This team composition features a good mix of early to mid to late game champions that can carry from all points in the game. If you've ever found yourself annoyed at how difficult enemy tanks are to kill, this team comp will ensure that you never have that issue. Team Composition AOE Damage: A |
Crowd Control: A |
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 1 |
Diving Power: B |
Dueling Power: S |
Initiation: A |
Poke Power: B |
Pushing Power: B |
Sustain: C |
Synergy: A |
Waveclear: B |
Early Game: B |
Mid Game: S |
Late Game: A |
Super Late Game: A |
Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: A
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 1
Diving Power: B
Dueling Power: S
Initiation: A
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: B
Sustain: C
Synergy: A
Waveclear: B
Early Game: B
Mid Game: S
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A
S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad
See Tank Smash Tank
This team composition features a good mix of early to mid to late game champions that can carry from all points in the game. If you've ever found yourself annoyed at how difficult enemy tanks are to kill, this team comp will ensure that you never have that issue.
Vayne [Marksman] - Recently buffed in Patch 9.1, Vayne is one strong contender for strongest late game champion. She absolutely destroys tanks, and at full build it's hard to imagine any tank (or two) being able to fight her.
Malzahar [Mid] - Malzahar fills the mid-game void through use of his incredibly crowd control and percentage-based damage. During that rough point where tanks actually stand a chance of diving Vayne, Malzahar is available to prevent them from getting that slim possibility.
Brand [Support] - When it comes to tank killers, Brand's got almost every support champion beat with the exception of possibly Zyra. However, against a team full of tanks Brand's maximum damage output is far greater. He's also got amazing potential against melee heavy teams, and high HP bars will ensure full bounces on his ultimate.
Amumu [Jungler] - When people see Amumu they don't generally think of him as a tank slayer and instead as an ultimate bot. This is a mistake however, as his Despair [W] shreds through enemy tanks like paper.
Teemo [Top] - Some players refuse to acknowledge Teemo in anything outside of a troll composition. The idea of Teemo actually synergizing with a team and contributing is incredibly foreign. Nevertheless, Teemo can certainly contribute to this tank slaying comp, and specializes in bullying tanks early to mid-game through use of his incredibly annoying kit.
Key Concepts
This team is incredibly flexible to play, and there's no right or wrong way to engage or focus your attention.
Countering this team most involves picking up heavy early game champions and continuously pressuring lanes.
Here is an example team that may succeed:
Talon [Mid] - The #1 first blood (or first death) champion in the game, Talon is ideal for snowballing games to the point where you don't need to worry about the enemy team's obnoxious damage output.
Nocturne [Jungle] - If you're worried about diving Vayne through all the crowd-control, pick up Nocturne for some easy kills and spellshield for Malzahar's ultimate.
Lissandra [Top] - Punish Teemo's auto attacks with higher damage low-cooldown spells and all-ins.
Blitzcrank [Support] - Having trouble against the kiting power of this enemy team composition? Drag them away from their team and isolate them one by one.
Miss Fortune [Marksman] - The most anti-Teemo marksman there is, Miss Fortune does incredibly well against these squishies and also has the added bonus of having a strong early game to bully Vayne.
Overall this counter team is also very strong, and specializes in all-ins.
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!
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