Most skill shots feel fair. Sometimes they hit and sometimes you dodge them. It feels good to play against them and you feel like the master of your own destiny.On the other hand, there are some slow-moving skill shots that absolutely devastate your teammates with their reflexes the speed of pudding. You wonder how they possibly get hit every single time on cooldown, but you attribute it to Riot matching you with a team of monkeys.
However, once in a blue moon you get hit by one of these monkey-slaying spells and rage quit to social media, demanding a total rework of every hitbox in the game.
This is the story of those spells.
Zoe's Sleepy Trouble Bubble [E]
If there's any spell that's gotten more bad press than Zoe's Sleepy Trouble Bubble this year, I'm not sure what it might be. From an absurd distance, she can slap you into begging your teammates to block the inevitable one-shot. Getting hit by this spell just a few times in a game can tilt you for life.
Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab [Q]
Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab is a lose-lose no matter if you're the one shooting it or getting hit by it. If you miss, expect your team to flame you for being useless. Meanwhile, if you get hit, expect your teammates to ask how it's possible for someone to continuously get hooked that often.
Kai'Sa's Void Seeker [W]
Most players haven't had time appreciate the rage it produces yet since Kai'Sa is a fresh release. However, everything from the range to the absurd follow-up that comes after getting hit is infuriating. It's so slow and comes from so far that dodging it should be a simple exercise. But, as everyone knows, exercising ain't always simple. It's even worse if it comes from a full AP Kai'Sa...
Morgana's Dark Binding [Q]
Getting CC'd from long range is rough. Getting CC'd from long range for three full seconds by a hitbox the size of a truck is mind-numbing. It's not even the binding itself that's the sole trigger too. Watching your champion die slowly to Tormented Soil while you hammer your flash button (D for proz) is half the fun.
Thresh's Death Sentence [Q]
This one's not as bad as Blitzcrank in terms of teammates raging, but his hook is so slow that every time you get hit, you KNOW it's because you walked into it...
Nidalee's Javelin Toss [Q]
Similar to Kai'Sa, Nidalee's Javelin Toss is the precursor to the void. However, unlike Kai'Sa, she's got good AP scalings on all her follow-up abilities. Meanwhile, if she's fed enough you might start seeing the one-shots from the fog of war come back into play.
Jinx's Super Mega Death Rocket [R]
The worst part about Jinx's ultimate is that it's blockable by an ally. Unfortunately "blocking" isn't the right term when you're about to dodge and your ally triggers the AOE effect of her rocket...on top of your scrambling body.
Bard's Tempered Fate [R]
How can anybody possibly get hit by this spell? At least that's the question that everyone had on release. Nowadays, they just accept their fate as the entire enemy team pops out of the fog of war and watches Bard's ultimate fade from your soon-to-be-lifeless body.
Aurelion Sol's Starsurge [Q]
Seriously, how does this champion even manage to fill the whole lane with Starsurge? Watching Aurelion Sol slowly meander into a team fight after your cooldowns are used up is massively tilting. Worse yet is trying to outrange his stars only to discover you've been slowed beyond all belief while his Phase Rush is procced.
Janna Howling Gale [Q] / Monsoon [R]
Last but not least is everyone's favorite tilting support, Janna. With a single button, she can block/stop almost 50 spells in the game (literally...we counted the full list). Meanwhile, if she manages to hit a fully charged Howling Gale it can last almost a full second and a half...AOE.
The spells above are some of our most tilting spells in the game. However, there are certainly other spells that can tilt just as hard depending on what champion you're playing at the time.
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