New Manamune Build?!
You may have seen this new Kai'Sa build running around lately...it certainly doesn't seem as scary as a Stormrazor, but you'll quickly find out just how terrifying this build can truly be once she gets going...
Why is this build strong and how have we just found out about it now? Check out how it works below!
Why is this build strong and how have we just found out about it now? Check out how it works below!

New Manamune Build?!
You may have seen this new Kai'Sa build running around lately...it certainly doesn't seem as scary as a Stormrazor, but you'll quickly find out just how terrifying this build can truly be once she gets going...
Why is this build strong and how have we just found out about it now? Check out how it works below!
Why is this build strong and how have we just found out about it now? Check out how it works below!
How to Play
Rune Setup

How It Works
Cheapest Q Upgrade
Kai'Sa needs 100 to 72 (based on level) in bonus attack damage to upgrade her Q. Manamune provides 35 attack damage and will scale up to 15 additional damage from mana conversions. When you combine this with the 8 AD from Doran Blade and 25 AD from a Pickaxe (that will build into Guinsoo's), this gets you to just enough for a mid-game upgrade. With manamune sitting at 2400 gold, this is considerably cheaper than her usual first item Stormrazor at 3100 or Infinity Edge at 3400.
Better Waveclear
Picking up Manamune lets Kai'Sa spam her Q in lane for waveclear during the early to mid-game, making it much easier to control waves and shove if necessary. Without tear Kai'Sa may run into certain mana issues if she's getting pressured in lane and has difficulty autoing for free.
Rageblade Phantom Hit Synergy
Once Muramana is complete, Guinsoo's phantom hit double-procs Muramana damage, allowing her to scale very strongly into the mid-to-late game despite picking up a low cost-item early.
Kai'Sa needs 100 to 72 (based on level) in bonus attack damage to upgrade her Q. Manamune provides 35 attack damage and will scale up to 15 additional damage from mana conversions. When you combine this with the 8 AD from Doran Blade and 25 AD from a Pickaxe (that will build into Guinsoo's), this gets you to just enough for a mid-game upgrade. With manamune sitting at 2400 gold, this is considerably cheaper than her usual first item Stormrazor at 3100 or Infinity Edge at 3400.
Better Waveclear
Picking up Manamune lets Kai'Sa spam her Q in lane for waveclear during the early to mid-game, making it much easier to control waves and shove if necessary. Without tear Kai'Sa may run into certain mana issues if she's getting pressured in lane and has difficulty autoing for free.
Rageblade Phantom Hit Synergy
Once Muramana is complete, Guinsoo's phantom hit double-procs Muramana damage, allowing her to scale very strongly into the mid-to-late game despite picking up a low cost-item early.
Potential Pitfalls
Lower Early Game Damage
While players tend to pick up the pickaxe component of Manamune before getting Tear, it does give Kai'Sa a brief period where she's considerably weaker than if she went a BF sword like most of her enemy laners will likely pick up.
Weaker Single Item Power Spike
This version of Kai'Sa naturally power-spikes at two items rather than one. If you're used to smashing down enemies with the early Stormrazor spike, you need to play more carefully. For players who are used to pressuring down Dragon around that time, this may end up creating some difficulties.
While players tend to pick up the pickaxe component of Manamune before getting Tear, it does give Kai'Sa a brief period where she's considerably weaker than if she went a BF sword like most of her enemy laners will likely pick up.
Weaker Single Item Power Spike
This version of Kai'Sa naturally power-spikes at two items rather than one. If you're used to smashing down enemies with the early Stormrazor spike, you need to play more carefully. For players who are used to pressuring down Dragon around that time, this may end up creating some difficulties.
When it comes to cheesy builds this isn't one that comes to mind. Even with a closer look, this is less cheese than pure gold efficiency. It may not be worthwhile for Jayce and Varus to pick up Manamune these days, but with a cheap Q upgrade, Manamune is a very worthwhile investment for Kai'Sa players.
Suggested Tier: God Tier
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