NERFPLZ.LOL Combo Review #26: Ziggs + Bard | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Jun 27, 2017

Combo Review #26: Ziggs + Bard

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 As a support main, I'm always looking to see which marksmen go best with which supports. Looking at the Bard stats on, I came across something quite interesting, which was that Ziggs bot appears to have the highest win rate with Bard:


As a support main, I'm always looking to see which marksmen go best with which supports. Looking at the Bard stats on, I came across something quite interesting, which was that Ziggs bot appears to have the highest win rate with Bard:

At 220 games played it's quite small in comparison to Caitlyn's phenomenal 12,500 games played, but most of Caitlyn's win rate can probably be attributed to the fact that she's already sitting at 53% to begin with.

So let's talk Ziggs + Bard.

Why Ziggs + Bard?

Ultimate Synergy
Ziggs' ultimate takes quite a bit of time to cast at a massive range. However, if you can land Bard stun first, Ziggs can easily land the center of his ultimate on enemy champions, resulting in a 50% damage increase.

Strong Poke Burst Damage
As two ranged champions with good poke damage, Ziggs + Bard can easily harass the majority of laners with their powerful burst and dip away to safety. In particular, the double Thunderlord proc of this lane will catch the majority of players off-guard.

High Double-kill Potential
As two champions with predominantly AOE spells, Ziggs and Bard can just as easily get a double kill as a single kill if the two enemy champions are close together. This allows the lane to snowball very quickly in the hands of skilled players.

Amazing Objective Stealing Power
When you combine Bard's ultimate with Ziggs' ultimate, stealing Baron or Dragon can be a breeze, I mean just look at the GIF below I found on Google:

What do you think about Ziggs + Bard? Got any other favorite combos? Comment below!

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