If you're not convinced yet, see below for more reasons why!

Warwick is absolutely slaughtering solo queue for several patches in a row now, and as part of our new initiative to get write-ups online for our God Tier champions he's first up on the list. With his ravenous appetite for easy ganks and werewolf-level immortality, he's easily the strongest jungler in the game right now.If you're not convinced yet, see below for more reasons why!
How to Play
Abilities: Q, W, E, W, W, R then prioritize R > Q > E > W
Summoner Spells: Flash + Smite
Starting Items: Hunter's Machete + Rejuvenation Bead
Core Items: Skirmisher's Sabre Enchantment:Cinderhulk, Titanic Hydra, Ninja Tabi, Spirit Visage, Deadman's Plate, Thornmail
Item Notes: Build Skirmisher's Sabre, then level one boots, then Tiamat, then Cinderhulk, then Titanic.
Summoner Spells: Flash + Smite
Starting Items: Hunter's Machete + Rejuvenation Bead
Core Items: Skirmisher's Sabre Enchantment:Cinderhulk, Titanic Hydra, Ninja Tabi, Spirit Visage, Deadman's Plate, Thornmail
Item Notes: Build Skirmisher's Sabre, then level one boots, then Tiamat, then Cinderhulk, then Titanic.
Rune Setup
Here's the default rune page for Warwick. Pretty much everyone runes this setup, and there's not really any reason to stray from it. Other rune pages do work, but from the new player level up through the pros, this is what most people run.
Why He Dominates
Healthy and Fast Jungle Clears
Clearing with Warwick is so simple that he doesn't even need potions to maintain his health in the jungle. This allows him to start with a Rejuvenation Bead and speed up his Tiamat purchase. After he gets his Tiamat, full clears are almost free and he can gank without missing a beat.
Incredible Early Game 1v1
Counterjungling a Warwick is basically suicide even if you manage to steal a camp and get a level advantage. He can survive through pretty much anything unless he happened to blow his Flash at fountain and use all his cooldowns on the camp he's trying to clear. If you meat him in the river and he has double buffs, fighting him is also impossible.
Greedy Solo Queue Players
Solo queue players are some of the most greedy people on the planet. They always want to stay for one more wave even if they're low on health. This makes them easy kills for Warwick, especially since they can't get away even if they have flash due to the absurd movement speed that Blood Hunt grants.
Global Map Terror
Every time an enemy champion drops below 50% of their maximum health (which is still quite a lot of health), they're treated to Warwick's howl across the map. This makes enemy champions very hesitent to play aggressively for fear of Warwick ganks. If they decide to ignore it, then Warwick simply gets some free kills.
Dual Strategies
Since Warwick can either farm for his unkillable late game at max speed or run around the map ganking everything in sight, he can play to either strength or both at the same time. There's no real way to "play safe" against him since even if you survive laning phase, he'll come and CC you for 3 seconds and rain 2000 burst damage before you can escape.
Clearing with Warwick is so simple that he doesn't even need potions to maintain his health in the jungle. This allows him to start with a Rejuvenation Bead and speed up his Tiamat purchase. After he gets his Tiamat, full clears are almost free and he can gank without missing a beat.
Incredible Early Game 1v1
Counterjungling a Warwick is basically suicide even if you manage to steal a camp and get a level advantage. He can survive through pretty much anything unless he happened to blow his Flash at fountain and use all his cooldowns on the camp he's trying to clear. If you meat him in the river and he has double buffs, fighting him is also impossible.
Greedy Solo Queue Players
Solo queue players are some of the most greedy people on the planet. They always want to stay for one more wave even if they're low on health. This makes them easy kills for Warwick, especially since they can't get away even if they have flash due to the absurd movement speed that Blood Hunt grants.
Global Map Terror
Every time an enemy champion drops below 50% of their maximum health (which is still quite a lot of health), they're treated to Warwick's howl across the map. This makes enemy champions very hesitent to play aggressively for fear of Warwick ganks. If they decide to ignore it, then Warwick simply gets some free kills.
Dual Strategies
Since Warwick can either farm for his unkillable late game at max speed or run around the map ganking everything in sight, he can play to either strength or both at the same time. There's no real way to "play safe" against him since even if you survive laning phase, he'll come and CC you for 3 seconds and rain 2000 burst damage before you can escape.
Potential Pitfalls
Team Fight Vulnerability
If your team can hold off until laning phase is completely over without dying to Warwick, then your team's crowd-control can prevent him from being effective. As a champion with mostly single-target kill potential, he's reliant on being tanky enough to survive the remainder of the team.
Quick Silver Sash + Tanks
While he's by no means lacking other tools outside his ultimate, if enemies are packing QSS it still greatly reduces his effectiveness. In addition to QSS, proper positioning by enemy tanks can also make it very difficult to land a meaningful ultimate in the middle of a team fight.
Weak Against Heal Reduction
A large majority of Warwick's unkillable status lies in his built in heals and Spirit Visage synergy. If the enemy team has a lot of built-in heal reduction, he's no longer unkillable, just difficult to kill.
If your team can hold off until laning phase is completely over without dying to Warwick, then your team's crowd-control can prevent him from being effective. As a champion with mostly single-target kill potential, he's reliant on being tanky enough to survive the remainder of the team.
Quick Silver Sash + Tanks
While he's by no means lacking other tools outside his ultimate, if enemies are packing QSS it still greatly reduces his effectiveness. In addition to QSS, proper positioning by enemy tanks can also make it very difficult to land a meaningful ultimate in the middle of a team fight.
Weak Against Heal Reduction
A large majority of Warwick's unkillable status lies in his built in heals and Spirit Visage synergy. If the enemy team has a lot of built-in heal reduction, he's no longer unkillable, just difficult to kill.
Warwick in his current state is able to duel enemies with ease. His Blood Hunt gives him the ability to pick up free kills all over the map, which are abundant in solo queue if you know where to look. Meanwhile, if you can survive laning phase your team can starve him off, but only if he focused on failed ganking early game.
If he decided to go with the farm route and has enough items to survive your team's burst anyway, prepare to be terrorized by this lycan.
If he decided to go with the farm route and has enough items to survive your team's burst anyway, prepare to be terrorized by this lycan.
Suggested Tier: God Tier
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