Supports that work great with him here include champions like Taric for the invulnerability during dives and of course, the standard Alistar combination for the dive buddy and knock-up.
Surprisingly, Yasuo bot actually runs a clean 48% win rate, though it's obviously rarely picked. Check out the full scoop below!

Yasuo bot lane is one of those annoying things that always seems to work on the enemy team, but never on your own. Generally speaking, by pushing Yasuo to bot lane you probably want to build the team strategy around him and grab a few extra knock-ups to make sure he doesn't fall behind.Supports that work great with him here include champions like Taric for the invulnerability during dives and of course, the standard Alistar combination for the dive buddy and knock-up.
Surprisingly, Yasuo bot actually runs a clean 48% win rate, though it's obviously rarely picked. Check out the full scoop below!
How to Play
Rune Setup

Precision Tree
- Press the Attack will maximize the damage Yasuo can dish out. Some players may opt for a fleet foot/relic shield set up similar to other marksmen in the meta.
- Triumph is self-explanatory and will maximize your snowball potential through teamfights.
- Legend:Alacrity is again, the clear winner of this tree for Yasuo.
- Coup De Grace pulls out ahead in almost every scenario for Yasuo as well.
Inspiration Tree
- Perfect Timing works great for early game dives, and it also eventually builds into Guardian Angel.
- Magical Footwear is optimal here since he doesn't really need boots early, and as a melee may get a bit CS starved. However, his kill potential is high and can potentially lower the cooldown on this skill by quite a bit.
Many players also opt for Domination tree for standard Yasuo rune paths, but currently the Inspiration tree is having the greatest success.
Why It Works
Powerful All-In
Against short range low-mobility marksmen like Jinx or Sivir, Yasuo has an extremely good early game and can avoid the majority of enemy damage either by dashing or via his windwall. This means that as long as the enemy marksmen is in range of minions, Yasuo can reach them for extremely high burst damage at any points in the game while taking little in return.
Built-In Crowd Control
From level 2 onwards, Yasuo gets his AOE crowd control ability. When you combine this with another CC-based kill support like Taric, enemy squishies are unable to fight back for long durations.
Obnoxious and Hard to Kill
Despite being a melee champion, Yasuo is particularly difficult to kill as a result of his passive shield generation. This means that although you can always poke him, it's difficult to actually lock him down and kill him.
Good Dive Potential
Unlike the majority of marksmen who need to position themselves in a good dive location, Yasuo can continuously run through minions in his usual pattern, then jump up to dive the enemy marksmen. As a result, reading his lane play patterns for potential ganks is difficult.
Good Dive Potential
Unlike the majority of marksmen who need to position themselves in a good dive location, Yasuo can continuously run through minions in his usual pattern, then jump up to dive the enemy marksmen. As a result, reading his lane play patterns for potential ganks is difficult.
Potential Pitfalls
Weak Against Mobile Marksmen
The main issue Yasuo has is against mobile marksmen like Vayne, Kalista, or Lucian. As an all-in based champion, he's very reliant on landing his crowd control and sticking to the enemy champion until their deaths. As a result, he tends to get kited by hyper-mobile carries.
Weaker Late Game Without Marksman
If your team isn't running something like a Lucian mid, it ends up without a strong source of tower pushing damage. This means that you're overly reliant on the Yasuo getting fed or having some other source of dive potential during a siege.
Weaker Late Game Without Marksman
If your team isn't running something like a Lucian mid, it ends up without a strong source of tower pushing damage. This means that you're overly reliant on the Yasuo getting fed or having some other source of dive potential during a siege.
Yasuo bot lane isn't necessarily overpowered, but it certainly isn't bad. The early game cheese potential of this strategy is very high, and I can certainly see it working as long as your team builds around it. Also, make sure you don't pick it into a mobile marksman and you're good to go.
Suggested Tier: Tier 2
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