Abusing Sona's Laning?
Today I wanted to show you guys this new build I found while browsing probuilds for Sona. It looks like a lot of players are starting to run teleport + kleptomancy instead of the traditional Summon Aery and Ignite combo.
At first glance, it does seem intuitive and I could certainly see it working. I tried it out for a few games and it turns out not only is it good, but it makes total sense. These particular builds give up the usual Forbidden Idol benefits, but make up for it via Sona's personal utility.
Check out the details below!

Abusing Sona's Laning?
Today I wanted to show you guys this new build I found while browsing probuilds for Sona. It looks like a lot of players are starting to run teleport + kleptomancy instead of the traditional Summon Aery and Ignite combo.
At first glance, it does seem intuitive and I could certainly see it working. I tried it out for a few games and it turns out not only is it good, but it makes total sense. These particular builds give up the usual Forbidden Idol benefits, but make up for it via Sona's personal utility.
Check out the details below!

How to Play
Rune Setup

How It Works
Lane Abuse
Sona's weakest point is her level two through four. Her level one is great simply because of the burst damage, but she struggles against a lot of other champions before she gets some mana items. By running teleport, she can avoid struggling with her mana and simply recall and teleport back to lane if she starts running low.
Faster Gold Generation
As we mentioned, Sona really just needs to get some gold before she goes faceroll status. By running Klepto, she can get her tear stacked and bring her team to the infinite sustain point we've all grown to hate from ARAM. Meanwhile, combining the Resolve Tree with Teleport keeps her safe enough to generate those gold stacks without getting one shot by anyone and everyone in the game.
More Damage
This Seraph's plus Sheen build really looks like a pure damage build. On the other hand, it also provides a huge mana pool and cooldown for Sona, giving her team utility in the form of infinite spell rotations. Some players may argue that this build lacks the utility from the Forbidden Idol tree, but honestly speaking Sona's W is more than enough team sustain and her E provides immense utility.
Higher Utility Scaling
This build packs a surprisingly high amount of utility scaling. The AP not only gives her active abilities a boost, but it also increases her slow on her power chord E by quite a bit. This makes catching enemy targets extremely easy, and getting away nearly impossible.
Sona's weakest point is her level two through four. Her level one is great simply because of the burst damage, but she struggles against a lot of other champions before she gets some mana items. By running teleport, she can avoid struggling with her mana and simply recall and teleport back to lane if she starts running low.
Faster Gold Generation
As we mentioned, Sona really just needs to get some gold before she goes faceroll status. By running Klepto, she can get her tear stacked and bring her team to the infinite sustain point we've all grown to hate from ARAM. Meanwhile, combining the Resolve Tree with Teleport keeps her safe enough to generate those gold stacks without getting one shot by anyone and everyone in the game.
More Damage
This Seraph's plus Sheen build really looks like a pure damage build. On the other hand, it also provides a huge mana pool and cooldown for Sona, giving her team utility in the form of infinite spell rotations. Some players may argue that this build lacks the utility from the Forbidden Idol tree, but honestly speaking Sona's W is more than enough team sustain and her E provides immense utility.
Higher Utility Scaling
This build packs a surprisingly high amount of utility scaling. The AP not only gives her active abilities a boost, but it also increases her slow on her power chord E by quite a bit. This makes catching enemy targets extremely easy, and getting away nearly impossible.
Potential Pitfalls
Low Pre-Archangel's Regeneration
This build largely provides utility through use of Sona's spells. However, this build also lacks the regeneration from the Forbidden Idol items. Before getting Archangel's Staff, Sona players will find themselves running out of mana very quickly if they aren't careful with her spells. In losing games it may be difficult to be useful if the enemy team snowballs on you.
More KS'ing
This build does significant amounts of damage. As a result, stealing kills from your marksman is not only possible, but likely rampant. Make sure to pick up that Soulstealer to make full use of those kills.
This build largely provides utility through use of Sona's spells. However, this build also lacks the regeneration from the Forbidden Idol items. Before getting Archangel's Staff, Sona players will find themselves running out of mana very quickly if they aren't careful with her spells. In losing games it may be difficult to be useful if the enemy team snowballs on you.
More KS'ing
This build does significant amounts of damage. As a result, stealing kills from your marksman is not only possible, but likely rampant. Make sure to pick up that Soulstealer to make full use of those kills.
This version of Sona is surprisingly very strong. I'm not entirely convinced that it's "better" than the traditional Ignite + Forbidden Idol Sona builds, but it's definitely effective, safer, and very fun. I'd definitely recommend giving it a try.
Suggested Tier: Tier 1
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