NERFPLZ.LOL FOTM Report: Hextech Gunblade Leblanc | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Apr 11, 2017

FOTM Report: Hextech Gunblade Leblanc

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Leblanc players got absolutely slaughtered by the latest round of nerfs on this champion. However, after some solemn reflection, these pesky Leblanc mains quickly jumped back on the horse with a brand new build featuring the hugly overpowered Hextech Gunblade. Check out the details below!


Leblanc players got absolutely slaughtered by the latest round of nerfs on this champion. However, after some solemn reflection, these pesky Leblanc mains quickly jumped back on the horse with a brand new build featuring the hugly overpowered Hextech Gunblade. Check out the details below!

How to Play
RunesAbility Power Quints, Magic Penetration RedsFlat Armor Yellows, 3x Flat Magic Resist Blues, 6x Scaling Cooldown Reduction
Masteries: 12-18-0, Thunderlord Masteries
Abilities: Q, W, E then prioritize R > Q > W > E
Summoner Spells: Flash + Ignite
Starting Items: Doran's Ring + Potions
Core Items: Hextech Gunblade, Sorcerer's Boots, Lichbane, Void Staff, Rabaddon's Deathcap, Zhonya's Hourglass

Why It Works

Hextech Gunblade "Single-Target" Heal
Gunblade's unique passive is only 33% effective for area of effect abilities. However, Leblanc's Shatter Orb that bounces off minions counts as single target abilities for each bounce, and was recently increased to 80% damage to minions. This allows Leblanc to quickly clear a single wave and gain a massive amount of her health back.

Lichbane/Revolver Clone Proc
Leblanc's clone gets a free Lichbane + Revolver (passive) proc that does not use up Leblanc's own item cooldowns. This means that she can effectively burst for double procs simultaneously by simply alt + right clicking after she ults.

Gunblade Active + Ethereal Chains Synergy
Although Ethereal Chains isn't exactly hard to finish off once it lands, Hextech Gunblade's active makes it much easier to hit and keep them within range to complete the root. This allows Leblanc to concentrate on weaving in auto attacks rather than simply staying in range.

Sustained Damage
Leblanc's cooldowns aren't exactly "high", but they aren't low like a Cassiopeia or a Ryze. However, by equipping her with Gunblade, Leblanc gets a much longer damage dealing time during a team fight, even if she runs out of mana.

Potential Pitfalls

Sits on Cutlass
Building Leblanc like this means that there's a point in time where you will likely be holding onto a cutlass before finishing it off into a gunblade. This is largely a wasted stat on Leblanc, mostly because she doesn't really scale with attack damage. The passive is still useful, but as a single item it's not very good on her.

Slower Burst Damage
This build gives up true burst damage for two to three item synergizes and sustain early to mid game. If you are aiming for a pure damage burst assassin, this item combination does not give you what you're looking for until later on.


This Leblanc build is certainly strong in the right hands and can easily snowball a game as a result of her high mobility and the increased number of tools at her disposal. However, it does require her to get in close range and stay close range. As a result, it seems better for arranged team play and less so for solo queue as it does allow for some counterplay.

Suggested Rating: Tier 2

What do you think about Gunblade Leblanc? Comment below!

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