NERFPLZ.LOL FOTM Report: Pantheon Rework Goes Mainstream | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Sep 1, 2019

FOTM Report: Pantheon Rework Goes Mainstream

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Pantheon Guide

Pantheon Gets Good

Directly after the release of Pantheon's rework, most players considered him subpar if not downright bad. However, with a minor change to his Comet Spear [Q], Pantheon is now one of the most feared top lane bullies in the game (again). By boosting his thrust damage, players now get access to massive execute damage on a nearly instantaneous AOE skill.

When you combine this with the bonus perks from his newly reworked kit, Pantheon has become a force to be reckoned with.

Check out how players are using him below!

Pantheon Guide

Pantheon Gets Good

Directly after the release of Pantheon's rework, most players considered him subpar if not downright bad. However, with a minor change to his Comet Spear [Q], Pantheon is now one of the most feared top lane bullies in the game (again). By boosting his thrust damage, players now get access to massive execute damage on a nearly instantaneous AOE skill.

When you combine this with the bonus perks from his newly reworked kit, Pantheon has become a force to be reckoned with.

Check out how players are using him below!

How to Play
Abilities: Q, E, W  then prioritize R > Q > E > W
Summoner Spells: Flash + Teleport
Starting Items: Corrupting Potion
Core Items: Youmuu's Ghostblade, Ninja Tabi, Black Cleaver, Sterak's Gage, Duskblade of Draktharr, Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel

Rune Setup

How It Works

Increased AOE Waveclear
One of Pantheon's greatest weaknesses in the past was his inability to properly clear waves. However, his newly reworked Comet Spear gives him largely the same poke damage as before but with an added bonus of clearing out minions when he does it.

Longer Range
Pantheon's modified Comet Spear gives him a lot more crowd-control with his passive active, and it also gives him a lot more killing power if the enemy manages to flash out. This offers Pantheon greatly increased execute potential.

Stronger Defense
Similar to Irelia's W, Pantheon's newly reworked Aegis Assault [E] is extremely good for blocking high bursts of damage. It's also slightly superior to his old E as a result of the minimal mobility it offers.  It has its weaknesses, but overall granting Pantheon the ability to defend against all forms of damage makes him stronger than he used to be simply by giving the option.

Potential Pitfalls

Difficulty Freezing
The new version of Pantheon is stronger purely by his kit's abilities. However, from a meta-game standpoint, he's slightly weaker since he can't hard-freeze waves anymore and batter enemies with his Q. As a result of the minion clearing AOE ability, this means Pantheon will have more trouble than before holding waves at turret and denying enemies experience and gold.

Obvious Directional Dodge
Prior to the rework, Pantheon's ultimate came down straight from the sky. This means that enemy champions might consider moving in any direction, including forwards and backwards depending on what they're thinking at the time. Pantheon's new ultimate does damage in a straight line and cuts off one angle of escape, but generally speaking that was the worst angle to begin with. This means enemies are a little more likely to move in a good position on their own.


The new version of Pantheon is quite strong now that they've given him back execute damage on his tap version of his Q. They've resolved a lot of issues that plagued old Pantheon, and overall I'd say he's incredibly strong in Patch 9.17. He wasn't very good in 9.16, but now that players understand his new kit a little better and Riot's boosted his damage, he's borderline overpowered, if not just straight overpowered.

Suggested Tier: God Tier

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