NERFPLZ.LOL Top 10 Trolling Champions | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Jan 11, 2019

Top 10 Trolling Champions

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Detoxifying Preseason?
Are you bored waiting for preseason to end and the ranked grind to begin? Are you feeling extra trolly because of the extended lull? Maybe you just need to get it all out of your system before ranked season starts and you're forced to go full-tryhard for the rest of the year until November.

If that's the case, maybe it's time to play some of the trolliest champions in the game just to kick back and watch terrible things happen.

Disclaimer: Nerfplz does not condone such behaviors in ranked and only recommends doing these to people you know that can hold a lifelong grudge and get revenge when you least expect it.

Detoxifying Preseason?

Are you bored waiting for preseason to end and the ranked grind to begin? Are you feeling extra trolly because of the extended lull? Maybe you just need to get it all out of your system before ranked season starts and you're forced to go full-tryhard for the rest of the year until November.

If that's the case, maybe it's time to play some of the trolliest champions in the game just to kick back and watch terrible things happen.

Disclaimer: Nerfplz does not condone such behaviors in ranked and only recommends doing these to people you know that can hold a lifelong grudge and get revenge when you least expect it.

Demon Champions From the Depths


One of the strongest champions in coordinated team play happens to also be one of the weakest with poor...or sabotaged team coordination. Drop your ultimate into the enemy fountain and see who follows-up with the epic dive.


Even on a good day, Bard players accidentally sabotage their team. On a grumpy day...well, those early game chimes aren't going to collect themselves...Meanwhile, Bard's Magical Journey can absolutely make or break a team fight, often the beginnings of Bard highlight reels or failure clips.


When you're successful, Janna's ultimate can do a multitude of magical things, ranging from fully negating Fiddlesticks or Kindred's ultimates or blocking Wukong's Nimbus Strike. Meanwhile, at rock bottom, she's got great skills like negating allied Malphite or Orianna ultimates.


Do enemies seem to get away with just a sliver of health too many times for your liking? Well, you're not going to like it when Kindred decides to ult their Yasuo right before he pentakills your team. A poorly timed Kindred ult can break a fight faster than you can say "oops".


Now that your allied team can't cancel their teleport once they start, if you're playing Trundle you can "help" them with a friendly teleport cancel. It's a bit of a harder sell if they're recalling, but if you make a compelling enough argument it might work...


The horizontal counterpart to Trundle, Anivia can do everything that Trundle can do but more. If you max your wall it can take up almost the entirety of the lane. Use it next to a turret to force Vayne-spotting mechanics at will.


When it comes to baiting your teammates to death, few do better than Thresh with his lantern and massive gap-closer. If you want to ensure their death, wait until they take the lantern and immediately flash into the enemy fountain.

Jarvan IV

The original "I'm helping" champion, Jarvan's always got that in-game presence for utterly trapping your teammates. Make it better by stealing a kill on the way over.


No champion in the game should be able to beat out your own jungler when it comes to securing blue buff if they want to take it. No champion that is...except Syndra. If your salty jungler refuses to give you blue buff and uses his dirty smite, secure it by dragging it away and smashing it with your balls.

Tahm Kench

Last but not least is Tahm Kench. While allies have learned to rapidly escape his clutches, there are few things more tilting than getting eaten when you're about to cast and epic spell. Of course, maybe you're just trying to save your ally from wasting his flash on an ignited target.

Got a trolly champion we missed? Which champion do you hate the most? Commment below!

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