NERFPLZ.LOL Klepto Miss Fortune CRAZY Trading Power - FOTM Guide | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Oct 31, 2019

Klepto Miss Fortune CRAZY Trading Power - FOTM Guide

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Klepto Miss Fortune Strategy

Guide to Playing Klepto Miss Fortune

Below is a guide on how to play Klepto Miss Fortune. We'll talk about how to play it, the rune set up, the item build, the strengths of Klepto Miss Fortune, the drawbacks of Klepto Miss Fortune and how to counter it.

Miss Fortune has long been overlooked and set aside for other champions with more mobility or experiences more pro level play. Her utility is low and her only real benefit is the sheer amount of damage she dishes. However, in solo queue her high consistency is excellent for climbing the ranks.

She's currently still the least played "mainstream" marksman in the current meta, but her strength is incredibly high and really should be picked more often by any serious climber.

Check out the details below!

Klepto Miss Fortune Guide

Guide to Playing Klepto Miss Fortune

Below is a guide on how to play Klepto Miss Fortune. We'll talk about how to play it, the rune set up, the item build, the strengths of Klepto Miss Fortune, the drawbacks of Klepto Miss Fortune and how to counter it.

Miss Fortune has long been overlooked and set aside for other champions with more mobility or experiences more pro level play. Her utility is low and her only real benefit is the sheer amount of damage she dishes. However, in solo queue her high consistency is excellent for climbing the ranks.

She's currently still the least played "mainstream" marksman in the current meta, but her strength is incredibly high and really should be picked more often by any serious climber.

Check out the details below!

How to Play
Abilities: W, Q, Q, E then prioritize R > Q > W > E
Summoner Spells: Flash + Heal
Starting Items: Doran Blade + Health Potion
Core Items: Essence Reaver, Berserker's Greaves, Infinity Edge, Rapid Firecannon, Bloodthirster, Guardian Angel

What Runes for Klepto Miss Fortune?

Inspiration: Kleptomancy Keystone | Magical Footwear | Biscuit Delivery | Cosmic Insight
Precision: Presence of Mind | Legend:Bloodline

What Makes Kleptomancy Miss Fortune Strong?

Powerful Early Game Trading
By picking up her W at level one, Miss Fortune instantly gains both a steroid to run down enemies and also a steroid to out-trade pretty much anyone (while in the minion wave). She'll still lose to an isolated Kai'Sa and potentially Lucian, but otherwise she can generally hit W and proc two quick auto attacks for Klepto gold continuously during the early game.

Powerful Mid-Laning Phase Zoning

Depending on the strength of the two supports in lane, Miss Fortune won't be able to just snap auto-attacks for quick Klepto procs. However, her double-up [Q] also procs Klepto. This allows her to poke safely from a distance while still raining down incredible amounts of damage on the enemy team. With any luck, you'll have asserted dominance from level one and be able to zone enemies off minion waves.

Pure Damage Stacking
Damage items are fairly expensive for marksmen. However, Miss Fortune's built-in steroid means she only really needs one zeal item and can stack full damage outside of this. This allows her to trade in short bursts effectively due to her love taps and auto-resets. By doing so, this limits the amount of time she has to spend kiting and reduces the danger of getting hit by enemy attacks in their effective range.

What Weaknesses does Klepto Miss Fortune Have?

Needs to Bully
If enemy laners are playing carefully levels 1-3, Miss Fortune won't have a health advantage. She may have a bit of gold advantage, but once enemy laners hit level 3, most can out-trade her when nobody has items due to a stronger keystone.

Weak Late Game
At max items, this version of Miss Fortune will be considerably weaker than Press the Attack Miss Fortune. While she can reliably proc Klepto during laning phase for a gold advantage, she still falls off greatly if her team doesn't close out the game sooner than later. Her lack of survival skills also hinders her once assassins and tanks come online.

Countering Klepto Miss Fortune

Countering Klepto Miss Fortune is comprised of staying out of her range and avoiding early trades with her if at all possible. Avoiding standing behind minions is also very helpful to avoid getting double-uped. Ashe will perform well in this sense, as would Lucian if you're coupled with an aggressive support.


Klepto Miss Fortune is very underrated and players are definitely sleeping on her for solo queue purposes. In professional play her kit is to predictable to be used but in solo queue she's almost free LP if you play her well.

Suggested Tier: High Tier 1/God Tier

What do you think about this pick? Fancy trying it out? Comment below!

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