NERFPLZ.LOL Weird Picks #129: Support Sett | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Apr 29, 2020

Weird Picks #129: Support Sett

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Guide to Playing Sett Support

Here's a new pick that's been popping up all over the Rift lately, so much so that support has become Sett's most picked role. It's certainly interesting, but is it good? Omnistone is also a fascinating choice that may not be super optimal but definitely the best choice in the trees that make him viable.

Check out the details on runes and builds below!

Sett Support Guide

Guide to Playing Sett Support

Here's a new pick that's been popping up all over the Rift lately, so much so that support has become Sett's most picked role. It's certainly interesting, but is it good? Omnistone is also a fascinating choice that may not be super optimal but definitely the best choice in the trees that make him viable.

Check out the details on runes and builds below!

How to Play
Abilities: E, Q, W then prioritize R > W > E > Q

Summoner Spells: Flash + Ignite

Starting Items: Steel Shoulderguards + Health Potions

Strategy: Poke with Q, E and autos; watch out for jungle ganks and try to avoid pushing too hard.

Core Items: Pauldrons of Whiterock, Ninja Tabi, Dead Man's Plate, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Knight's Vow, Randuin's Omen

Rune Setup

Primary: Omnistone, Hextech Flashtraption, Future's Market, Time Warp Tonic
Secondary: Nimbus Cloak, Celerity

How It Works

Minor Rune Trifecta
Three of the minor runes available from Inspiration and Sorcery are really what makes Sett work: Hexflash, Nimbus Cloak, and Celerity. In combination, they give Sett extremely strong engaging and sticking power. This grants him superb engagement potential and CC potential.

Omnistone Fast Resets
Sett as a whole can reliably proc every keystone in the game. He also gains the extra bonus of the reduced cooldown available to melee champions, giving him excellent synergy with the cooldown at a 5-3 second cooldown rather than a guaranteed one on a much longer CD.

Overall Strong Engagement Power
As long as Sett can get into the enemy team he's quite a strong engager. He's not going to be 1v5 soloing teams, but as a whole he does offer excellent engagement potential as a support when you combine him with Flash (and Hexflash).

Potential Pitfalls

One-Trick Pony
Sett is an all-in engage support with no secondary potential. This means that when you go in, it's necessary that your team follows up on your engagement. If they don't follow-up, you're a sitting duck pounding away in the hopes of survival.

Inconsistent Abilities
Hexflash is great as long as your timing is good and you can engage on a priority target. However, it's still a channeled spell with a low range. This gives you a small margin for error and means that you need to plan out and be careful with how you engage, even with the speed boost from Nimbus Cloak. When you combine this with Omnistone's somewhat random nature, Sett supports players must be very adaptive to each specific situation.

Countering Sett Support

Countering Sett mostly involves some sort of crowd-control or kiting ability. As long as he doesn't get deep within your team he's mostly useless as a support.


Sett support definitely has a lot of potential in coordinated team compositions and the fact that he can use all the runes effectively means that he can consistently proc his keystones more often than other champions. However, this pick is really mostly played for the engagement ability that he has with the three minor keystones combined and thus needs a team capable of paying attention and following up.

Suggested Tier: Tier 2

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