Can't See? Too Bad So Sad
Here's a super fun comp that specializes in annoying enemies and countering their ability to do what they want to do throughout the game. It contains a number of unorthodox picks (especially bot lane), but has the ability to cheese enemies extremely hard with surprisingly high damage output.
Check out how to play it below!
Check out how to play it below!
Check out how to play it below!
Check out how to play it below!
Check out how to play it below!
Check out how to play it below!

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: B
Crowd Control: B
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): %
Diving Power: B
Dueling Power: B
Initiation: B
Poke Power: C
Pushing Power: A
Sustain: C
Synergy: B
Waveclear: A
Early Game: B
Mid Game: A
Late Game: B
Super Late Game: B
Crowd Control: B
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): %
Diving Power: B
Dueling Power: B
Initiation: B
Poke Power: C
Pushing Power: A
Sustain: C
Synergy: B
Waveclear: A
Early Game: B
Mid Game: A
Late Game: B
Super Late Game: B
S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad
Can't See? Too Bad So Sad
Here's a super fun comp that specializes in annoying enemies and countering their ability to do what they want to do throughout the game. It contains a number of unorthodox picks (especially bot lane), but has the ability to cheese enemies extremely hard with surprisingly high damage output.
Check out how to play it below!
Quinn [Bot] - Quinn bot is so unpopular now that she's dropped off into an unorthodox pick for Weird Pick Wednesday. On the other hand, her burst damage and soloing ability is quite high and she's able to 1v1 most marksmen as a result of her blind and her burst power. Late game she has double as the sole glass cannon, but this team composition is packing an extra one for good measure.
Nocturne [Mid] - The ability to completely shroud your team in darkness allows you to kite out enemies with ease. He also provides excellent backline diving ability and initiation power. Despite his nerfs, he remains a decent pick and can roam and snowball his team mid-game.
Shaco [Support] - Formerly a weird pick met with scorn, Shaco support has gained tremendous popularity ever since his clone was changed to fear on explosion and deal AOE damage. That being said, he provides excellent anti-engage, which is valuable for a team that doesn't pack much true crowd-control and specializes in confusing enemies.
Graves [Jungler] - Graves' Smokescreen [W] is one of the most obnoxious blinds in the game, and can completely disorient enemy champions for its duration. He also allows your team to have multiple marksmen for kiting and packs an amazing amount of burst damage himself.
Mordekaiser [Top] - A solid pick in any team composition, Mordekaiser both provides front line power and also peel potential. He can perform a variety of roles depending on what strategies the enemy team is running and can either drag out the enemy front line or remove the enemy back line as needed.
Key Concepts
- Depending on the enemy team, either kite hard or dive hard.
- This team has little in the way of crowd-control, so a coordinated assault will be key or at least call outs on fight or flight.
Countering this team involves tanky champions that can dive them successfully.
Here is an example team that may succeed:
- Yasuo [Mid] - Fighting against Nocturne may not be easy during laning phase, but late game his windwall can completely shut out the enemy carries. He also synergizes well with the rest of this team.
- Olaf [Jungle] - Capable of popping Shaco boxes at will, Olaf is great for diving back line and is one of the few junglers that doesn't get completely destroyed by Graves.
- Malphite [Top] - One of the most consistent initiators in the game, Malphite provides some much needed diving power that isn't stopped by Shaco.
- Janna [Support] - Ranged poke is key to beating out this powerful anti engage bot lane. She's also great for keeping Nocturne off the back line.
- Ashe [Marksman] - Long-range poke and excellent all-in power makes Asher a perfect compliment to Janna against the shorter range no-sustain bot lane.
Overall this team is also very strong and consistent, but much less fun.
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!
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