The latest patch notes are available and the expected Caitlyn nerfs are in full force coupled with a slew of smackdowns on some of everyone's favorite champions.
With the latest nerf it's possible Ahri may fall out of God Tier, but we'll have to take a closer look to see. Check out this quick summary and full patch notes below!
Buffs: Dr. Mundo, Lee Sin, Malphite, Renekton, Sion
Nerfs: Ahri, Caitlyn, Lucian, Syndra, Yasuo, Zac
Tweaks: Kindred, Malzahar, Maokai
Reworks: Rek'Sai
Patch 7.11 notes
Greetings, Summoners,
It’s time for patch 7.11, so wave your hands side to side and clap like you don’t care.
We’ve been taking on bigger-ticket champion changes more often, and this patch continues the trend. So, when appropriate, we’ll be separating larger projects out from the rest. This patch, that’s updates to Rek’Sai, Kindred, and Malzahar!
We’re also continuing to follow up on midseason. A few tanks are struggling without Sunfire Cape’s old combat damage, so we’ve got a few buffs to help them out. Maokai and Zac still aren’t quite hitting the gameplay patterns we’d like, se we’ve making a few more tweaks this patch.
Past the gameplay front, this patch also brings a few long-awaited features. A new 10-ban draft format will be rolling out to normal and ranked matches over the course of the patch, and item sets make their debut in the updated client!
Get out there and play some League, friends.

Rek'Sai, Kindred & Malzahar

Rek’Sai’s ultimate now launches her at a target she’s recently damaged. Tunnels can be re-entered more quickly. Base damages down, scaling up.
Rek’Sai is a ferocious predator who strikes fear into the hearts of her prey as she hunts them. The way Rek’Sai is currently played —a vanguard who sets up plays for her team—just doesn’t sync up with that promised fantasy.
We see a lot of potential for Rek’Sai, and this update is an opportunity to double down on Rek’Sai’s predatory instincts. Rek’Sai should be feared for her individual threat, not the followup of her team. With these changes, we’re reimagining a Rek’Sai who has better backline access in teamfights and does more damage when she gets in there, but is less consistent when behind or built tanky.
For more information, check our our post on Rek’Sai’s update.
Base stats
Passive - Fury of the Xer'Sai
Fury generation faster. Burrowed health regeneration ticks more quickly but max regeneration is down.
FURY GENERATION5 for basic attacks, 10 for unburrowed abilities, 2.5 for additional units hit beyond the first by abilities ⇒ 25 for all attacks and unburrowed abilities
MAX BURROWED HEALTH REGENERATION25-450 (at levels 1-18) over 5 seconds ⇒ 20-190 (at levels 1-18) over 3 seconds
Q - Queen's Wrath
Base damage down at later ranks. Ratio doubled.
DAMAGE15/25/35/45/55 (+0.2 bonus attack damage) ⇒15/20/25/30/35 (+0.4 bonus attack damage)
Burrowed Q - Prey Seeker
Now has a bonus AD ratio. Does physical damage instead of magic.
NEWRATIO0.4 bonus attack damage (in addition to the existing 0.7 ability power ratio)
DAMAGE TYPEMagic ⇒ Physical
Burrowed W - Un-burrow
Primary target is still knocked up, others are now knocked back.
BASE DAMAGE40/80/120/160/200 ⇒ 50/65/80/95/110
DISPLACEMENT0.5-1 second knockup on all nearby enemies based on proximity to Rek'Sai ⇒ 1 second knockup on the primary target; 250 range knockback to other nearby enemies
IMMUNITYOnly the knocked up target is granted immunity from further knock-ups
IMMUNITY DURATION10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds at all ranks
NEWSTOP AND SMELL THE ROSE ROOTSRek’Sai can interact with Plants by attacking them while burrowed
E - Furious Bite
Now has base damage, and scales off bonus AD instead of total AD. Damage no longer scales linearly with Fury, but full-Fury casts still deal double damage as true damage.
DAMAGE80/90/100/110/120% total attack damage ⇒ 50/60/70/80/90 (+ 0.85 bonus attack damage)
REMOVEDRAMP-UPDamage no longer scales linearly with Rek’Sai’s current Fury
THRESHOLDDamage still doubled and dealt as True Damage at max Fury
Burrowed E - Tunnel
Tunnel creation and re-entry cooldowns both reduced at later ranks.
COOLDOWN26/24/22/20/18 seconds ⇒ 26/23/20/17/14 seconds
RE-ENTRY COOLDOWN10/9/8/7/6 seconds ⇒ 10/8/6/4/2 seconds
NEWR - Void Rush
Rek’Sai marks champions she damages and can dash to a marked target, dealing damage based off their missing health.
PREYRek’Sai passively marks enemy champions she damages as Prey for 5 seconds
VOID RUSHRek’Sai targets a Prey-marked enemy, burrowing after a 0.35 second cast time before emerging from underground and leaping at her target after an additional 0.75 seconds.
UNSTOPPABLERek’Sai is unstoppable during both the cast and leap
DAMAGE100/250/400 (+1.6 bonus attack damage) (+20/25/30% target’s missing health)
COOLDOWN100/80/60 seconds

Passive stacks increase Kindred’s attack range and amplify their abilities.
Kindred were our first attempt at ground-up designing a marksman for the jungle. Although they’ve been on-and-off present in the meta (mostly ‘off’ as of late), their playstyle has settled in a spot that felt closer to skirmisher than marksman. Today, we’re revisiting Kindred's kit to deliver the jungler marksman playstyle we originally intended. Wolf and Lamb have more distinct roles to play, synergizing with one another to make a better-feeling Kindred overall.
Here’s the tightrope we’re walking: “jungler” and “marksman” have pretty conflicting needs. Marksmen are typically weaker in the early game, scaling up to late game carry potential. Junglers need at least enough early strength to kill monsters and gank lanes. To be both, we need to define when Kindred has weaknesses, and by process of elimination, that’s mid-game. With clearer emphasis on late-game sustained damage (new scaling from Marks, ratio shifts to bonus AD), we’re lowering the mid-game burstiness their abilities offer.
All in all, we want Kindred players to feel good about playing a marksman in the jungle, using the right amount of power during the right parts of the game.
Base stats
UPDATEDPassive - Mark of the Kindred
REMOVEDHEARTSEEKINGKindred’s basic attacks no longer deal a percent of their target’s current health damage based on passive stacks
NEWDEATH’S REACHKindred’s basic attacks and Mounting Dread gain 75 range at 4 stacks, plus 25 range every 4 stacks thereafter
NEWAMPLIFICATIONStacks amplify Kindred’s basic abilities:
- Q - Dance of Arrows: Bonus attack speed increased by an additional 5% per stack. (No longer increases base damage.)
- W - Wolf’s Frenzy: Current health damage increased by an additional 0.5% per stack
- E - Mounting Dread: Missing health damage increased by an additional by 0.5% per stack
Q - Dance of Arrows
Grants attack speed on-cast.
NEWBONUS ATTACK SPEEDNow grants 10% attack speed for 4 seconds on cast, plus an additional 5% per Mark of the Kindred stack
REMOVEDMARK DAMAGEMark of the Kindred stacks no longer increase Dance of Arrows’ damage
RATIO0.2 total attack damage ⇒ 0.65 bonus attack damage
DASH SPEED400 ⇒ 500
W - Wolf's Frenzy
Deals additional damage based on current enemy health. Kindred can choose where to cast Wolf’s Frenzy.
NEWCAST RANGESelf-cast ⇒ Anywhere within 500 range (including over walls). Hunting zone radius unchanged.
NEWCURRENT HEALTH DAMAGEWolf’s attacks deal an additional 1.5% of the target’s current health as damage, plus an additional 0.5% per Mark of the Kindred stack
RATIO0.4 total attack damage ⇒ 0.2 bonus attack damage
DAMAGE TYPEPhysical ⇒ Magic
E - Mounting Dread
Deals additional damage based on missing enemy health and crits low-health enemies.
NEWMISSING HEALTH DAMAGE8% target’s missing health, plus an additional 0.5% per Mark of the Kindred stack
REMOVEDMAX HEALTH DAMAGENo longer deals 5% of the target’s maximum health as damage
BASE DAMAGE40/75/110/145/180 ⇒ 40/60/80/100/120
RATIO0.2 total attack damage ⇒ 0.8 bonus attack damage
MISSILE SPEED1600 ⇒ 2000
JAWS OF DEATHWolf's attack critically strikes targets below 15% health for 50% bonus damage. Threshold increased by 0.5% health per 1% critical strike chance (up to 65% health at 100% crit chance).

Q, E, and R deal more damage. W spawns Voidlings based on Malzahar’s spellcasts. Voidlings are less threatening early.
Support Malzahar's been an ongoing source of frustration this season, and efforts to keep him in check have exacted a toll on midlane Malzahar, who's left in a pretty unhappy place. A big part of this is how overbearing Void Swarm is early when Malzahar doesn’t need to manage a solo lane. So, we’re pulling in Void Swarm’s early dominance, and redistributing power back into the rest of Malz’s kit. Voidlings are overall less reliable: they’re more fragile, easier to avoid, and have lower early damage that scales back up toward the late game. Void Swarms are also more costly to set up.
While his Voildings are less reliable, Malz himself is getting a lot in return. Malefic Visions, which previously enabled a ton of Voidling damage, now does more damage on its own. The same is true for Nether Grasp: to keep Malzahar’s all-in combo threatening against squishies, his ult now deals direct damage to its primary target. Finally, we’re making Call of the Void smoother to use by reducing the amount of time Malz sits still to cast it. The missiles take a bit longer to fire overall, giving us room to - you guessed it - add more damage. All in all, this patch paves the way for Malzahar to return home to mid.
UPDATEDW - Void Swarm
COST40 mana ⇒ 40/45/50/55/60 mana
COOLDOWN8 seconds
REMOVEDCHARGESMalzahar no longer gains a charge every 20/19/18/17/16 seconds
NEWSTACKSMalzahar gains a stack of Gathering Swarm when he casts another ability (max 2)
ACTIVEMalzahar summons a Voidling, plus an additional Voidling per stack of Gathering Swarm (max 3 per cast)
REMOVEDMULTIPLICATIONVoidlings are no longer able to spawn additional Voidlings
CAST RANGE450 ⇒ 150
Voidling stats
Q - Call of the Void
CAST TIME0.5 seconds ⇒ 0.25 seconds
POST-CAST DELAY BEFORE FIRING0 seconds ⇒ 0.4 seconds
RATIO0.7 ability power ⇒ 0.8 ability power
E - Malefic Visions
RATIO0.7 ability power ⇒ 0.8 ability power
R - Nether Grasp
NEWBEAM DAMAGE125/250/375 (+1.15 ability power) flat magic damage
NULL ZONE DAMAGE25/35/45% (+7.5% per 100 ability power) target’s maximum health ⇒ 10/15/20% (+2.5% per 100 ability power) target’s maximum health

Less damage on W and R, more damage on E.
Ahri is outperforming most midlaners due to how broad her strengths are. We're trimming some single-target potential off her auto-targeted spells so she’s more reliant on landing skillshots to secure kills.
W - Fox-Fire
RATIO0.4 ability power per wisp ⇒ 0.3 ability power per wisp
MAX RATIO VS SAME TARGET0.64 ability power ⇒ 0.48 ability power
E - Charm
RATIO0.5 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power
R - Spirit Rush
RATIO0.3 ability power per bolt ⇒ 0.25 ability power per bolt

Runaan’s Hurricane bolts no longer stack Headshot.
Because of its interaction with Headshot, Runaan’s Hurricane has been Caitlyn’s best option for area-of-effect and single-target damage. We’re removing this interaction so Caitlyn’s forced to choose which type of damage she wants to spec into. Similarly, we think Caitlyn’s at her finest when she’s sniping enemies with Headshot procs off of well-placed traps. Right now, she gets to have that as well as high sustained damage in teamfights via right-clicking. We’re hitting the Sheriff’s scaling with attack speed items to keep her focused on traps as the game progresses.
Base stats
BASE ATTACK SPEED0.568 ⇒ 0.543
ATTACK SPEED AT LV10.625 (unchanged)
Passive - Headshot
REMOVEDHURRICANE HEADSHOTRunaan’s Hurricane bolts no longer stack Headshot

Dr. Mundo
Attack damage per level and W damage per second up.
Since 7.9, we’ve been keeping an eye on how midseason’s itemization changes are affecting our tanky friends. A few uber-durable dudes have been hit particularly hard by the Sunfire Cape changes—Dr. Mundo, Malphite and Sion. We’re compensating these champions with some power boosts aimed at mitigating the loss of Sunfire’s dueling power.
General stats
W - Burning Agony
DAMAGE35/50/65/80/95 per second ⇒ 40/55/70/85/100 per second

Lee Sin
High-latency players can ward hop.
In the same vein as recent changes to Ryze and Karthus, we’re making Lee Sin’s ward hopping more feasible in high-latency environments.
W - Safeguard
LAG IS NO EXCUSECast can now be buffered when placing wards, allowing Lee Sin to quickly place and hop to wards on high-latency environments
SORRYNo longer works with the Quick + Selfcast setting. We’re looking into restoring this functionality in a later patch.

Q mana cost up at later ranks.
Lucian’s been able to spec into a decent amount of survivability (Ninja Tabi, Black Cleaver, and Blade of the Ruined King) without significant damage trade-offs. If the Purifier still wants to give up on Essence Reaver, he needs to be more frugal with his spell usage.
Q - Piercing Light
COST50/55/60/65/70 mana ⇒ 50/60/70/80/90 mana

Passive heal base down, health scaling up. Saplings speed and AP scaling down. Brush sapling duration increases with bonus health instead of ability level.
Maokai’s supposed to be a hearty tank who wades into combat, swinging his branches around to disrupt and using his mighty trunk to soak damage. At the moment he plays more like a catapult, launching saplings for slows and damage. Similar to last patch, we’re shifting power away from saplings into his durability.
Passive - Sap Magic
COOLDOWN30/25/20 seconds at levels 1/9/15 ⇒ 30/25/20 seconds at levels 1/6/11
BASE HEALING10/30/50/70/90/110/130 ⇒ 5/15/25/35/45/55/65
PERCENT HEALING4.5/5.5/6.5/7.5/8.5/9.5/10.5% Maokai’s maximum health ⇒ 6/7.5/9/10/11/12/13% Maokai’s maximum health
E - Sapling Toss
RATIO2% target’s maximum health per 100 ability power ⇒ 1% target’s maximum health per 100 ability power
SAPLING MOVEMENT SPEED425 + 2.5 per Maokai’s level ⇒ 400, changed based on Maokai’s boots:
- Boots of Speed: 425
- Most upgraded boots: 445
- Boots of Swiftness & Boots of Mobility: 460
BRUSH SAPLING DAMAGE100% on detonation, two ticks for 50% each ⇒67% on detonation, two ticks for 67% each (total damage unchanged)
BRUSH SAPLING DURATION30/40/50/60/70 seconds ⇒ 30 (+2.5% Maokai’s bonus health) seconds

Over the past two patches, we made a bunch of changes to Renekton’s underlying code to address a bunch of longstanding bugs and make him easier to work on in the future. Unfortunately, that work created a number of other issues which, in some respects, have left him worse off than he started. We’re rolling both sets of changes back.
REWINDAll patch 7.9 and 7.10 changes to Renekton have been reverted

W cooldown decreased, shield’s max health scaling increased.
Sunfire Cape followup buffs!
W - Soul Furnace
COOLDOWN13 seconds ⇒ 11 seconds
SHIELD SCALING6/7/8/9/10% Sion’s maximum health ⇒8/9/10/11/12% Sion’s maximum health

W area of effect reduced.
Force of Will is pretty hard to miss, leading to gank setups where the only test of skill is whether Syndra can land Scatter the Weak’s stun on a slow-moving target. We're giving opponents a more realistic chance to dodge Force of Will, which gives them a shot at dodging Scatter the Weak as well.
W - Force of Will

Q stacks expire faster.
Yasuo was already on the cusp of being too powerful and midseason’s cost reductions to critical strike items just pushed him over the edge. We’re reducing the amount of pressure he exerts by sitting on Q stacks to give opponents more chances to play against him.
Q - Steel Tempest
STACK DURATION10 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds

E warning indicator shows up earlier. Zac’s voice isn’t squeaky as often.
Zac’s update gave him more ways to follow up on his own initiation. That was offset by a shorter knockup duration on Elastic Slingshot, but now that it can scale back up to a full second again, we’re giving enemies slightly more warning time.
LESS SQUEAKYThe health threshold at which Zac’s voice becomes squeakier has been lowered
E - Elastic Slingshot
WARNING INDICATORAppears 0.75 seconds before Zac lands ⇒ 1 second before Zac lands
Mid-patch 7.10 changes
Just as a reminder. With the max health scaling we added in the initial 7.10 patch, Stretching Strikes was dealing too much damage. We shipped additional base damage nerfs halfway through the patch.
STRETCHING STRIKES BASE DAMAGE40/60/80/100/120 ⇒30/40/50/60/70
Xayah & Rakan Warding VO
STOP YELLING, RAKANRakan’s warding VO lines are no longer audible to enemies (sometimes giving away his position through fog of war). Allies can still hear him.
STOP MUMBLING, XAYAHXayah’s warding VO lines are now audible to allies, rather than only Xayah

Abyssal Mask
Name change and icon update to match midseason’s changes.
NAMEAbyssal Scepter ⇒ Abyssal Mask

Banshee's Veil
Cost increased. Magic resist increased.
Given the potent defense a spell shield offers in lane, we want to ensure Banshee’s Veil doesn’t come online too early and that enemies have a chance to fight Veil buyers while they’re vulnerable. A cost increase hits both goals at once: buyers need more time to earn the extra gold and are left sitting on just Null-Magic Mantle for longer. That said, we don’t think Veil needs a flat-out nerf, so we’re keeping it competitive at its new cost.
COST2700 gold (500 gold combine cost) ⇒ 3000 gold (800 gold combine cost)

Blade of the Ruined King
Lifesteal decreased.
Blade of the Ruined King is just overtuned at the moment. The item has a lot of cool identities - dueling item, mild tank buster, early power spike - and we want to make sure to preserve them. However, since it’s already letting buyers win trades via damage, allowing them to heal up so easily afterwards just adds insult to injury.
LIFESTEAL15% ⇒ 12%

Ninja Tabi
Basic attack damage reduction decreased.
Ninja Tabi should be the go-to item into a ton of physical damage, and its additional tankiness against basic attacks gives it baseline effectiveness against at least the marksman in most games. At the moment, it’s the right choice pretty much whenever the enemy team has any physical damage on top of their marksman, so we’re dialing back that baseline value.

Nomad's Medallion
Combine cost decreased. Also affects Talisman of Ascension & Eye of the Oasis.
When we updated Nomad’s Medallion’s build path last patch, the small offset to its combine cost change didn’t go through. Here it is.
COST875 gold (375 gold combine cost) ⇒ 850 gold (350 gold combine cost)
Talisman of Ascension
COST2425 gold ⇒ 2400 gold
Eye of the Oasis
COST1925 gold ⇒ 1900 gold
Scoreboard Minion Kill Tracking
Playing against a champion who creates lots of smaller units makes it hard to tell how well you’re actually last-hitting. We’re keeping the gold reward earned for fighting these pets but removing the confusion they create around last-hit tracking.
SMALL FRIESThe following units no longer increase your Minions Killed stat (they still grant gold):
- Elise’s spiderlings
- Heimerdinger’s turrets (not including his UPGRADE!!!’d turret)
- Illaoi’s tentacles
- Malzahar’s Voidlings
- Shaco’s Jack in the Boxes (including the ones created by Hallucinate’s clone detonation)
- Yorick’s Mist Walkers and Dark Procession rings
- Zyra’s Thornspitters and Vine Lashers
Crowd Control Text
With the addition of crowd control name displays above health bars as a dedicated solution, crowd control doesn’t need to be included in floating combat text any more.
IT WAS REDUNDANTRemoved floating combat text for crowd control effects
Ban Formats
Normals & Ranked
We’re adding a simultaneous 10-champ ban phase to all draft Summoner’s Rift modes throughout 7.11, starting with Normal Draft in NA. We want to make sure all players have more agency in the ban phase, as well as attempting to make the time taken to get into game significantly shorter. Read the announcement post here for details, or below for the tl;dr:
LAUNCHNA Normal Draft only at launch, will be rolled out throughout the patch worldwide (including ranked queues)
TOTAL BANS6, with the last 3 picks of each team getting a ban ⇒ 10, with every player getting a ban
BAN MODELSequential ⇒ Simultaneous
BAN VISIBILITYBans aren’t shown to the enemy team until the end of the ban phase
DUPLICATIONBans can be duplicated across teams
HARDCORE MODE“No ban” is now an option
Custom Games
Regular custom games are unchanged for now while we do some backend tweaks to how custom games work. Tournament Draft custom games are switching to the esports format which has been in use for a while, but the UI might be a little unclear for launch. We’ll be cleaning this up in a later patch.
TOURNAMENT DRAFTNow uses a split draft pick/ban phase, identical to esports
CUSTOM DRAFT PICKUnchanged for now
Lobby Invite Permissions
We’re removing one barrier from getting a party together. Just a small quality-of-life buff for when the captain goes to make a sandwich.
OPEN INVITEInvited players now have invite privileges by default, though captains can still revoke them
Rotating Game Mode
Team up to overcome the cursed Doom Bots of Doom and their evil overlord before everything you love and cherish is DOOMED!!! Doom Bots is available from 6/2/17 12:00 PT - 6/6/17 04:00 PT and 6/9/17 12:00 PT - 6/13/17 04:00 PT.
Let the mayhem begin. Mwahaha. MWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
- Overcome the Doom Bots’ EVIIIIIIIIL curses — stasis, warping, windwalls (and more), oh my!
- Survive and defeat the devilish little horror behind it all. Hut, two, three, four...
Twisted Treeline Bots
SPOOKY BOTSIntermediate bots have been re-added to Twisted Treeline
League Client Update
With the rollout of the new client complete, we’re moving full steam ahead with new features and improvements.
You can find solutions to most common issues in the Known Issues section of our support site.
New features
NEWITEM SET CREATORWe heard you loud and clear—you want item sets, so you got 'em. You can now create custom item sets for specific champions and maps. The new item set creator allows you to start from a default recommended item set for a champion as well as a blank set.
NEWRECENTLY PLAYED LISTYou'll now find a “Recently Played” section at the bottom of your friends list that will display the names of players you've recently been in games with (as well as the champions they played), and will allow you to view their profiles, add them, block them, or drag to invite them to a lobby.
Notable Fixes
- We made the mastery panel smaller to allow players to see the left/right better during champ select and be able tell who’s turn it is and who they’re picking.
- Overall improvements to champion select to make actions clearer.
- Fixes to bugs that were blocking the ability to lock in your choice during champ select.
- We gave the X on the lobby and end of game screen a makeover to give it more space.
Dragon Fist Lee Sin
Dragon Fist Lee Sin’s splash and in-game VFX have been adjusted. The dragon on his back is now gold in his splash, and now turns gold when he casts R - Dragon’s Rage. (Chromas change the in-game color.)
Loot Interface
Having to scroll to reach unopened chests is kinda annoying, especially if you’ve accumulated a lot of loot.
DON’T MAKE ME SCROLLMoved the “Materials” section to the top of Loot
With overall matchmaking health between the two SR ranked queues pretty consistent in all regions, we’re going to be retiring the Queue Health Update for now. We’ll bring it back if the need arises.
Ranked Solo/Duo
Ranked Flex
- Casting Riven’s Q - Broken Wings casts too quickly after one another no longer prevents unit targeting from working properly on casts beyond the first
- Enemies no longer turn invisible if Zac tries to drop them in huge areas of unpassable terrain at R - Let’s Bounce!’s max range (no such areas exist on Summoner’s Rift)
- Fiora no longer purges Sejuani’s E - Permafrost stacks if she uses W - Riposte to parry an attack while at three stacks
- When Darius triggers Noxian Might by applying a fifth Passive - Hemorrhage stack via Q - Decimate, Decimate now properly only applies one stack of Hemorrhage to other units hit
- Fixed a bug where, when blinded by Teemo’s Q - Blinding Dart, Draven’s critical strikes still dealt the crit portion of their damage
- Fixed a bug where, when Statikk Shiv’s chain lighting was proc’d by Pulsefire Ezreal’s Q - Mystic Shot, it wasn’t properly critting at 100% crit chance
- Fixed a bug causing the projectile of an enemy Caitlyn’s Q - Piltover Peacemaker to not properly appear until it hit a unit when fired from fog of war
- Hecarim’s E - Devastating Charge stomp can no longer be reused if Hecarim’s initial target dies during the stomp animation
- Fixed a bug where, when Xayah and Rakan use Tandem Recall while empowered by Baron, only the champion who started the Recall would gain Empowered Recall’s bonus movement speed
- Fixed a number of visual bugs with Jax’s E - Counterstrike across various skins
- Switching Summoner’s Rift music from Updated to Classic no longer prevents the music on other maps from playing
- Various VO lines triggered when Pulsefire Caitlyn scores a pentakill, ace, or killing spree now properly play
- The underside of Teemo’s stolen hat no longer looks kinda weird during Pulsefire Caitlyn’s Recall
- Hand-glowy particles for effects like Sheen and Passive - Rising Spell Force no longer slip to Pulsefire Ezreal’s elbow during his Recall
- Pulsefire Ezreal’s Q - Mystic Shot and R - Trueshot Barrage on-hit particles now properly display when killing jungle monsters
- Forecast Janna’s basic attacks have been touched up to match the changes to Janna’s other skins in patch 7.9
- Cosmic Dawn Rakan once again creates a starry nebula during his Recall
- Candy King Ivern once again burps rudely after Recalling
- Justicar and Atlantean Syndra’s Dark Sphere audio no longer plays during their death animations
- Restored SKT T1 Azir’s death animation audio
- Restored missing sound effects during Chosen Master Yi’s joke
- You can once again hear Master Arcanist Ziggs’ bomb exploding in his stomach during his joke
- Restored Bewitching Nidalee’s Vintage loading screen border for original owners
- Oktoberfest Gragas’s Recall audio now properly plays on Howling Abyss
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released in patch 7.11:
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