NERFPLZ.LOL Warwick Mid Strategy Guide - Weird Picks #122 | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Sep 18, 2019

Warwick Mid Strategy Guide - Weird Picks #122

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Warwick Mid Strategy

Guide to Playing Warwick Mid

Below is a guide on how to play Warwick Mid. We'll talk about how to play him, the rune set up, the item build, how Warwick Mid works, the drawbacks of Warwick Mid and how to counter it.

Here's an oddball pick where I'm still not sure if the player was totally sane of mind when he did it, but surprisingly not only did it work well, he actually carried a game with it. Warwick is rarely played nowadays, even in the jungle, so Warwick is a weird pick to begin with. When you start talking about him as a mid-laner...well that's when people start looking at you funny. Does this actually work though? Check out how to play him below!

Warwick Mid Guide

Guide to Playing Warwick Mid

Below is a guide on how to play Warwick Mid. We'll talk about how to play him, the rune set up, the item build, how Warwick Mid works, the drawbacks of Warwick Mid and how to counter it.

Here's an oddball pick where I'm still not sure if the player was totally sane of mind when he did it, but surprisingly not only did it work well, he actually carried a game with it. Warwick is rarely played nowadays, even in the jungle, so Warwick is a weird pick to begin with. When you start talking about him as a mid-laner...well that's when people start looking at you funny. Does this actually work though?

Check out the details below!

Warwick Mid Table of Contents:

  1. How to Play Warwick Mid
  2. Warwick Mid Rune Setup
  3. How Warwick Mid Works
  4. Potential Pitfalls of Warwick Mid
  5. Countering Warwick Mid

How to Play
Abilities: Q, E, W then prioritize R > Q > W > E
Summoner Spells: Flash + Teleport
Starting Items: [Doran Blade + Health Potion] or [Corrupting Potion]
Core Items: Titanic Hydra (Keep as Tiamat for a while), Mercury's Treads, Spirit Visage,Trinity Force, Wit's End, Sterak's Gage

Rune Setup

How It Works

Incredibly Good Gank Support
As strong as Warwick is as a ganker, he does just as well as a supporting ganker. His gap-closer and crowd-control gives him very good all-in potential and allows him to hold down enemies while his jungler joins in as well. After level six, he's almost guaranteed to kill the enemy laner.

Powerful Sustain

Warwick's passive sustain is incredibly good for staying in lane. When you couple this with an early Corrupting Potion or Doran's Blade and Teleport, he's basically impossible to remove from lane no matter how much poke damage you're dropping on him.

Insane Roaming Power
Warwick's ability to push won't be very high until he picks up Tiamat, but the moment he does, he gains the ability to clear waves and threaten side lanes with his Blood Hunt. His movement speed is even faster than Taliyah's, which allows him to move through the river rapidly to take down his targets.

Strong Against Melee
Although he's not the best duelist, Warwick can hold his own against champions that prey on squishies. Enemies like Yasuo and Irelia will have trouble cheesing him with his lack of skill shots, which keeps them from snowballing freely.

Potential Pitfalls

Easily Poked
Although Warwick's sustain is enough to make up for the majority of poke damage, he'll likely still be taking a lot in lane. He's also lacking in ranged spells to help him CS without moving up, which means he'll be taking a lot more than other traditional melee champions like Zed or Kassadin.

No Ranged Damage
Warwick mid lacks a lot of the power that you've come to expect from ranged champions when it comes to well...ranged. This means that picking up Warwick mid may work if you need a front line, but generally speaking won't be the optimal pick.

Countering Warwick Mid

Beating Warwick mid is generally less about what champion you pick and more about understanding his kill potential and avoiding the all-in cheese. By maintaining your distance and being cautious when he starts going aggressive, you can avoid getting CC'd from 100 to death.


Warwick Mid is a pick that does surprisingly well considering it's the mid lane. On the other hand, I can't think of a scenario where you'd want to pick him as a mid laner over any other meta champion. If you're really interested in this playstyle, I'd recommend Nocturne mid instead!

Suggested Tier: Low Tier 3

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