Champions on the receiving end of this team comp are no doubt going to wish they picked some more mobile champions. Even if they did, this team comp packs more than enough hard crowd-control to prevent them from moving even if they could potentially jump away.
Some players might be wondering why I put Lux mid and Veigar on to find out more, but of course it's up to your discretion which one you prefer.
AOE Damage: S |
Crowd Control: A |
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 3 |
Diving Power: A |
Dueling Power: S |
Initiation: A |
Poke Power: A |
Pushing Power: S |
Sustain: C |
Synergy: A |
Waveclear: A |
Early Game: A |
Mid Game: S |
Late Game: A |
Super Late Game: A
Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: S
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 3
Diving Power: A
Dueling Power: S
Initiation: A
Poke Power: A
Pushing Power: S
Sustain: C
Synergy: A
Waveclear: A
Early Game: A
Mid Game: S
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A
S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad
Trapped Like a Yordle
Champions on the receiving end of this team comp are no doubt going to wish they picked some more mobile champions. Even if they did, this team comp packs more than enough hard crowd-control to prevent them from moving even if they could potentially jump away.
Some players might be wondering why I put Lux mid and Veigar on to find out more, but of course it's up to your discretion which one you prefer.
Tristana [Marksman] - A pog champion with high mobility, Tristana can jump from pod to pod with ease, resetting as she dominates enemies 1v1. She also has the added benefit of being able to shoot people into Veigar's stun at level six, giving free kill potential.
Lux [Mid] - As a mid-laner, Lux has good roam and kill potential. She also has much stronger early game and 2v2 potential than Veigar. In this team comp, she can work equally well as a follow-up or as the initiating champion. Tough to kill, she makes for a great backline on a team comp with this much crowd control.
Veigar [Support] - Veigar support isn't exactly super meta right now, but it definitely works quite well. His level two power spike is especially good with Tristana, and his Event Horizon guarantees at least a flash, if not a kill. Meanwhile, as a support he has more freedom to max E second since he doesn't need to waveclear.
Jarvan IV [Jungler] - The quintessential cage champion, Jarvan brings in high crowd-control and synergizes well with Tristana as a result of his attack speed boost.
Yorick [Top] - One of the strongest top laners in the game right now, Yorick brings in a high amount of push power. Combined with Tristana, they can bulldoze entire bases on a single respawn timer.
Key Concepts
This team is extremely versatile, and the catch potential is incredibly high. Identify champions that are out of position and capitalize on that.
Make good use of Veigar's Event Horizon [E] with its 8 second cooldown at max rank/cooldown reduction and the 2.5 second AOE stun.
Countering this team most involves either higher range or more mobility.
Here is an example team that may succeed:
Ziggs [Mid] - With high range and good burst damage, Ziggs works well as a counter poke champion.
Nocturne [Jungle] - Against this many obstacles, Nocturne works well because of his ability to traverse across all of them to assassinate priority targets.
Rumble [Top] - Most champions top lane need to get up close and personal to deal damage. Rumble's ultimate allows him to zone out enemy laners or force them to fight away from the cages, allowing his team breathing room.
Sona [Support] - Her heal will allow your team to sustain through poke and her movespeed gives you more breathing room to dodge skillshots.
Ezreal [Marksman] - As one of the most mobile marksmen in the game, Ezreal also gives your team a high level of long-range poke damage.
Overall this counter team is also very strong, and specializes in poke and counter-engages.
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!
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