NERFPLZ.LOL FOTM Report: Max E Soraka with Athene's | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Sep 14, 2018

FOTM Report: Max E Soraka with Athene's

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The W max vs E max debate is always raging with Soraka players, and honestly speaking it might come down to a playstyle preference. However, the fact of the matter is that over the few months E max has won over all the high ranked players, while around 70% of players still run W max. What's so great about E max anyway? Check out the details on how to play below!


The W max vs E max debate is always raging with Soraka players, and honestly speaking it might come down to a playstyle preference. However, the fact of the matter is that over the few months E max has won over all the high ranked players, while around 70% of players still run W max.

What's so great about E max anyway? Check out the details on how to play below!

How to Play
Abilities: Q, W, E then prioritize R > E > W > Q
Summoner Spells: Flash + Barrier
Starting Items: Spellthief's Edge + Health potions
Core Items: Athene's Unholy Grail, Eye of the Watchers, Redemption, Mikael's Crucible, Ardent Censer

Rune Setup

How It Works

Undodgeable Poke
Against easier opponents, landing your Q is fairly easy. However, at higher divisions, enemies put their juke boots on and it becomes quite difficult to land Soraka's Q against an apt opponent. Meanwhile, her E is essentially undodgeable and has the added bonus of silencing as well. This allows Soraka to safely poke against otherwise dangerous opponents like Vayne, who can tumble to dodge Q and trade with an empowered auto-attack.

Less Effect From Early Executioner's Calling
Generally speaking, against a smart opponent, the marksmen will quickly rush an executioner's calling. Not only that, but ignite is basically a staple on support champions in the current meta. This means that rushing points in Soraka's W has a reduced effect. Meanwhile, her E suffers from no such itemization counter.

Lower Cooldown on Crowd Control
When it comes to crowd-control effects, Soraka's silence is one of the most powerful there is in the game. In a meta that favors highly interactive skillsets, even marksmen are particularly susceptible to being powerless when silenced. By maxing this valuable skill first, players are able to fully utilize one of the strongest spells in the game.

Potential Pitfalls

Crowd-Control Used for Poke
The major disadvantage of this playstyle is that Soraka's E is continuously used for poke. This means that if you happen to need it shortly after using it, it won't be available. As a result, enemy lanes/junglers can capitalize on this. It's particularly bad if your marksman doesn't realize how easy it is to abuse the cooldown and ends up playing a bit too aggressive.

Lower Sustained Heal
Generally speaking, in any given team fight Soraka is going to using her W around 5 to 10 times depending on if you're winning the fight or not. By picking E up first instead of W, it'll make the transition into team fight goddess a bit slower. However, by mid-game you should have both W and E maxed, so it won't make much of a difference.


For the early game, Soraka max E feels very good against higher division players. It will work just as well for lower division players too, but her Q and W are easier to abuse if the enemy team doesn't know the proper way to counter her.

Suggested Tier: Tier 1

What do you think about Max E Soraka? Comment below!

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