What is a good attitude?
Whenever someone gives advice on how to climb through the ranked ladder, players always say that keeping a "good attitude" is crucial to winning. Even if you’re on tilt, putting your teammates in the same mindset further reduces your chances of winning. So what is a “good attitude” really made up of?Don’t blame champion picks
After the game starts, some players like to say things like, “no tank gg” or “30% win rate Lee Sin gg” or “why didn’t you play Tristana?” Well, hate to break it to you, but you’re stuck with this team for the next 15 to 60 minutes. Something more relevant may be, “their team fighting is better, let’s focus on split push.”Meaningful Pings
Pinging is something that’s underused in the right ways and grossly overused in the wrong ways. The easiest example of the wrong way is the five question mark ping where you surround your teammate’s dead body with five question marks after a bad play. Meanwhile, a good ping would be something like using the missing signal in the right way when your enemy lane goes missing.Give positive praise
I’m not saying to become some crazy complimenting lunatic, but throwing out a “gj” or “nice” after good plays is never a bad idea. Again, don’t abuse it by using it sarcastically. Some players are on tilt from the game before and putting positive light on the current game keeps them from thinking this game is starting to play out like the one they just lost.Apologize even when it’s not warranted
Some players are toxic. They’ll berate you for the smallest mistake or misplay even if it was for a good reason. Ult on cooldown? Still should have used it sooner. Just say sorry! Even if deep down they know it’s their fault and not yours, nothing calms a hothead faster than convincing someone they’re right...even if they know they’re wrong.Look to the future, not the past
This comes out somewhat more as a life lesson but don’t dwell on mistakes that happen in the game. Figure out what good decisions to make coming up and forgive old failures that happened or worse, happened last game.Stay off the surrender button
Finally, some games are unwinnable. However, think back to all the times your team blew a dramatic lead and how much you wished the enemy team surrendered before that happened. Stay off the surrender button unless you’re the final vote and things really look grim. This will win you more games; just remember that a surrender is a 100% loss.Conclusion
Keeping a good attitude after a long loss streak is never easy. However, if you chisel it down to these basics, you can at least prevent your teammates from realizing you're in a negative mindset and keep everyone in a positive one, winning you more games. With a few wins under your belt, you'll be back to a positive mindset and positive win/loss ratio. Fake it until you make it.
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