It's a bit hard to pull off, but if you can get a bunch of saplings and boxes in a bush, launch a Maokai ultimate on an unsuspecting team from behind a wall and you can all jump in to maul them.

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: B
Crowd Control: B
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 5
Diving Power: B
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: B
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: B
Sustain: C
Synergy: A
Waveclear: B
Early Game: A
Mid Game: A
Late Game: B
Super Late Game: B
Crowd Control: B
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 5
Diving Power: B
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: B
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: B
Sustain: C
Synergy: A
Waveclear: B
Early Game: A
Mid Game: A
Late Game: B
Super Late Game: B
S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad
The advent of Maokai support being a "thing" after his rework may still strike some as odd, but he's certainly earned the right with his obnoxiously long range engage and huge damage on his saplings. This team composition relies on small skirmishes with their primary initiation being simply boxes or samplings for a quick gank.
It's a bit hard to pull off, but if you can get a bunch of saplings and boxes in a bush, launch a Maokai ultimate on an unsuspecting team from behind a wall and you can all jump in to maul them.
It's a bit hard to pull off, but if you can get a bunch of saplings and boxes in a bush, launch a Maokai ultimate on an unsuspecting team from behind a wall and you can all jump in to maul them.
Xayah [Marksman] - You may want someone like Ezreal so that he can move across terrain more easily, but Xayah works extremely well in this low peel team composition. Her ultimate allows her to kite hard, stay safe, and deal massive burst damage/provide some crowd-control. She synergizes well with Maokai, and is a great duelist.
Kassadin [Mid] - Kassadin might have a somewhat weak early game, but his mid to late game are immense, especially if he can snowball off a few box/sapling traps.
Maokai [Support] - Maokai provides the main source of initiation on this team, and should anticipate enemies walking into Shaco boxes and start his ultimate from the fog of war. By the time enemies see it, they will be too late to avoid it.
Shaco [Jungler] - This team composition relies heavily on early game snowballing to get ahead. When it comes to the early game snowball, few do it better than Shaco. Meanwhile, his ability to assassinate unlucky enemies that walk into traps is extremely potent, resulting in someone that fits in well for this double assassin comp.
Jayce [Top Laner] - The primary difficulty this team may face is its lack of waveclear. Jayce provides that key component combined with poke from his Shock Blast. He can also snipe fleeing enemies that walk into sapling colonies, and split-pushes like a beast.
Kassadin [Mid] - Kassadin might have a somewhat weak early game, but his mid to late game are immense, especially if he can snowball off a few box/sapling traps.
Maokai [Support] - Maokai provides the main source of initiation on this team, and should anticipate enemies walking into Shaco boxes and start his ultimate from the fog of war. By the time enemies see it, they will be too late to avoid it.
Shaco [Jungler] - This team composition relies heavily on early game snowballing to get ahead. When it comes to the early game snowball, few do it better than Shaco. Meanwhile, his ability to assassinate unlucky enemies that walk into traps is extremely potent, resulting in someone that fits in well for this double assassin comp.
Jayce [Top Laner] - The primary difficulty this team may face is its lack of waveclear. Jayce provides that key component combined with poke from his Shock Blast. He can also snipe fleeing enemies that walk into sapling colonies, and split-pushes like a beast.
Key Concepts
- Fighting in the jungle will favor this team, as it is high in mobility and small range AOE spells.
- Try not to tower dive too much, as this team is lacking a tank or any sort of damage mitigation spells.
- If you end up falling behind, see if you can split-push with Shaco/Kassadin while clearing waves with the other three. Jayce can also split-push if he's ahead enough.
If you want to win against this team composition force fights and play tank champions that can soak the damage from face-checking brushes.
Here is an example team that may succeed:
Here is an example team that may succeed:
- Anivia [Mid] - Anivia naturally does well against Kassadin, and her waveclear alone makes it incredibly difficult for this team to siege without a tank.
- Sejuani [Jungle] - Nearly impossible to kill, Sejuani also gives this team a large amount of initiation that allows her to force fights during split-pushes.
- Malphite [Top] - Similar to Sejuani, forcing fights and soaking damage allows this team to come out ahead. He may have trouble early against Jayce though, so your jungler should give him some attention before he gets his first armor item.
- Rakan [Support] - With the amount of front line that this team has, dropping a Rakan into the mix is actually a decent plan. It allows your marksman a ton of time to drop their full damage onto enemies without fear of taking tower aggro.
- Miss Fortune [Marksman] - If you're dropping in a wombo combo, might as well make it a true wombo.
As a whole, this counter composition works very well, but needs to get Anivia ahead or it is lacking in damage. Switching Rakan out for Vel'Koz or Brand can work as well.
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!
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