Thoughts on Seraphine
Hey everyone, long time since I did a non-tier list post but wanted to add some quick thoughts on Seraphine to the mix after playing as and against her a good amount the last days. On release, many players were disappointed with her kit and considered her a Sona echo that was about as interesting...which is not really.
It's inevitable that we make comparisons to Sona when viewing her, so apologies in advance if you really love Seraphine and want her to have her own completely separate identity.
Sona Echo?
Although she initially looked like a Sona echo and has a very similar theme, she definitely doesn't play like Sona and the way you interact with her and she interacts with you is very very different. In many ways she's almost more like a Lux/Neeko with more complexity and slightly shorter range.
Her early harass is stronger, but she's still a poke-based champion and won't be able to all-in most melee engage supports without extreme danger.
Overall Strength
Seraphine is very viable once you get used to her range and combos. However, her skillshots are quite slow and easily dodgeable if you're just spamming them randomly. If you play her like Brand or Lux instead of like Sona however, you'll find that you land a lot more. The only issue is that her early game is very open to counter-attack and she has a relatively weak early all-in.
Her W is quite good in team fights but the cooldown is too long to be spammable in lane. I don't see her as anything higher than the top end of Tier 2 as it stands, even after players get used to her kit. Her ultimate can be quite good, but not notably better than comparable ults like Sona or Rakan's AOE crowd-control. It does have more potential in a straight line, but isn't any more game-breaking.
Future Longevity
Seraphine does look like a novelty champion and her popularity will wear off relatively quickly. I suspect after a few weeks players will quickly go back to their old favorite hook champions unless she gets some future buffs.
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