Buffs: Jax, Karma, Kog'Maw, Master Yi, Qiyana, Samira, Sejuani, Trundle;Nerfs: Azir, Gragas, Rammus, Rell, Seraphine, Shaco, Udyr.
W Sand Soldier damage decreased.
Balancing out Azir’s steady power curve throughout the duration of a game by pecking down his early lane control.
W - Arise!
Q cost now flat.
Pushing back the beefed-up top lane Gragas by increasing the ticket price on his barrels.
Q - Barrel Roll
Base damage growth increased.
Jacked up Jax packs the max attacks with Trinity! (Try to say that three times fast.)
Base Stats
Q cooldown decreased.
Despite buffs in patch 11.3, support Karma is still in low spirits. We took a look at some of the more recent changes to her and are reigniting her fire by partially reverting the nerfs from 10.16.
Q - Inner Flame
>W bonus damage increased later.
Once upon a time, when tanks and fighters only built armor Legendaries like Sunfire Cape and Randuin’s Omen, Kog’Maw was much more able to dissolve defenses and have lower cooldowns. To give him more of a payoff, we’re amping up the zip in his spit so that when the ability is up, he can charge! bugle noises
W - Bio-Arcane Barrage
Master Yi
E base damage increased.
With the last set of nerfs in patch 11.1 and jungle changes, Master Yi had found himself in a tough spot. Putting the alpha in his strike to help all his builds and playstyles, especially those more reliant on attack speed.
E - Wuju Style
Passive grey health storage decreased; now adds lethality and increases when enemies are nearby.
Tamping down mid Pyke's sustain in order to bring support Pyke up from the undertow.
Passive - Gift of the Drowned Ones
W bonus damage increased. R damage increased later.
Qiyana’s power tends to rely on early roams. This has shaped her to be the Elite pick of choice, where players have been able to use her roaming prowess to their full advantage without running into the coordinated safety usually seen in higher-tier games. To bring her more opportunities for royal success, we’re giving her more baseline scaling and encouraging an earlier W max. You know, for crushing.
W - Terrashape
R - Supreme Display of Talent
Base health growth decreased.
Rammus has been more armor than arma(dillo), particularly in Average levels of play. Rolling down some of his durability so he has to be more careful before barrelling into fights.
Base Stats
Base armor decreased. W1 and W2 cooldown increased.
Rell is dominating the pro scene, so we’re giving her opponents a fighting chance by making her more vulnerable to harass.
Base Stats
W - Ferromancy: Crash Down
W - Ferromancy: Mount Up
Base damage growth increased. Q damage ratio increased later.
Samira is struggling to keep up after her nerfs last patch, so we’re upping this thrillseeker’s scaling so that she can continue to slay when late game rolls around.
Base Stats
Q - Flair
W second hit damage ratio increased.
Sejuani has been bristling in the new jungle. We’re giving her and her boar an extra juicy treat for hitting both parts of her W.
W - Winter’s Wrath
Passive subsequent note damage decay removed; Note damage from allies reduced. R cooldown increased.
Seraphine’s still all over our radars and radios, so we’re softening the blow from the Notes coming from allies, while turning up the power on her own Notes. This way, she can continue to be impactful on her own without over-amplifying through the strength of her fans.
Passive - Stage Presence
R - Encore
W base damage and single target base damage decreased; now deals increased damage to monsters.
Shaco has been spooking the bejeezus out of bot lane but he’s been clowning around in the jungle, so we’re adjusting accordingly.
W - Jack In The Box
Q cooldown decreased.
We’re helping the troll king sink his teeth into the new season with a little extra bite in top and jungle.
Q - Chomp
Passive damage ratio per stack decreased. R bonus damage increased; duration increased.
AP rat is strong, AD rat feels wrong. Recalibrating.
Passive - Deadly Venom
R - Spray And Pray
Base health growth decreased. R aura total damage decreased.
With the help of new items like Turbo Chemtank, Udyr has been zooming around the jungle with nary a care with some of the fastest movement speeds we've ever seen, letting him nyoom in and out of fights. We’re dialing back his clear speeds (revert of a 10.21 buff) and making him squishier.
Base Stats
R - Phoenix Stance
Fixed several bugs related to Mejai’s and Possession. Passive turret dodging removed.
After tinkering with Viego for a while, we’ve pulled together a few significant bugfixes that should add up to a slight nerf.
Passive - Sovereign’s Domination
Muramana heavily overlaps with Essence Reaver, both in stats and use cases. To better differentiate between the two, we’re changing Muramana’s proc to focus more on empowering abilities, whereas Essence Reaver empowers auto attacks through abilities.
Stridebreaker's dash didn’t feel as powerful as its slash, so we’re balancing both while aiming for a power-neutral change.
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Certain champions, like Senna, benefit too much from Guinsoo’s Rageblade when you consider the fact that its crit strike chance can scale over 100% and it ignores crit damage modifiers. We’re adding some rules to it to circumvent these edge cases, allow for more item diversity with those champions, and help us better tune the item to be usable for more of the roster.
Speaking of Senna, now, her passive can no longer give her above 100% crit strike chance, and any excess crit is converted into lifesteal at the same rate.
Serpent’s Fang
Serpent’s Fang is a powerful but underwhelming and confusing item, so we're making it more broadly usable. Imagine Grievous Wounds for shields, but with extra profits!
Maw of Malmortius
Dropping Maw's price to be a more attractive and affordable defensive option.
Black Cleaver
Adjusting Black Cleaver to be better suited for longer fights while packing it with more punch for its cost.
In-Game Shop Updates
The shop continued to assimilate knowledge at an alarming rate and has reached a new level of awareness. (It keeps asking us to nerf Ornn.)
- Introducing Starter Bundles: The recommended view will now offer you the most popular combination of items players start with instead of just the first item. (Hint: It's usually potions.) Saved you some clicks!
- The font rendering has been improved in the item and search detail views. It was LiTeRaLy UnPlAyAbLe, but now it's fixed.
- Additional bug fixes and performance improvements. Added 2 HP to the shop to round the number off.
- Shureyla's Battlesong now properly appears in the Item Shop when filtering for "Ability Power" or "Mana & Regeneration"
Bugfixes/QoL Changes
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Discovered and fixed an issue that would cause players to be stuck at the "Waiting for Stats" screen instead of directing the player to their end-of-game lobby
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Fixed various rendering issues around the Match History graphs and statistics
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented players from trading champions in Champ Select
- Heartseeker Quinn's recall SFX now play properly
- Camille's W - Tactical Sweep heal now properly takes into account her outer cone bonus damage, not the inner cone damage
- Fixed a bug where Tryndamere would be able to die through his R - Undying Rage if hit with a CC ability empowered by Horizon Focus
- Bonus damage from Muramana and Ravenous Hydra's Cleave passive now properly triggers with every attack after Urgot's W - Purge is activated, not just the first attack
- Ranged champions now properly benefit from Doran's Shield's Endure and Recovery passives
- Fixed a bug where Udyr was able to trigger Tear of the Goddess' mana charge with every attack
- Fixed a bug where Runaan's Hurricane's bolts would generate additional stacks of Conqueror
- Certain champions now properly receive experience when a dragon is defeated during the time they are untargetable through an ability (Master Yi, Xayah, Zed, Kayn, Maokai, Yuumi)
- Ravenous Hydra's Cleave passive now behaves more consistently across similar abilities
- Fixed a bug where Ezreal would not trigger Runaan's Hurricane when casting Q - Mystic Shot and turning around at the same time
- Fixed a bug where if Shyvana's W - Burnout was active, Ravenous Hydra's Cleave passive would not work after the first attack
- Relic Shield's Spoils of War kills from a support now properly count towards Viktor's Passive - Glorious Evolution and Cull stacks
- Samira's R - Infernal Trigger now properly applies Ravenous Hydra's Cleave passive
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released in this patch.
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