NERFPLZ.LOL Top 10 Spells to Steal With Sylas Ultimate | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Mar 7, 2019

Top 10 Spells to Steal With Sylas Ultimate

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Two Months Since Sylas Hit the Rift and
Players have been given an opportunity to steal pretty much every single ultimate in the game so far with his Hijack [R] skill, discovering fascinating interactions between champions like Vayne and Illaoi. What are some of the best skills to steal though? Check out our top ten picks below!

Two Months Since Sylas Hit the Rift

Players have been given an opportunity to steal pretty much every single ultimate in the game so far with his Hijack [R] skill, discovering fascinating interactions between champions like Vayne and Illaoi. What are some of the best skills to steal though? Check out our top ten picks below! 


One of the most satisfying ulitmates in the game to use happens to be one of the most satisfying to steal too. Naturally Pyke's ultimate gives Sylas huge mobility and damage, especially if he can land a reset...or two...or five.


A no-brainer, Sylas stealing Malphite ultimate is incredibly useful, especially if you're building full AP. In lane, Sylas also naturally has more priority as a result of his low cooldown spells. This means that he'll hit level six first and gain the ability to use Malphite's ult before well...Malphite.


Similar to Malphite ultimate, Amumu's ultimate is absolutely game-changing. The amount of damage it does on full AP Sylas is also quite difficult to deal with. Some people might argue that Amumu's Bandage Toss [Q] is what allows him to be effective with his close range ultimate, but Sylas tends to situate himself in similar distances from enemy teams.


Shen's main power is in his ability to split-push and teleport into a team fight whenever he's needed. Sylas takes that strength away from him. As an added bonus, Sylas shield is generally going to be much bigger than Shen's simply as a result of the ability power he builds.


Mordekaiser's ultimate isn't only useful for taking enemy champions's souls, but it can also be used to secure a Dragon ghost as well. This grants Sylas the same bonuses it grants Mordekaiser and gives a powerful ally to boot.


As a champion that enjoys diving deep into enemy lines, Lissandra's ultimate works particularly well on Sylas. He can either use it as an extra burst to his already incredible burst damage, or he can simply use it to heal up and continue smashing.

Miss Fortune

There are few things more annoying than a Miss Fortune ult that isn't interrupted, and doubly so when it's from someone you don't normally look for to Sylas. It's perfect for initiating or finishing off team fights, and unsurprisingly it's even better on a mobile champion than an immobile one.


Just like the other AOE crowd control specialists, Sejuani's ultimate provides immense team utility. If Sylas can steal it, he can easily initiate or counter-initiate. 


Pantheon's ultimate is one of the strongest ganking tools in the game. While Sylas' follow-up isn't as reliable as Pantheon's point and click stun, his burst damage is certainly nothing to scoff at. Better yet, most players expect Twisted Fate or Pantheon's ultimate if they see them missing, but rarely would they expect Sylas coming in from the heavens.


Last but not least is Gangplank. Similar to Shen, Sylas can steal this ability to prevent uneven trades in other lanes, negating Gangplank's most valuable asset in his kit. He doesn't get all the upgrade perks that Gangplank can purchase, but since Cannon Barrage is AP scaling based, Sylas will likely do more damage overall.

Got an ultimate that you think should have been mentioned? Comment below!

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