Earn kills without the fear of retaliation! Check out how below:

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: A
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 4
Diving Power: C
Dueling Power: B
Initiation: A
Poke Power: S+
Pushing Power: A
Sustain: B
Synergy: S
Waveclear: S
Early Game: A
Mid Game: S
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: B
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 4
Diving Power: C
Dueling Power: B
Initiation: A
Poke Power: S+
Pushing Power: A
Sustain: B
Synergy: S
Waveclear: S
Early Game: A
Mid Game: S
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: B
S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad
Are you afraid of fighting face to face with enemy champions? Do you and your friends prefer fights from a comfortable safety without worrying about messing up your precious KDA? If so, then I've got the perfect team comp for you. Introducing the Million Miles Away Sniper Comp, this team comp will allow you and your team to barrage the enemy from a range too far for human (or champion) eyes to see.
Earn kills without the fear of retaliation! Check out how below:
Earn kills without the fear of retaliation! Check out how below:
- Jhin [Marksman] - Jhin's absurd ultimate range in combination with his far-reaching snare allows him to combo off the various other long-range spells in this line-up into massive damage, my favorite being Gangplank's ultimate.
- Lux [Mid] - When it comes to sniping from a range too far to deal with, Lux always comes to mind. Her ultimate is absurdly long to be sure, but I swear her Q hitbox is just a little too far from the animation...
- Xerath [Support] - Some people might wonder why I didn't put Lux here instead of Xerath. This really comes down to a personal preference, and honestly speaking Xerath support is just as good if not better than Lux support. His synergy with Jhin is indisputably solid, and if they snowball it's a near impossible lane to deal with.
- Nidalee [Jungler] - No long-range poke comp would be complete without a few Nidalee spears thrown into the mix, and with all the CC on this team hitting spears should be a cinch for Nidalee. She also brings a tiny bit of sustain to the team, just in case enemies somehow hit you.
- Gangplank [Top Laner] - Most poke champions tend to be ranged, but Gangplank is the sole exception. One of the strongest AOE poke champions in the game, this pirate's ultimate is also extremely valuable as a tool to help your skill shot oriented team land their devastating spells.
Key Concepts
- This team is strongest in the open area and as a four or five man squad. Try to avoid fighting in the jungle unless you have strong vision control. Instead, bait them into a full-frontal assault and kite.
Some players might look at this team and think that a pure all-in counter team would do best, but honestly speaking a balanced team comp with some counters works better.
Here is an example team that may succeed:
Here is an example team that may succeed:
- Ziggs [Mid] - Against a team like Xerath + Jhin, picking up Ziggs means that you can force the enemy team to either cancel their ultimates or take a boatload of free damage. This also gives your team a powerful counter poke.
- Evelynn [Jungle] - Fighting a team full of long-range squishies like this means that they'll likely be looking far away most of the time. Popping Evelynn into this comp means you can get some nasty flanks off.
- Yasuo [Top] - Now I know Yasuo top isn't exactly everyone's favorite pick, but against a team like this, a good windwall will be extremely helpful.
- Alistar [Support] - Picking between Nami and Alistar, is tough, but this team is severely lacking in dive power. Grab Alistar for a meaty front line sponge.
- Ashe [Marksman] - Grabbing a low mobility marksman against all these skill shots might seem like a bad idea, but Ashe's engage is extremely effective to pick off squishies. Her base auto-attack range is also the second highest in the game, giving her a bit more space to maneuver.
Overall, this counter comp is strong as well.
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!
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