Bad at Skill Shots? No Problems!
Have you ever played a few games whiffing Sona or Yone ultimate and thought to yourself, "man, I really need to pick up some champions that are still strong without skillshots"? Well, look no further, below are our top 10 picks for the best skills in the game, spells that are *almost* unmissable.
Check out the full list below!
Hot Top: If you're struggling with targeted abilities there's a hotkey that allows you to only target champions, unbound by default. Give that a try!
Kha'Zix - Taste Their Fear [Q]
Here's a spell that's as basic and effective as it gets. Kha'Zix's Q is a point and click, sometimes one shot mechanic that can delete squishy champions from the map instantly. When you synergize this with his R (another totally skill shot free skill), he can do it from invisibility!)
Mordekaiser - Realm of Death [R]
Possibly one of the most tilting skills in the game, the only comfort you can find in this skill is that if you get dragged into the Realm with him you'll be coming out relatively shortly if he's good...but your screen color may be changing rapidly. This skill allows Mordekaiser to isolate one player, heal himself, and suck away 10% of that player's stats.
Lulu - Whimsy [W]
Maxing out at a full 2.25 seconds, Lulu's Whimsy is by far the most powerful point and click ranged crowd-control spell in the game that's not an ultimate. Even among ultimates, you'd be hard-pressed to find something more effective with the same range and cooldown this has.
Karthus - Requiem [R]
As far as no skill shot skills go, this one might very well be the most powerful. While there are some ways to mitigate this, generally it's used at the end of a battle when most players have exhausted their defensive skills a few seconds prior. Later in the game, it's almost always accompanied by a massive Dark Harvest proc, making survival quite unlikely.
Lissandra - Frozen Tomb [R]
At 1.5 seconds of stun time, even Lissandra's ultimate can't compete with Lulu's Whimsy. However, this skill more than makes up for it by dishing massive life-threatening damage. Sometimes it's difficult to get in close enough to highly mobile champions to use it, but when you do slap someone with this ability it's no longer a point and click but a point and kill.
Janna - Monsoon [R]
One of the most powerful abilities in the game, the perks of this skill lie not in its healing or merely in the knockback, but instead its ability to cancel out almost every single dash attack in the game. Any skill that can be cancelled by Janna's Howling Gale [Q] can also be cancelled by her Monsoon [R] but in all directions, at the same time.
Brand - Pyroclasm [R]
It's tough to explain how obnoxious Brand's [R] can be, especially when you're up against a player with zero regards for their own survival. They essentially become a living explosive, whose only purpose in the game is to press R during a team fight before they die. Even launching just their R is enough to send enemies packing as his damage over time passive and items tick down for another half of everyone's health.
Renata Glasc - Bailout [W]
Edging out Zilean's ultimate on the list as a similar skill, Renata Glasc's Bailout is impossibly annoying when placed on a hypercarry, giving them a second chance at life and potential at surviving death. As a one-button skill, the steroid it provides is also extremely powerful.
Lulu - Wild Growth [R]
On a smaller scale than Janna's Monsoon, Lulu's ultimate can knock up all the same spells but requires much more skill. To make up for this, it grants one hypercarry incredible survival power from the brink of death. Overall, it's a more impressive skill than Janna's Monsoon but not as versatile.
Fiddlesticks - Crowstorm [R]
In some ways this skill ends up as a "skill shot" but its AOE is massive and movable so I think this makes the list as a pseudo skillshot. This ability is probably the ability that has the most potential to 1v5 enemy teams with the least number of items propping it up. Even as a support this skill is enough that enemies will want to run out of it, and as a jungler it's a core game ender.
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