This is a story about a boy named YasuoLEET. His air blades were clean and his lane couldn't be beat. He queued up for ranked on the last day of ladder, his skills were rad and his Yasuo was radder.

Last Day Push
This is a story about a boy named YasuoLEET
His air blades were clean and his lane couldn't be beat
He queued up for ranked on the last day of ladder,
His skills were rad and his Yasuo was radder.
He jumped into queue without much ado,
Pubstomped the enemy team through and through.
As the end of the game came into sight,
The enemy team surrendered without even a fight.
ONE GAME FROM GOLD he yelled with elation,
Good thing I finally escaped my chat probation.
Grinning with pride he queued up again,
But something was wrong much to his chagrin.
There was a Teemo in jungle,
his words anything but humble.
Dodge! He said, this Satan Yordle,
I never build QSS, even for Morde Ult!
I'll troll your game and you'll definitely lose,
Make you drink heavily and drown in your booze.
"Uh oh" YasuoLEET thought, this is definitely trouble.
My LP is dead, its grave needs a shovel.
But he locked in Yasuo, breathing in with a gulp,
Hoping someone dodged before his team was beaten to pulp.
Lo and behold, no luck was in sight
The game ensued and the loading screen came alight.
Resigned to death, his chin held up high
YasuoLEET took to the sky.
He played his brains out, the greatest in town,
While his Teemo fed, like an inter of renown.
He ignored all the flame through the hard-fought fight,
Focusing instead on his own difficult plight.
Battle and battle he fought through the day,
Until one pivotal moment where he made the worst play.
His team all died except lo and behold
The 0-15 Teemo keeping him from gold.
The enemy team had victory snug in their grasp,
As they felt the victory, alight in its bask.
They pushed towards Baron, no contest in sight.
As they powered on through, no stop to their might.
As YasuoLEET and his team watched on in dread,
Teemo threw a mushroom into the river bed.
He threw but another, hopping slowly forward.
But WAIT! These were at Baron, of which it was toward!
Impossible they thought, this will never work,
This Teemo inted, this guy is a jerk.
Baron died without much of a fight,
It was obvious in the face of their might.
Hold on a sec...they took a double take
Where is their Baron, their gold, their cake?
It was at this moment, shock set in,
As their glory faded, their victory, their win.
Teemo had stolen their Baron oh dear
It was everything that they had learned to fear.
A 0-15 Teemo with nothing to lose,
Had stolen Baron they hissed, at their jungler, they booed.
Tensions escalated, morale dropped low,
While YasuoLEET began to win, blow after blow.
After that incredible feat his team pushed their lead,
While the enemy team faltered, their advantage did bleed.
The enemy team's mental completed imploded,
And thus their nexus too exploded.
This is the day, YasuoLEET got Gold,
The last push, last day, first Legend, is told.
Based on a true story
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