See now anyone could play Evelynn top as an AP champion with Night Harvester and Lichbane, but sometimes you're looking for more of a challenge. In that case, give tank Evelynn top a try! She's obvious not going to put out nearly as much damage as her AP counterpart, but she's surprisingly durable and can engage with less fear of dying.

Guide to Playing Tank Evelynn Top
See now anyone could play Evelynn top as an AP champion with Night Harvester and Lichbane, but sometimes you're looking for more of a challenge. In that case, give tank Evelynn top a try! She's obvious not going to put out nearly as much damage as her AP counterpart, but she's surprisingly durable and can engage with less fear of dying.
Check out how to play her below!
How to Play Tank Evelynn Top
Abilities: Q, E, W then prioritize R > Q > E > W
Summoner Spells:

Starting Items: Doran Ring + Health Potions
Strategy: Poke with Hate Spike [Q] during laning phase, then look for flanks late-game to engage.
Core Items: Frostfire Gauntlet, Plated Steelcaps, Thornmail, Abyssal Mask, Randuin's Omen, Gargoyle's Stoneplate
Summoner Spells:

Starting Items: Doran Ring + Health Potions
Strategy: Poke with Hate Spike [Q] during laning phase, then look for flanks late-game to engage.
Core Items: Frostfire Gauntlet, Plated Steelcaps, Thornmail, Abyssal Mask, Randuin's Omen, Gargoyle's Stoneplate
Tank Evelynn Top Runes Setup
Primary: Conqueror, Presence of Mind, Legend: Tenacity, Last Stand
Secondary: Eyeball Collection, Ultimate Hunter

How It Works
Low Cooldown/Mana Poke
Evelynn's Hate Spike [Q] deals over 100 base damage at level one on a four-second cooldown and costs 40 mana at level one. With a base of 315 mana, she can cast it 8 times in lane which is quite high for similar caliber spells. It also doubles as an excellent wave clear ability.
High Passive Sustain
Evelynn's passive allows her to sustain easily in lane. As long as she doesn't get burst down, she can easily stay at a healthy level in lane and continue farming for a very long time.
Excellent Ganking Power
Post-6, Evelynn's roam power is obviously very good as a result of her continuous invisibility. Although you don't want to fall into the trap of permanently roaming and ganking, she can definitely do some damage in between clearing waves.
Good Scaling Damage
Both Evelynn's E and her R scale off enemy max health, giving her plenty of damage even without building AP. This also allows her to shred tanks and squishies alike to continue being a threat, even without the burst damage you're used to.
Potential Pitfalls
Low Burst Damage
Here's where Evelynn's tank build falls a little short, and that's in the area of pure burst damage. If you're used to her one-shot build where she explodes and disappears, her damage will leave you wanting more. On the other hand, with her added survivability and sticking power via Frostfire Gauntlet she can end up potentially dishing more overall.
Vulnerable Early Game
Although 1v1 Evelynn can hold her own, she does have trouble avoiding jungle ganks as she has limited mobility and escape power. When you combine this with her push strength, lane management becomes a must to survive.
Countering Tank Evelynn Top
High sustain bruisers and constant jungle ganks make Evelynn's life very difficult.
Tank Evelynn Top is a fun change of pace when you want to pull off something new and contains a lot more sustained damage than a standard Evelynn build. However, when you want to pull out some high damage I'd still say "standard" build on top Evelynn is still stronger.
Suggested Tier: Low Tier 2
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