following criterion that we use for solo queue:
Aurelion Sol - After a few patches it appears Riot likes Aurelion Sol's identity of a late game powerhouse. While his early game isn't the strongest by any means, his ability to snowball through the mid to late game is immense and results in a champion that can solo the entirety of the game 1v9.
Milio - The newest champion on the Rift has proven himself to be incredibly difficult to deal with as a result of unique abilities at his disposal along with the short cooldowns that he provides. When coupled with a good marksman Milio is absolutely indispensable and really allows ADCs to bring out their true abilities and then some.
Sion - Adding Sion to the strongest when mastered list is somewhat of an interesting decision in my opinion. Understanding the top lane match-up intimately in solo queue is incredibly important. Some lanes are just not winnable without jungle assistance and means that Sion players must purposefully choose to die for minions in order to win the game against certain match-ups. However, once you come to a full understanding of the match-ups Sion becomes a solo queue force that can't be ignored late game and often wins out through sheer macro gameplay.
Zeri - On the opposite end of the macro gameplay spectrum is Zeri, a champion that's so micro-intensive players often complain of carpal tunnel setting in after just one game. However, she's quite rewarding late-game as long as your support doesn't decide Zeri is an early-game champion.
Zilean - I'm somewhat torn between Zilean and Renata Glasc as a final support pick but post-nerfs I do think Zilean tends to be a bit stronger and brings more to the table than Renata Glasc despite Renata's lower cooldowns and similar abilities.
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