NERFPLZ.LOL Official Patch 10.10 Notes Released! | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

May 13, 2020

Official Patch 10.10 Notes Released!

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Patch Summary

Buffs: Annie, Irelia, Nidalee, Sivir, Soraka, Twisted Fate, Udyr
Nerfs: Diana, Katarina, Kayn, Kled, Miss Fortune, Maokai, Taric

Patch Highlights

Pulsefire Lucian, Pulsefire Lucian Prestige Edition, Pulsefire Pantheon, Pulsefire Fiora, and Pulsefire Ekko will be available on May 14, 2020.

Player Behavior

Last week, we told players about our short and long term plans to address deliberate game-ruining behavior. Our proposed plans aren't meant to target those who are genuinely having a bad game, but those who decide that the game is over on their own and then spend their time trolling others instead of trying to play their best. The first of our short term plans is to adjust our Reporting and Punishment system. In 10.10, you should start to see more frequent "Instant Feedback" reports for disruptive behavior as we work on tweaking our behavioral systems.

For more context, you can visit this article.



E damage reduction increased; Tibbers Burning Aura buffed

We’re hop, skip, jumping to give Tibbers a buff to encourage Annie to bring him out to play more often. We’re also bringing up Molten Shield's damage reduction, which was left in a weak state after her mini-update in 9.18.

E - Molten Shield

DAMAGE REDUCTION 10/13/16/19/22%  13/17/21/25/29%

R - Summon: Tibbers

TIBBERS AURA DAMAGE 10/15/20 (+0.1 ability power)  20/30/40 (+0.12 ability power)


Base health and attack damage decreased.

Diana is a scourge for average and skilled play. While her ability to be aggressive in lane is intended, she isn't paying the appropriate cost of putting herself at risk.

Base Stats

HEALTH 594  570


E base damage increased.

For a champion that’s kept weak for everyone else because of pro play, Irelia’s finally fallen to the low end of pro. Giving her a surge in the right direction.

E - Flawless Duet

BASE DAMAGE 70/110/150/190/230  80/125/170/215/260


Passive dagger AP ratio decreased later.

On the other hand, we’ve been consistently seeing our other blade gal on the higher end of balance, so we’re pulling back on her AP ratios. Katarina will need to be more razor sharp and have the AP to burst her enemies down.

Passive - Voracity

DAGGER DAMAGE RATIO 0.55/0.70/0.85/1.0 ability power  0.55/0.66/0.77/0.88 ability power


Passive Rhaast heal decreased.

While Assassin form seems to be in the right spot, Rhaast benefited a touch too much, so we’re nerfing the utility specific to that side.

Passive - The Darkin Scythe

RHAAST HEAL 34.5-43% of damage dealt (levels 1-18)  30-40% of damage dealt (levels 1-18)


Q cooldown increased.

Higher cooldowns means this fearless yordle and his less-than-fearless lizard will need to think twice before fishing for hooks in early levels.

Q - Beartrap on a Rope

COOLDOWN 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 seconds  11/10/9/8/7 seconds

Miss Fortune

W max bonus movement speed decreased.

Putting a bit less pep in this pirate queen’s step.

W - Strut

MAXIMUM BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED 60/70/80/90/100  50/60/70/80/90


Base mana decreased. Q cost increased.

Maokai is at the top of top lane, but not dramatically so. Giving him a small nerf to nip this in the bud.

Base Stats

MANA 377.28  375

Q - Bramble Smash

COST 50 mana  60 mana


Q damage ratio increased.

We're looking to bring our huntress back on the prowl, so we’re (javelin) tossing Nidalee a bone by amping up her signature spell as she scales into late game.

Q - Javelin Toss

DAMAGE RATIO 0.4 ability power (1.2 ability power maximum)  0.5 ability power (1.5 ability power maximum)


E mana restore increased.

Empowering Sivir’s mana loop to encourage players to master the art of using her shield and commanding enemies to back off.

E - Spell Shield

MANA RESTORE 80/95/110/125/140  110/120/130/140/150


Q base damage increased. W health cost reduction increased.

This Starchild’s enemies are going to be seeing stars.

Q - Starcall

BASE DAMAGE 75/110/145/180/215  85/120/155/190/225

W - Astral Infusion

HEALTH COST REDUCTION 60/70/80/90/100%  80/85/90/95/100%


Base health growth decreased. W bonus armor ratio decreased later.

We’re making Taric's survivability skew more towards his ability usage and reducing his defensive raw stats for himself and his linked ally.

Base Stats


W - Bastion

BONUS ARMOR 10/12.5/15/17.5/20% of Taric's armor  10/11/12/13/14% of Taric's armor

Twisted Fate

Base attack damage and armor increased. R mana cost decreased.

TF’s been dealt a weak hand, and he’s been getting lost in the shuffle. We’re stacking his deck by trimming some of the cost from his ult to move it back in line with his peers. We’re also bumping up his base stats to help his farming and early presence.

Base Stats

ATTACK DAMAGE 49.954  52
ARMOR 20.542  21

R - Destiny

COST 150 mana  100 mana


Base movement speed increased. Base health, mana and mana regen rounded.

This spirit walker has been walking a lonely road, since he's not performing particularly well anywhere. For someone who was historically one of the fastest champions in a foot race, he's fallen quite behind the curve. We're bumping up his base MS so he can bear down on prey, then rounding a couple other stats.

Base Stats

HEALTH 593.32  594
MANA 270.4  271
MANA REGEN 7.506  7.5

URF Balance Changes

URF returns in 10.10 on May 14! The experiment with pick-URF last year went well, with healthier engagement with the mode and with Summoner's Rift afterwards.

We believe a part of that success can be attributed to the continuous mode-specific balance changes, so you'll see more adjustments below to help keep games nice and snappy.

Happy URF-ing!

10.10 Buffs

Ashe Normal  +10% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
Caitlyn Normal  +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
Diana -5% damage dealt  Normal
Ezreal Normal  +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
Gangplank Normal  3x Silver Serpent generation
Gnar +10% damage dealt & -10% damage taken  +10% damage dealt & -15% damage taken
Janna -8% shielding  Normal
Jayce -5% damage dealt  Normal
Jinx Normal  +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
Karthus -15% damage dealt  -10% damage dealt
Lucian Normal  +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
Miss Fortune Normal  +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken\
Nidalee -5% damage taken  +10% damage dealt & -10% damage taken
Olaf Normal  -5% damage taken
Pyke -5% damage taken & -5% healing  +5% damage dealt & -10% damage taken
Rakan -10% shielding  Normal
Ryze +2% damage dealt & -10% damage taken  +5% damage dealt & -10% damage taken
Senna Normal  +10% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
Sett -5% damage taken  +10% damage dealt & -10% damage taken
Sona -5% damage dealt, -5% healing, & -5% shielding  -5% healing & -5% shielding
Talon -5% damage dealt  Normal
Vel’Koz -5% damage dealt  Normal
Vi -5% damage dealt  Normal
Xayah -12% damage dealt  -10% damage dealt

10.10 Nerfs

Alistar +5% damage dealt & -10% damage taken  +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
Annie Normal  -5% damage dealt
Corki +10% damage dealt  Normal
Elise +10% damage dealt & -10% damage taken  +5% damage dealt & -10% damage taken
Evelynn +20% damage dealt  +10% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
Illaoi +5% damage dealt & -15% damage taken  +5% damage dealt & -10% damage taken
Ivern -10% damage taken  -5% damage taken
Jax -5% damage dealt  -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
Katarina +10% damage dealt & -5% damage taken  +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
Leona -3% damage dealt % -10% damage taken  Normal
Maokai -5% damage dealt & -10% healing  -5% damage dealt, +5% damage taken, & -10% healing
Nami -10% healing  +5% damage taken & -10% healing
Ornn +10% damage dealt & -25% damage taken  +15% damage dealt & -15% damage taken
Poppy -5% damage taken  Normal
Quinn +15% damage dealt  +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
Rammus +15% damage dealt & -12% damage taken  +10% damage dealt & -12% damage taken
Rek’Sai +5% damage dealt & -20% damage taken  +10% damage dealt & -10% damage taken
Sejuani -10% damage taken  -5% damage taken
Shaco -12% damage dealt  -12% damage dealt & +10% damage taken
Sion +10% damage dealt & -15% damage taken  +10% damage dealt & -10% damage taken
Skarner Normal  -5% damage dealt
Sylas -5% damage taken  Normal
Udyr +10% damage dealt & -15% damage taken  +10% damage dealt & -10% damage taken
Urgot +15% damage dealt & -10% damage taken  +10% damage dealt & -10% damage taken
Vladimir -8% damage dealt & -5% healing  -8% damage dealt, +8% damage taken, & -5% healing
Volibear Normal  -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
Wukong -5% damage dealt  -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
Yorick -10% damage taken  -5% damage taken
Yuumi -10% damage dealt & -25% healing  -20% damage dealt & -30% healing
Zac -15% damage taken  -5% damage taken

Bugfixes/QoL Changes

  • Galio's W - Shield of Durand's passive now has new visual and sound effects
  • Dodge Penalties now accurately track penalty time between dodges (the lockout timer should now properly reset after 23 hours)
  • Zed's W - Living Shadow and R - Death Mark's shadows are no longer placed on top of each other when cast on a target in quick succession
  • Sett now properly completes the slam in his R - The Show Stopper on champion clones even as they're about to expire
  • Soraka is no longer able to permanently silence an enemy champion with E - Equinox until they die and respawn
  • Lissandra now properly creates a Frozen Thrall of Master Yi when he is killed during Q - Alpha Strike
  • Kalista is no longer able to basic attack while channeling Teleport by repeatedly inputting attack commands
  • Fiddlesticks is no longer able to walk while channeling W - Bountiful Harvest if his target goes into an Untargetable state
  • Elise is now properly able to cast E - Rappel onto targets like wards, Blast Cones, Scryer's Bloom, etc.
  • Casting Wukong's W - Warrior Trickster as the enemy champion is winding up an empowered basic attack does not cause them to lose control of their character
  • Shaco's R - Hallucinate's clone now properly does 60% of Shaco's damage from items with on-hit effects

Upcoming Skins & Chromas

The following skins will be released in this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash art!

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