Champions like Nunu come and go. Characters like Kayle are borderline OP, but until pros pick her up, nobody wants to play her. Meanwhile, there are some champions that weathered every Season and every nerf Riot threw at them. No matter what the meta is, die-hard mains continue to play these champions and make them work.
Check out our Top 10 Timeless Champions below!
Check out our Top 10 Timeless Champions below!
Lee Sin
Flashy plays from Lee Sin are the primary material of highlight reels. Lee Sin players and definitely-not-Lee-Sin-players alike enjoy playing this champion. Even if you're absolutely awful at him, there's something about having all those jumps and the ability to kick an enemy player flying that's exceedingly satisfying.
Who doesn't love Thresh? Even when his win rate is a full 10% behind Blitzcrank, players still opt to pick him for the insane amount of utility he provides to his team. If you miss your hook, Thresh still has a ton of "feel good" spells at his disposal. Saving a teammate with your lantern, causing mass disruption with your box or knocking back a flying Zac is simply euphoric.
If there's a champion with more highlight-reel plays than Lee Sin, it's Zed. His mobility is almost as good, but when you beat an enemy laner through a massive outplay, it's pure bliss. There are few things as satisfying as flashing your mastery emote at a safe distance while your death marked target waits to die.
Yasuo's cooldowns are so low that he's always continuously interactive to the point that he dies. This makes you feel like you can do anything as long as you press the right series of buttons. It's this empowerment that makes Yasuo players always come back to him even after a massive losing streak.
Ever since Faker showed us what kind of ridiculous Riven mechanics were possible during his first stint in North America, players are hyper enamored with her playstyle. Living life on the edge and bursting down enemy champions through well-practiced combos are what every ex-arcade fighter gamer lives for.
Sometimes players think she's useless, sometimes players think she's broken. Usually, she's somewhere in between, but more towards broken. Janna's one champion that's stuck around since Season One. If you picked her up during that time frame you were rewarded with an easy ranked ladder climb for the last eight seasons straight. Press E to win.
Jarvan IV
Where some of the champions above are satisfying to execute a full combo, Jarvan is satisfying simply to auto attack minions. There's something euphoric about the sound his lance makes as he crushes minions into oblivion, and his ultimate is incredibly fun to use as well. When you couple that with his crazy long-range engages, he's a well-designed champion that's here to stay.
Alistar was modified a number of times since his inception. However, what hasn't changed is his awesome taunt and massive engage power. What's been somewhat lost over the course of time is his insanely good roams though, which we're starting to see come back into play.
Heading to the bottom of the list we still have two fan favorites we haven't discussed yet. The first up is Blitzcrank. Even during over-tuned sustain metas players continue to enjoy playing him. Arguably the best invader in the game, Blitzcrank can influence the tide of games from start to finish.
Last but not least is Vayne. Surviving through metas where Caitlyn was in every game was difficult, but Vayne persevered. Living through tankless metas and mass crowd-control was difficult, but Vayne prospered. This champion has truly been the favorite of marksmen mains everywhere, and there are few things I can fathom that would take her off of the top of marksman's mains. Vayne is addicting and Vaynespotting is a drug.
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