Check out one of our favorites below!

Dr. Mundo's quite a long way from his former glory days. His kit is old and very basic compared to the wall-traveling, invisible stomping massive teleportation endowed champions we see today. However, there are still some effective cheese builds you can put together that stomp if you get the right match-up.Check out one of our favorites below!
How to Play
Rune Setup

Why It Works
Massive Early Game Trade Power
Dr. Mundo's Masochism [E] does a massive amount of bonus physical damage early on, even before scaling on his health. By giving him some early attack speed and Phantom Dancer passive, you catch enemies off guard and can continuously snowball, similar to Olaf pre-nerfs.
Still Huge As Tank
This build doesn't make Mundo into some kind of glass cannon cheese, and instead still relies on his massive health scaling to lead him into late game. Phantom Dancer encourages him to trade early on for extra Grasp stacks, and also make is even more impossible to catch him late game.
Better Damage Scaling
Mundo's main pitfall in most games is that he becomes ignorable after an extent, even if he's totally unkillable and nobody can catch him. With Phantom Dancer, enemy players can't ignore you with your low cooldown damage steroid.
Potential Pitfalls
Bad When Losing
This build isn't recommended if you're already losing lane and need to farm into the late game. It also works poorly against ranged champions, as you won't get much of a chance to utilize the full effects of the attack speed if you can't reach the enemy laner.
Higher Pressure to Hit Infected Cleaver [Q]
Mundo's Q refunds a portion or all of the health used if he hits an enemy unit. However, missing charges him health. With a Phantom Dancer rush, Mundo has less of a health pool to work with. That means that hitting his cleavers is more important than ever.
Higher Pressure to Hit Infected Cleaver [Q]
Mundo's Q refunds a portion or all of the health used if he hits an enemy unit. However, missing charges him health. With a Phantom Dancer rush, Mundo has less of a health pool to work with. That means that hitting his cleavers is more important than ever.
This Mundo build is somewhat situational and will depend on a good melee-based match-up. However, if you get a good early game trade this build snowballs extremely hard, especially since outplaying a Mundo with his super basic skillset is fairly difficult.
Suggested Tier: Tier 3
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