NERFPLZ.LOL Hullbreaker Int Sion | Weird Pick #146 | Runes Items Build Guide | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Nov 25, 2021

Hullbreaker Int Sion | Weird Pick #146 | Runes Items Build Guide

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Int Sion is one of the least interactive playstyles out there, second only to the hyper-trolling zero damage Tryndamere. However, Int Sion's been granted new life with the new Hexgates and Chemtech Rift map mechanics, granting him more movement options and creating massive map pressure. 

Guide to Playing Int Sion

Int Sion is one of the least interactive playstyles out there, second only to the hyper-trolling zero damage Tryndamere. However, Int Sion's been granted new life with the new Hexgates and Chemtech Rift map mechanics, granting him more movement options and creating massive map pressure. 

Check out how to play him below!

How to Play Int Sion Top
Abilities: Q, W, E then prioritize R > Q > W > E

Summoner Spells

Starting Items: Doran Shield + Health Potions

Strategy: Continuously clear minions and focus only on killing objectives until you reach their nexus

Core Items: Prowler's Claw, Hullbreaker, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Mercury's Treads, Titanic Hydra, Thornmail

Int Sion Top Runes Setup

Primary: Grasp of the Undying, Shield Bash, Bone Plating, Overgrowth
Secondary: Biscuit Delivery, Time Warp Tonic

How It Works

Massive Hullbreaker Synergy
Hullbreaker is core to the build and provides Sion with not only the tools he needs to solo split but also makes it preferable for him to do so with the ability below:
UNIQUE – BOARDING PARTY: While no allied champions are within Range center.png 1400 units, gain 20 − 60 (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance and deal 20% bonus damage against structures. Nearby allied siege minions siege minions and super minions super minions gain 60 − 180 (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance, 10% bonus size and deal 200% bonus damage against structures. Bonus resistances decay over 3 seconds while allied champions are nearby.
This allows Sion to gain some severe tower crushing bonuses while alone.

Highly Effective
Sion as a whole is extremely effective at crushing towers and this build allows his ultimate to scale up. At full build, his ultimate can come close to one-shotting nexus turrets or enemy champions should they choose to sacrifice themselves to the choo-choo train of death.

Difficult to Solo
By combining Prowler's Claw and Youmuu's, this version of Sion is also very difficult to solo due to his massive burst damage combined with the huge bonus damage he gets during his passive death mode. Most marksmen and bruisers will have great difficulty stopping him alone.

Potential Pitfalls

Lowered Teamfight Power
By building Hullbreaker, you naturally become a split-push player and playing with your team reduces your overall power. As a result, the optimal strategy becomes to ignore team fights which can either hurt or help your team depending on their patience and how good the enemy engagement is. In solo queue, this works particularly well but may struggle in organized team fights.

Objective Based Gaming
This version of Sion, although is relatively brainless does require you to be aware of the map and know where you can push optimally for maximum effect. You could gain a decent amount of LP just mindlessly pushing one lane but to play this optimally you'll need to exercise some brain power just like with all split-pushers.

Countering Int Sion Top

High sustain bruisers with good mobility like Kled perform quite well against Sion. As would a ranged champion with high damage like Vayne or Graves.


Int Sion Top is quite good in the current meta and great for lower divisions where objective-based gaming and strong team fights are lacking. Many solo queue gamers will find it difficult to coordinate and stop Sion from wreaking havoc on their base and winning the game all by himself.

Suggested Tier: Tier 1

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