After a short stint a few years back, Tank Akali quickly died out. However, in 2022 we're back with a new tank Akali that's so good, the pros are loving it! Turbo Chemtank has brought new life to our hypermobile hypercarry, and Akali players everywhere are zooming around while simultaneously being near unkllable. Check out these happy pros spamming her and check out how to play her below!
Guide to Playing Turbo Chemtank Tank Akali
After a short stint a few years back, Tank Akali quickly died out. However, in 2022 we're back with a new tank Akali that's so good, the pros are loving it! Turbo Chemtank has brought new life to our hypermobile hypercarry, and Akali players everywhere are zooming around while simultaneously being near unkllable. Check out these happy pros spamming her and check out how to play her below!
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How to Play Tank Akali
Abilities: Q, W, E then prioritize R > Q > E > W
Summoner Spells:

Starting Items: Doran Ring + Health Potions
Strategy: Poke continuously, be unkillable, move around as much as possible to charge Turbo Chemtank
Core Items: Turbo Chemtank, Demonic Embrace, Plated Steelcaps, Shadowflame, Zhonya's Hourglass, Void Staff
Summoner Spells:

Starting Items: Doran Ring + Health Potions
Strategy: Poke continuously, be unkillable, move around as much as possible to charge Turbo Chemtank
Core Items: Turbo Chemtank, Demonic Embrace, Plated Steelcaps, Shadowflame, Zhonya's Hourglass, Void Staff
Tank Akali Top Runes Setup
Primary: Conqueror, Presence of Mind, Legend: Tenacity, Last Stand
Secondary: Second Wind, Overgrowth
How It Works
High Base Damage and Margin of Error
This version of Akali is both extremely difficult to kill while simultaneously deals a very high amount of damage. She can skill both squishies and tanks with ease as a result of percentage HP damage scaling through Turbo Chemtank and Demonic Embrace.
Fast Turbo Chemtank Charging
Akali naturally moves an incredible amount throughout the game and during team fights, allowing her to charge her Turbo Chemtank often. The boosted auto-attack also synergizes very well with her natural auto-attack enhancements.
Low Cooldowns, High Sustained Damage
Akali's low cooldowns allow her continuously attack and deal high amounts of damage as long as she can stay alive. This build combined with her lack of mana lets her stay in lane and in fights for near perpetuity.
Potential Pitfalls
Lower Damage
This version of Akali's main drawback is the much lower burst damage that she packs. This means that she needs to stick to her opponents for longer in order to maximize her damage. Without solid crowd-control, this means that her mobility is her main sticking tool coupled with her movement speed boosts.
Weak Without Shroud
While Akali's shroud is down, she's significantly more vulnerable and can be burst down quickly. Although this version of Akali can survive longer than most, she still needs to play around her cooldowns and avoid going full berserker due to her lower burst damage.
Countering Tank Akali
Strong percentage-based crowd-control mages like Malzahar may do very well.
Tank Akali Conclusions
At first glance this build looks absurd, but upon closer inspection it performs quite well as a result of the naturally powerful kit that Akali packs. Definitely a build we'll be seeing in games to come as it's very user-friendly and allows you to enjoy Akali's full kit at leisure.
Suggested Tier: Tier 1
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