Big patch coming up with a nerf on lethal tempo, a new champion, and a new update on Janna! Check out the full scope of changes below!
Patch 12.2 notes
Zip, zap, and zoom with Zeri, the Spark of Zaun, in patch 12.2!
This patch, we're introducing an electrifying new personality to the Rift, plus a ton of champion balance changes. There's a champion refresh for Janna in the forecast as well as more item, dragon, and rune adjustments, too.
The Lunar Revel event is also in fullmoonswing this week! Celebrate the Year of the Tiger with us with special events including the return of ARURF, exciting missions (with reduced points requirements), and beautiful new Porcelain, Firecracker, and Prestige skins. Happy Lunar New Year!
Tacticians from across the Convergence are also gathering to celebrate the Lunar Legend Festival with a new event, Gifts of the Golden Lantern. Read all about the event and more at the TFT patch notes!

Base stats and all abilities adjusted.
Janna just hasn't felt very rewarding to play over the past few seasons, especially when compared to other enchanter options in bot lane. We wanted to approach this mid-scope update to her while staying true to her classic playstyle and identity. In particular, we believe Janna's ally shielding and peel are what makes her appealing to most enchanter players, so we've shifted some power from her W and poke damage into her Es and Qs. We also made a few nice little QoL changes here and there in hopes of blowing you away~
Base Stats
Passive - Tailwind
Q - Howling Gale
W - Zephyr
E - Eye Of The Storm
R - Monsoon

W cooldown increased.
Lulu's been queen of the bot lane for quite some time now—especially at the highest levels of play—so we're reducing access to her most versatile spell just a pinch!
W - Whimsy

Health growth increased. Q damage ratio increased.
Nocturne has been a nightmare to play as in all skill brackets, regardless of his builds or runes. We're buffing him with some scaling power, so he can become more useful as the game progresses, rather than just relying on his ultimate as his only way to say lights out.
Base Stats
Q - Duskbringer

Base health regen decreased. Brush Q zone duration decreased.
Qiyana is dominating Elite play quite a bit right now. We're reducing how much time she gets to spend being invisible in a fight, which should help lower some frustration when playing against the Empress of the Elements.
Base Stats
Q - Edge of Ixtal

R passive now enables leaping from camouflage.
As a primary jungler, this battle kitty has been suffering a lot on the Chemtech Rift. While he's not the only champion affected, Rengar has certainly gotten the worst of it as so much of his power budget is dedicated to his passive's interaction with brush. Removing 12 spots of it is incredibly disruptive—not just to his core farming pattern, but his entire gameplay, really—so we're giving him a new way to pounce and prowl. No catnip needed. (Note that this passive is on his R and only takes effect once he ranks up his ultimate.)
R - Thrill of the Hunt

R base damage increased.
Now that her mid-game transition is less reliable with the Shieldbow nerfs, we're giving Samira a bit more baseline potential in her R so she can snowball in style.
R - Inferno Trigger

Q now slows enemies.
Senna is quite weak this season, especially when she builds for DPS. The old Glacial Augment was a crucial part of that playstyle and since it no longer procs off Senna’s basic attacks, we’re adding some utility back into her kit.
Q - Piercing Darkness

Q damage decreased.
With the changes to Teleport in 12.1, Shen has once again become king when it comes to map influence from top lane. To bring things back to equilibrium, we're lowering his damage as a duelist instead of bringing down his cross-map power so that his unique, global presence remains his most powerful tool.
Q - Twilight Assault

Tahm Kench
Q slow increased. E adjusted; damage stored as grey health decreased (unless near multiple enemies). R ally shield increased; now grants move speed upon devouring ally.
We did a mini-rework of Tahm Kench back in 11.13 because his old kit held huge advantages in highly coordinated team play. Our goal back then was to lower his priority in Pro pick/ban while putting him in a place where he could have a fun playstyle, as well as reasonable winrates in both of his roles. (Historically, his top lane winrate has been higher than that of his support.)
The rework is looking pretty good so far in terms of Pro play as he doesn't have nearly as much priority there as he used to. When it comes to his winrates, the rework didn't dramatically affect the difference between his support versus top capabilities, but it did highlight the gap. This left support Tahm Kench players feeling like the catfish was no longer viable in their role. Now that we've had some time to observe all of these effects together, we're willing to take a riskier swing to buff support Kench while nerfing his top lane capabilities to keep him in check up there.
Q - Tongue Lash
E - Thick Skin
R - Devour

W monster damage ratio decreased.
We introduced Talon jungle in 11.18 in hopes of bringing new players and playstyles into the jungle. He ended up becoming one of the stronger jungle assassins, especially in Elite play where his mobility, damage, and clear speed are almost unmatched. He's still extremely fun as a flex pick, but we also understand that his current state has very few weaknesses, which can be frustrating to play against. In turn, we're heavily nerfing his clear speed to tune him down. He'll still be viable there and will keep his high-mobility edge, but you might need to think a little longer before jumping into the jungle with him.
W - Rake

Base health and health regen increased.
Our rocket girl isn't doing so hot lately. Her abilities already hit super hard, but they're pretty risky and can take a while to stack up. We're bumping up her early durability to give Tristana the time she needs to finish her combos and survive those explosive plays.
Base Stats

Q cooldown decreased; stacks from large monsters and minions increased.
The tiny master of evil has been less threatening than usual as of late. We're upping the rate on his Phenomenal Evil stacks so that he can stand above his competitors in the mid lane. (Figuratively speaking, at least.)
Q - Baleful Strike

Base AD growth increased. E cooldown decreased.
The once-fearsome Volibear is bad for everyone, everywhere. We're giving him a reliable baseline stat buff and more access to his signature stormy skill.
Base Stats
E - Sky Splitter

Q damage ratio increased.
Like Samira, the wind brothers were hit hard by the Immortal Shieldbow nerfs. We're compensating for this by returning some of that power into their more skill-dependent abilities.
Q - Steel Tempest

Q damage ratio increased.
Of course, we have to do the same for Yone to make sure he doesn't fall behind in the sibling rivalry.
Q - Mortal Steel

R base damage ratio decreased.
Zed has been creeping up from the shadows in terms of both power and ban rate. We're tapping him back down in a way that will require him to make better use of his base kit to secure kills.
R - Death Mark

Lich Bane
At the start of Season 2021, we revamped Lich Bane to broaden its user base by removing its ability haste and increasing Spellblade's damage and cooldown. These changes made it very powerful as a burst tool, but that burst also got a few nerfs throughout the year. As a result, Lich Bane was left feeling pretty underwhelming for its core users, so we're partially restoring it to a healthier state.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Rylai's has been struggling to find its place in the last couple of seasons because it's been trying to serve tanky battlemages, burn mages, and AP supports alike all at once. We're focusing on its purpose as a utility item by lowering its cost and increasing its health to make it more accessible to tankier midrange mages and supports.

Turbo Chemtank
Turbo Chemtank's update during Preseason 2022 was designed to let tanky gankers and initiators store movement into one big turbo blast for those moments when they gotta go fast. However, Refuel was stacking too well with dashes, which meant it was being used as a DPS source for non-tanks. While we admire the creativity here, Turbo Chemtank is supposed to be for, well, tanks, so we're adding some limits to the way its passive stacks. Ultimately, these adjustments shouldn't affect its intended use cases very much. (These changes also apply to its Ornn Masterwork item, Turbocharged Hexperiment.)

Chemtech Drake
The Chemtech Dragon Soul is still significantly overperforming compared to other dragon soul buffs. We're nerfing the undeads' health and, uh, longevity. Expected lifetime? Active duration? ... You get what we mean.
Chemtech Dragon Soul
Chemtech Rift
We're making a few changes to make the ahead team slightly less advantaged when fighting in the Chemtech rift.
(Now's a good time to mention we stealth-nerfed (heh) the Chemtech Rift last patch. At launch, champions instantly entered camouflage when they entered the fog. In 11.24, we made the camouflage timer check if you've made any offensive moves in the last 1.5 seconds upon entering the fog as well. The only change to the camouflage mechanics this patch is an increase to that timer.)

Hextech Drake
Hextech Dragon Soul is also overperforming compared to other soul effects, though not to the same degree as Chemtech.
Hextech Dragon Soul

Lethal Tempo
Lethal Tempo's power is skewed a little too much toward early game right now, making it especially cheese for melee champions. We're adjusting it to be weaker early on and letting it scale instead.
ARURF is Back!
Ring in the Lunar New Year with ARURF starting on January 26! (That's the All Random Ultra Rapid Fire game mode if you're new around these parts.) Beyond the normal ARURF that you know and love, we added a flipper full of changes to a couple of runes and a few surprises to the Awesome Buff of Awesomely Awesome Buffing's tooltip.
VFX Updates


Bugfixes & QoL Changes
- Fixed a bug where Teleport could sometimes still target certain units other than towers before 14 minutes
- Fixed a bug where Unleashed Teleport would permanently replace one of your Summoner Spells if acquired and used via the Unsealed Spellbook rune
- Champions will now correctly drop Unleashed Teleport spell shards if used after 14 minutes into a game with Zoe
- Fixed a bug where Yone could sometimes cast Unleashed Teleport while his E - Soul Unbound was active
- The exclamation point stealth indicator has been fixed and will correctly reappear above your champion if you are visible to an enemy inside the Chemtech Fog after completing certain stealthing abilities (such as Akali's W - Twilight Shroud)
- Fixed a bug where towers would incorrectly target enemy champions who took damage from Kog'Maw's Passive - Icathian Surprise or Karthus's Passive - Death Defied
- Rengar's Passive - Unseen Predator leap basic attacks will correctly trigger Navori Quickblades' Deft Strikes effect
- Fixed a bug where taking damage from certain jungle monsters would sometimes incorrectly grant stacks toward Force of Nature's Absorb passive
- Fixed a bug where triggering Glacial Augment's passive would incorrectly count toward triggering Eclipse's Ever Rising Moon passive
- Fixed a bug where Mythic or active item icon borders would sometimes appear in incorrect locations. (Yes, the mysterious orange squares...)
- Enemy player chat and emote mute toggle buttons have been fixed and will no longer overlap with other icons in the scoreboard
- DJ Sona and K/DA Seraphine's in-game music mute toggle buttons have been fixed and will display correctly next to their champion icon in the scoreboard every game
- Chat restriction notifications have been fixed and will once again inform players how many messages they have left in their limit
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released in this patch:
The following chromas will be released this patch:
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