Check out the latest Patch 9.24 notes below! We're looking at big nerfs on the Conqueror rune, which means anticipate some shifts shortly all around considering the state of conqueror this last patch. Meanwhile, Diana's hotly anticipated rework is going live coupled with some quality of life buffs for Omnistone. Whether it'll be enough to give it some play time is still to be seen, but we'll see how this plays out. Be sure to scroll down for a quick summary and full notes below!Summary
Buffs: Amumu, Braum, Diana, Karma, Rammus, SivirNerfs: Akali, Garen, Kassadin, Ryze, Senna, Yuumi
Patch 9.24 notes
Hello friends! It's the last patch of the year!
As with most patches following a huge shakedown like Preseason, we have a lot of changes and tweaks in this patch after assessing some of the initial data and your general feedback. We've also already adjusted the knobs on the some of the new drakes, monsters, and pacing components of the game in 9.23 that we're including again here in case you missed it. And while this is technically the last patch of the year, you may see an end-of-year "9.24b" balance patch (a patch with no skins or features) based off of how the game is in a couple of weeks. There'll be a separate set of patch notes for that, so keep an eye out!
Before we go, make sure to hold on to your poison because everyone's new favorite edgy boy (and his sister), Aphelios joins the Rift in 9.24! Following her Lunari brethren's release, Diana is also getting an overhaul to her kit, VFX, SFX, and ability icons to exude more of the moonly glow of her people.
Last, but not least, Poro King is back for a limited time! Get your snowballs ready for more fun with everyone's favorite royal fluffball.
Take this portal if you're looking for TFT's patch notes!

Patch Highlights

Dawnbringer Soraka, Nidalee, and Karma, and Nightbringer Aphelios, Vladimir, Lee Sin, and Soraka will be available on December 12, 2019. Sugar Rush Ziggs, Zilean, Braum, and Evelynn will be available on December 17, 2019.

The Weapon of the Faithful
Aphelios and Alune will find victory in the whispers of the moon in 9.24.
High-res versions of Aphelios' splash arts are available on League Displays!

Removed the hitbox behind Akali so her Q only goes forward; Q minion and monster damage decreased.
This is a pro-facing specific change we're making since many pro players use this uniquely shaped hitbox to waveclear optimally, while most other players have a hard time accessing and utilizing it properly.
Q - Five Point Strike
REMOVEDHITBOXRemoved the hitbox behind her
RANK 5 MINION AND MONSTER DAMAGE33% bonus magic damage ⇒ 25% bonus magic damage

Q cooldown decreased early.
Sad mummy is due for a buff given his state post-Preseason.
Q - Bandage Toss
COOLDOWN12/11/10/9/8 seconds ⇒ 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds

Base health per level and health regen increased. W cooldown decreased, cost flattened, resistance ratios to ally and self flattened. R base damage increased later, knockup now lasts longer.
Braum is a warden—a tanky champion that excels at protecting their allies. Most wardens are great at dealing with melee enemies that try to dive their backline, but bad at dealing with ranged opponents because of their limited range and mobility. However, Braum is an exception to this generalization due to his E, which makes him uniquely good at dealing with ranged threats as well.
We don't want to remove the very thing that makes Braum unique, so we're leaning harder into it while lowering his ability to deal with melee champions relative to other wardens. This should then allow us to also buff him in other ways without having him stay as a default, safe pick in pro play.
Base Stats
W - Stand Behind Me
COOLDOWN14/13/12/11/10 seconds ⇒ 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
COST50/55/60/65/70 mana ⇒ 40 mana at all ranks
RESISTANCES TO ALLY10/14/18/22/26 (+10/11.5/13/14.5/16% bonus resistances) ⇒ 10/14/18/22/26 (+12% bonus resistances)
RESISTANCES TO SELF10/14/18/22/26 (+10/11.5/13/14.5/16% bonus resistances) ⇒ 10/14/18/22/26 (+36% bonus resistances)
R - Glacial Fissure
BASE DAMAGE150/250/350 ⇒ 150/300/450
TARGET KNOCKUP0.25 seconds for those hit in the fissure, general knock up for those in close vicinity ⇒ 1-1.5 seconds at all ranks based on distance from Braum for the first target hit in the fissure, every other target hit or within close vicinity is knocked up for 0.25 seconds

VFX and SFX updated. Lunar Rush and Moonfall now switched keys. Passive now grants attack speed.
Some of you may already know that we've been working on changing up Diana's kit for awhile now. As promised, we've made some changes aimed at helping Diana’s pre-level-6 lane, and making both the playing as and against Diana experiences less of a feast or famine. By giving her access to Lunar Rush as a basic ability, we're unlocking one of Diana's core mechanics earlier and in the laning phase, allowing her to fight against and interact with enemies before she hits level 6. The change also allows her to effectively gank early as a jungler too, which is a massive increase to her effectiveness in that role.
Additionally, Diana's new ultimate now significantly opens her up to more options as the game progresses, giving her both teamfight and skirmish capabilities that were previously inaccessible to her. This also adds a lot of variety to how she approaches fights, so her goal isn't always to nuke a single person with a full combo.
Overall, the goal of these changes was to preserve what people loved about Diana while giving her both the tools and the variety that champions should have. We want Diana players to be comfortable with what they already know, but with a kit that may be more fun and rewarding for new Diana players as well.
VFX Updates
ABILITY ICONSBrand new ability icons to bring it up to modern standards
ABILITY VFXTouched up the VFX of all her abilities, including a brand new VFX for her ultimate and better visuals on her passive
ABILITY SFXTouched up all the SFX of all her abilities, most notably the shield and her dashes, as well as brand new SFX for her ultimate and passive
Base Stats
MANA372 ⇒ 420
ATTACK DAMAGE53.04 ⇒ 57.04
Passive - Moonsilver Blade
NEWMOON PRISM POWERGain 10-40% attack speed (levels 1-18)
INNATECasting an ability grants Diana 30-90% attack speed (based on Moonfall's rank) for her next three basic attacks ⇒ Casting an ability triples the attack speed Diana gains from Moonsilver Blade for 3 seconds
SERENITY NOWEvery third strike cleaves nearby enemies for 20-250 (levels 1-18) (+0.8 ability power) additional magic damage and restores (+0.15 ability power) mana. ⇒ Every third strike cleaves nearby enemies for 20-250 (+0.4 ability power) additional magic damage
Q - Crescent Strike
COST55 ⇒ 50
W - Pale Cascade
COOLDOWN10 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 15/13.5/12/10.5/9 seconds
BASE SHIELD40/55/70/85/100 (total shield 80/110/140/170/200) ⇒ 30/45/60/75/90 (total shield 60/90/120/150/180)
ORB DAMAGE RATIO0.2 ability power (total 0.6 ability power) ⇒ 0.15 ability power (total 0.45 ability power)
NEWSHIELD RATIO0.1 bonus health (total 0.2 bonus health)
NEWE - Lunar Rush
Diana's old ultimate!
COOLDOWN25/20/15 seconds ⇒ 22/20/18/16/14 seconds
COST50/65/80 mana ⇒ 40/45/50/55/60 mana
DAMAGE100/160/220 ⇒ 40/60/80/100/120
DAMAGE RATIO0.6 ability power ⇒ 0.4 ability power
NEWR - Moonfall
Diana's old E!
COOLDOWN26/24/22/20/18 seconds ⇒ 100/90/80 seconds
COST70 mana ⇒ 100 mana
SLOW35/40/45/50/55% ⇒ 40/50/60%
NEWMOON LANDINGIf Diana pulls in one or more enemy champions, the moonlight crashes down onto her after 1 second, dealing 200/300/400 (+0.6 ability power) magic damage in an area around her, increased by 35/60/85 (+0.15 ability power) for each target beyond the first pulled

Additional E spins and spin damage decreased.
Garen is one of the biggest winners from the Conqueror changes, climbing well above our acceptable limits. As a result, builds relying on attack speed are dominating his itemization choices. While we wanted attack speed builds to be viable, we don't want glass cannon Garen to be the only Garen people build, so we're targeting that specific approach to increase build diversity.
E - Judgment
NUMBER OF SPINS7 (+1 spin per 20% attack speed) ⇒ 7 (+1 spin per 25% attack speed)
SPIN DAMAGE4/8/12/16/20 (+0-8.2 based on level) (+0.32-0.4 attack damage) ⇒ 4/8/12/16/20 (+0-6.6 based on level) (+0.32-0.4 attack damage)

E base shield increased.
We're buffing Karma in a way that those who build more supportive items on her will appreciate.
E - Inspire
BASE SHIELD70/95/120/145/170 ⇒ 80/110/140/170/200

Q cooldown now scales. W mana restore decreased later.
Kassadin is too strong at the moment, being good at both surviving lane and plowing through teamfights.
Q - Null Sphere
COOLDOWN9 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 11/10.5/10/9.5/9 seconds
W - Nether Blade
MANA RESTORE4/5/6/7/8% of missing mana ⇒ 4/4.5/5/5.5/6% of missing mana (quintupled on champions)

Base health growth increased. E cooldown now scales.
Raising Rammus' influence in mid-game teamfights and his late game durability.
Base Stats
E - Frenzying Taunt
COOLDOWN12 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds

Q base damage decreased.
Ryze's early damage and waveclear are too high for a scaling mage. We're also nerfing his best-performing rune (Conqueror), so some might call this the Riot special, but he deserved this change based on his Phase Rush performance as well.
Q - Overload
BASE DAMAGE80/105/130/155/180 ⇒ 65/90/115/140/165

Recommended items updated. Passive Mist Wraiths drop less often on minions Senna kills and no longer drop from champion clones. Q damage and W root duration decreased. R damage ratio increased.
Senna is too powerful as both a support and ADC, but Senna in the latter role is especially strong. We're nerfing her this patch in ways that will affect both roles, but should affect her ADC role more. Specifically, we're targeting her safety, her poke and waveclear, and the amount of souls she gets in a game. All these changes should amount to non-overwhelming Senna, regardless of what role she's in.
ITEMSRecommended items have been updated
Base Stats
Passive - Absolution
MIST WRAITH DROP CHANCE5.55% on minions Senna kills ⇒ 1.67% on minions Senna kills
REMOVEDPOOR UNFORTUNATE SOULSChampion clones no longer drop Mist Wraiths
BUGFIXAllied Bard can no longer kill Mist Wraiths with his Q
Q - Piercing Darkness
DAMAGE50/80/110/140/170 (+0.5 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.4 bonus attack damage)
W - Last Embrace
ROOT DURATION1.45/1.65/1.85/2.05/2.25 seconds ⇒ 1.25/1.50/1.75/2/2.25 seconds
R - Dawning Shadow
DAMAGE RATIO0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.5 ability power

Passive restores mana once again. Q cost increased, damage decreased. Yuumi no longer teleports with her Anchor. E now grants attack speed, no longer stocks charges, and costs much more mana.
We're encouraging Yuumi to be the enchanter she was meant to be by buffing her supportive capabilities at the cost of damage (and that means Summon: Aery is a lot more optimal on her, not Arcane Comet). However, to access all her power, she'll have to sit on squishier champions instead of being an untargetable damage source on top of an already unkillable champion, like Garen. We're also asking her to sometimes expose herself to real danger by allowing attentive opponents to have actual kill threat on an unattached Yuumi.
And seriously, we have the data. Yuumi is a really weird case where taking the wrong rune is negatively and drastically causing people to think she is worse than she actually is. Please take Aery instead of Comet!
Passive - Bop 'n' Block
NEWBACK TO THE OGNow restores 50-160 (levels 1-18) mana
BASE SHIELD50-300 (levels 1-18) ⇒ 60-400 (levels 1-18)
Q - Prowling Projectile
COST75/80/85/90/95/100 mana ⇒ 85/90/95/100/105/110 mana
DAMAGE RATIO0.45 ability power ⇒ 0.3 ability power
EMPOWERED DAMAGE50/85/120/155/190/225 (+0.65 ability power) ⇒ 50/95/140/185/230/275 (+0.4 ability power)
MISSILE DURATION3 seconds ⇒ 2 seconds
W - You and Me!
NEWCHANNELNow has a channel time of 0.25 seconds when attaching from an unattached state
REMOVEDLEAVE MEYuumi no longer teleports with her Anchor when attached
NEWSURPRISED ELECTRIC RAT FACEImmobilizing Yuumi places this ability on a 5 second cooldown
UPDATEDADAPTIVE FORCEYuumi and her ally grant each other 5/7/9/11/13 adaptive force (+4/7/10/13/16% of their respective adaptive force ⇒ Yuumi increases her ally's adaptive force by 12/14/16/18/20 (+12/14/16/18/20% of her attached ally's adaptive force) (Yuumi grants herself the same amount)
E - Zoomies
NEWATTACK ZOOMSGrants 25/30/35/40/45% attack speed to herself or the Anchored target
REMOVEDPASSIVENo longer stocks charges
REMOVEDINCREASED HEALNo longer increases Yuumi's healing based on the target's missing health
HEAL30/40/50/60/70 (+0.1 ability power) ⇒ 70/110/150/190/230 (+0.3 ability power)
COOLDOWN18/17/16/15/14 seconds ⇒ 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
COST30/40/50/60/70 mana ⇒ 100/115/130/145/160 mana
MOVEMENT SPEED25%, decays over time ⇒ 15%, no longer decays over time
DURATION2 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds
VFX Updates

We improved gameplay readability on Lux's abilities while bringing them up to today's standards. Also, more rainbows!
BASIC ATTACKCleaned up the missile and impact
Q - LIGHT BINDINGAdded a subtle effect to better show the width of the missile, sparkles, and rainbows
W - PRISMATIC BARRIERCleaned up and added a subtle missile width indicator for when it goes out
E - LUCENT SINGULARITYCompletely revamped and cleaned up the charge and explosion effects
R - FINAL SPARKCompletely overhauled with indicator lines on both sides to show the actual width of the beam and a line at the end to show the actual range
IDLE EFFECTSCleaned up and improved the staff effects when Lux is idle
ALL SKINSCleaned up and made to match the base kit changes
STEEL LEGION LUXCleaned up the lightning effects on Q's missile, E's explosion, and R's beam

Buff duration decreased. Heal for ranged champions decreased.
Conqueror is overperforming on a number of ranged champions, and is slightly too strong in general. We're making it last a shorter period of time, which hits ranged champions more since they're able to take full advantage of the long duration in lane, as well as directly nerfing the healing for ranged champions.
DURATION8 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds
HEALRanged champions now heal for 15% ⇒ 8% of damage dealt

Prototype: Omnistone
We've adjusted Omnistone to be a little bit smarter at giving you the right Keystone at the right time. Below are some guidelines you can count on when taking Prototype: Omnistone.
WARDEDNow tells you how much damage it has dealt and how many buffs it has granted. Buffs include: Lethal Tempo's attack speed, Fleet Footwork's Haste, Press the Attack's Vulnerable, Conqueror's Enrage, Hail of Blades' attack speed, Predator's Haste, Phase Rush's Haste, Summon Aery's shield, Aftershock's resistances, or Glacial Augment's slow
PREDATORMore likely to get Predator when not near enemy champions, and less likely to get it when in combat with nearby enemy champions
DARK HARVESTMore likely to get Dark Harvest when near low health enemy champions
HAIL OF BLADESMore likely to get Hail of Blades when near low health enemy champions and building attack speed or attack damage
CONQUERORMore likely to get Conqueror when both you and enemies have high health (increased chance if you're a melee champion)
FLEET FOOTWORKMore likely to get Fleet Footwork if you are low health and below level 9
GLACIAL AUGMENTMore likely to get Glacial Augment if you have a Glacial item off cooldown
SUMMON AERYMore likely to get Summon Aery when you have healing/shielding power and are near a low health ally who is in combat
ICYMI: Preseason Follow-up Changes
These were all documented as mid-patch updates for 9.23, but we wanted to include them in case you missed them!
BASE HEALTH491 ⇒ 500
BASE MANA360.6 ⇒ 375
BASE MANA REGEN8.092 per 5 seconds ⇒ 8.5 per 5 seconds
Q - MYSTIC SHOT BASE DAMAGE15/40/65/90/115 ⇒ 20/45/70/95/120
Prototype: Omnistone
COOLDOWN8-4 seconds for melee champions, 12-8 seconds for ranged champions ⇒ 7-3 seconds for melee champions, 11-7 seconds for ranged champions
Death's Dance
BUGFIXDeath's Dance passive will no longer infinitely proc Infernal Soul explosions (Summon Aery will also no longer infinitely proc from said explosions)
Sanguine Blade
BLOOD PURSUIT ATTACK SPEED40-100% (levels 1-18) ⇒ 20-80% (levels 1-18)
TOTAL COST3000g ⇒ 3100g (combine cost increased by 100)
OCEAN DRAKE HEAL5% ⇒ 3% of missing health per 5 seconds
DRAKE KILL GOLD100g ⇒ 25g (change does not include Elder Dragon)
Elder Dragon
EXECUTE DAMAGE CALCULATIONElder Dragon's Immolation now properly calculates its 20% health execute threshold with resistances accounted for
Rift Herald
An early Rift Herald's charge damage currently feels underwhelming (usually less than 2 Turret Plates' worth of damage) and not all that worth fighting over. We're increasing Rift Herald's early damage so she's considered more of a high value get in the early game, but without boosting the second Herald's damage.
BASE DAMAGE1500 ⇒ 2000
PLATE GOLD160g ⇒ 120g
Elemental Rift Appearance
TINT ADJUSTMENTReduced the intensity of the map-wide tint for Infernal and Ocean Rifts' ground and Fog of War
INFERNAL RIFTMore clearly defined the terrain, improved gameplay clarity, and polished the texture of the map
MOUNTAIN RIFTMore clearly defined the terrain, improved gameplay clarity, and polished the texture of the map
ALCOVESImproved gameplay clarity and polished the textures
The Return of the Poro King
Hold onto your biscuits! We're bringing back the regal and time-honored Poro King from his vacation on the shores of the fabled Ursine Lands and returning him to the Howling Abyss, where he'll help you earn glorious victory! Have fun with the giant furball until January 13, 2020 at 11:59 PM PT.
A quick TL;DR on one of our most dashing game modes: Summon the almighty Poro King with the help of your teammates by flinging poros, snowball-style, until you've hit ten targets. Once you do, the King will help push enemy towers, periodically heal you, and allow you to return to his side at any time. We’ve also got some QoL changes and updates from the last time the Poro King arose from his slumber.
PORO SNAXNew Nightbringer and Dawnbringer Poro Snax are now available and will power up the King in different ways
RANDOM PICKPoro King now uses the same random champion select process as ARAM
PROGRESS TRACKERFeaturing a new UI to track your progress toward summoning the King
BIRDS OF A FEATHERAll ARAM-specific champion, item, and rune changes also apply to Poro King
ARAM Balance Changes
As mentioned above, every change that's applied to ARAM—be it a champion, item, or rune change—will also apply to Poro King!
9.24 Buffs
KARTHUS-6% damage dealt ⇒ Normal
KAYLE-6% damage dealt & +6% damage taken ⇒ +6% damage taken
KENNENNormal ⇒ -5% damage taken
OLAFNormal ⇒ -5% damage taken
PYKENormal ⇒ +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
RENEKTONNormal ⇒ -5% damage taken
SION-8% damage dealt & +10% damage taken ⇒ -8% damage dealt & +8% damage taken
ZYRA-8% damage dealt & +8% damage taken ⇒ -6% damage dealt & +6% damage taken
9.24 Nerfs
CAMILLE+8% damage dealt & -8% damage taken ⇒ +6% damage dealt & -6% damage taken
JAYCE+5% damage dealt ⇒ Normal
JHIN-8% damage dealt ⇒ -10% damage dealt
KASSADIN-5% damage taken ⇒ Normal
KHA'ZIX+8% damage dealt & -10% damage taken ⇒ +8% damage dealt & -8% damage taken
LEONANormal ⇒ +5% damage taken
NAUTILUS+5% damage taken ⇒ +8% damage taken
NOCTURNE+10% damage dealt & -12% damage taken ⇒ +8% damage dealt & -8% damage taken
QIYANA+12% damage dealt & -10% damage taken ⇒ +8% damage dealt & -8% damage taken
RYZE+8% damage dealt & -5% damage taken ⇒ +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
UDYR+10% damage dealt & -10% damage taken ⇒ +8% damage dealt & -8% damage taken
YORICK-5% damage dealt ⇒ -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
ZAC+5% damage dealt & -8% damage taken ⇒ +5% damage dealt
PRESENCE OF MIND20% mana restore, increase max mana by 100 per kill, increase max energy by 10 per kill ⇒ 10% mana restore, increase max mana by 50 per kill, increase max energy by 5 per kill (maximum mana and energy remains at 500 and 50, respectively)
SLOW DOWN SUPERMANSuper minions no longer have extra movement speed
REMOVEDSPEAR OF SHOJINSpear of Shojin has been properly removed from ARAM
Duplicate Username Changes
We're starting the transition from League of Legends accounts to Riot Accounts that'll cover League and future Riot games (more on the support page here). All usernames (NOT Summoner Names) have to be unique, regardless of server. This rule applies to new accounts, too. We know that these sorts of changes are never fun, but they are necessary to help update and improve Riot’s account system to support new games.
If your account shares a username with an account in another region (including PBE), you should've already received a heads-up email (there are still some being sent out, so keep an eye out). Starting soon, you'll also see a dismissable pop-up when you log in, letting you know you'll need to pick a new username. Early next year, that pop-up will no longer be dismissable. When that happens, you'll have to change your username before you can play League.
Here are a few tips:
WHAT HAPPENS IF...If your account doesn't have a unique username when we fully move to Riot Accounts in February, you won't be able to log into the client at all and will need to go through the website if you want to log in.
I COPIED MYSELFIf your username is listed multiple times in the list of accounts we emailed you, change the usernames of all your accounts except the one you want to keep your username on. Then try logging into that account. If you don't see the pop-up, congrats—the name's yours! If you still see the pop-up, a player in a different region shares your username and you'll need to pick a new one before the pop-up becomes permanent in January.
WHO COPIED MEIf your username is only listed once on the list of accounts we emailed you, that means a player in a different region shares your username. You'll need to pick a new one before the pop-up becomes permanent in January.
- Only True Damage Ekko and his allies can see his moonwalk animation
- Elder Dragon Soul empowered champions can no longer execute champions with passives that make them untargetable with abilities (ex. Zac's Passive - Cell Division, Anivia's Passive - Rebirth)
- Teemo's E - Toxic Shot now properly procs Dark Harvest
- Pets' attacks now properly apply The Aspect of the Dragon from Elder Dragon (ex. Zyra's plants, Shaco's boxes, Heimerdinger's turrets)
- Champions with Presence of Mind now properly get the amount of mana and energy as stated in its tooltip
- Killing Drakes with Shaco's R - Hallucinate will not affect how Souls are granted, impact the type of drakes that spawn, or block Elder Dragons from spawning
- When ordering champions in Champion Select by Favorites, favorited champions will now properly be at the top
- Darius now does not heal from Q - Decimate when hitting spell-shielded enemies with his axe's handle
Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash art!
The following chromas will be released this patch:
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