NERFPLZ.LOL 2017 Champion Tier List - Ranked 3s Twisted Treeline - Patch 7.6 Update | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Apr 4, 2017

2017 Champion Tier List - Ranked 3s Twisted Treeline - Patch 7.6 Update

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The Twisted Treeline is a magical area where champions like Poppy and Darius never go out of style and old favorites like Morgana and Brand continue to dominate the bot lane. However, the latest introduction of the Galio rework is definitely shaking up the canopies this patch with his ability to fall in any lane seamlessly to great effect.

Check out the newly updated 3s tier list below!


This List has been updated, and new versions are available via this link


The Twisted Treeline is a magical area where champions like Poppy and Darius never go out of style and old favorites like Morgana and Brand continue to dominate the bot lane. However, the latest introduction of the Galio rework is definitely shaking up the canopies this patch with his ability to fall in any lane seamlessly to great effect.

Check out the newly updated 3s tier list below!

Current Metagame
Right now there are THREE main methods of playing Twisted Treeline:
  1. Duo top with a support like Taric and a marksman like Graves or Caitlyn
  2. Two solo lanes with a jungler (Generally mages stay bot)
  3. Duo top with a melee bruiser w/Smite + Taric or Maokai and a standard AP or ranged AD bot
For the most part higher tier teams prefer the support meta running exhaust + heal, whereas lower divisions seem to do better with the level advantage from having a jungler.

Most strong top lane solo champions will also do well with a support with strong CC for invasion potential.

Based off of this, I'm splitting this tier list into "roles" similar to the solo queue 5s list. However, as there are only 3 positions open, I won't be including every champion into this list. If you feel that I've missed out on a strong champion, please let me know and I'll include it in the next update.

  • Added Galio Jungle/Top

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The Tier List

God Tier List

[Highest Influence | Good In Almost Every Situation | Easiest to Gain LP With]

Bot Lane Solo Brand, Syndra, Orianna, Galio
Jungle Tahm Kench, Poppy, Skarner
Top Lane Graves, Darius, Illaoi, Galio
Marksman Lucian, Graves
Support Taric, Braum, Nautilus

God Tier Rising: Braum (Support), Galio (Bot/Top), Lucian (Marksman), Nautilus (Support), Orianna (Bot),Tahm Kench (Jungle)
God Tier Falling

Tier 1

[Strong/Preferred Choices | Faster to Learn and Win]

Bot Lane SoloAnivia, Morgana, Zilean, Swain, Cassiopeia, Ahri, Lux, Vel'koz, Malzahar, Karma, Ziggs, Viktor, Graves, Lulu, Jayce, Annie, Lissandra, Kayle
JungleIvern, Xin Zhao, Galio, Maokai, Shaco, Jarvan IV, Jax, Nocturne, Zac, Gragas, Rek'Sai, Mordekaiser, Wukong, Trundle, Hecarim, Nunu, OlafGraves, Elise, Kha'Zix, Amumu, Shyvana, Diana
Top Lane SoloFiora, Renekton, Jarvan IV, Jayce, Garen, Yasuo, Camille, Jhin, Wukong, Irelia, Olaf, Poppy, Kayle, Mordekaiser, Trundle, Pantheon, Cho'Gath, Gangplank, Tahm Kench, Maokai
MarksmanCaitlyn, Jhin, Corki
SupportLulu, Tahm Kench, Leona, Maokai, Poppy, Bard, Trundle, Gragas

Tier 1 Rising: Ahri (Bot), Anivia (Bot), Cho'Gath (Top), Fiora (Top), Ivern (Jungle), Jax (Jungle), Morgana (Bot), Renekton (Top), Shaco (Jungle), Swain (Bot), Xin Zhao (Jungle), Zilean (Bot)
Tier 1 Falling: Caitlyn (Marksman), Cassiopeia (Bot), Jhin (Marksman), Maokai (Support/Jungle)

Tier 2

[Viable/Balanced Choices | Common Picks]

Bot Lane SoloXerath, Vladimir, Taliyah, Gnar, Yasuo, Ekko, Cho'Gath, Leblanc, Singed, Ryze, Kennen, Diana, Rumble
JungleCho'Gath, Lee Sin, Sejuani, Dr. Mundo, Pantheon, Sion, Vi, Volibear, Yorick, Rengar, Warwick
Top Lane SoloVolibear, Riven, Shaco, Nautilus, Ekko, Kennen, Hecarim, Singed, Sion, Yorick, Gnar, Teemo, Kled, Dr. Mundo, Xin Zhao, Riven, Jax, Lee Sin, Rengar, Talon, Aatrox, Shyvana, Kha'Zix
MarksmanVayne, Draven
Support: Sion, Alistar, Volibear, Annie, Karma

Tier 2 Rising:
Tier 2 Falling

Tier 3

[Needs Higher Skill or Knowledge Than Usual | Counterpicks]

Bot Lane SoloCorki, Zyra, Fizz, Heimerdinger, Talon, Teemo, Kassadin
JungleEkko, Udyr, Nidalee, Malphite, Fiddlesticks, Evelynn, Nautilus, Nasus
Top Lane SoloTryndamere, Diana, Rek'Sai, Udyr, Nasus, Malphite
MarksmanJinx, Ezreal, Quinn
Support: Morgana, Soraka, Nunu, Malphite

Tier 3 Rising:
Tier 3 Falling

Tier 4

[Not Played Often | One Trick Ponies]

Everybody else. Not to say that you can't win with other champions, but for the most part the ones above will give you plenty to work with. Feel free to try out other strategies and post your experiences in the comment section below!

AD/AP Positioning

Due to the way the map is arranged, bot lane is generally considered the "safer" lane, so the solo laner almost always goes here. However, as this game mode is somewhat uncommon, you may see teams send two champions to bot lane. As a result, it's generally best to send an AP bot with long range waveclear, as these champions can deal with both 1v1 and 1v2 lanes.

This means that for the most part, the AD based champion will go top. However, swapping these around isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's a good idea to make sure that you have a mix of damage types so that the enemy team can't easily itemize against you.

When you duo in one lane with a support, top is almost always better as it's easier to invade their jungle through the top lane, and it's much easier to bully the melee laner as well since they generally lack ranged waveclear.

Champion Explanations

  • Braum [God Tier Support] - The natural complement to Lucian, Braum's passive allows for insanely strong dueling and early game cheese kills. This results in a quickly snowballing marksman that can absolutely dominate the rift via his power spikes. As a support, Braum's damage output is quite good, and the narrow lanes also allow him to maximize his shield potential and knock-up power.
  • Galio [God Tier Bot Lane/Top Lane & Tier 1 Jungle] - Galio works well on this map, especially when he's combined with a Yasuo on his team. The size of his ultimate allows him to cover all his teammates easily during a fight while the narrow corridors make it extremely difficult for enemies to escape. His waveclear in lane and jungle is also extremely powerful, especially on this map. It's hard to say where he currently works best right now, but I'd say he's an excellent pick/ban champion now.
  • Jax [Tier 1 Jungle] - Jax jungle is one of those champions that works very well on this mapas a result of his blended defensive and offensive stats. If you allow him to scale, he becomes an unkillable tank that simultaneously swiftly annihilates tanks as if they never had defensive stats to begin with.
  • Lucian [God Tier Marksman] - Lucian's latest buffs have made him absurdly powerful, and when he gets jungle farm he becomes even more so. His classic Blade of the Ruined King + Black Cleaver build gives him equal parts defensive potential and tank shredding ability. When you add this to his powerful snowballing chances, you get a marksman that is deadly from start to finish.
  • Shaco [Tier 1 Jungle] - Shaco by himself may not be scary, but Shaco with boxes all over the jungle is certainly something to be wary of. Without wards on the map and extremely narrow chokepoints, Shaco ends up being very difficult to deal with for the unprepared, and his ganks are extremely easy to execute when they involve literally one shotting enemy players with a single backstab early.
  • Swain [Tier 1 Bot Lane] - Swain is a champion that somewhat defies the early push meta. While he can clear decently via his level one Decrepify [Q], the true terror of course lies in his level six ultimate combined with the Deathcap/Zhonya combination weapon known as Wooglet. This places him a spot where you can't kill him or farm near him without fear of dying.
  • Taric [God Tier Support] - Taric continues to be extremely valuable on this map, especially when Braum and/or Lucian are banned. While he generally works best with a true marksman, Taric also works very well with a bruiser like Jarvan as a result of his stun that unlike Braum, doesn't require your partner to have attack speed to reach its maximum effect.
  • The purpose of this list is for discussion and to provide a starting point for champion selection.
  • While I'm by no means a guru on the Twisted Treeline I do enjoy playing the game mode quite a bit and look forward to climbing the new flex ladder.
  • That being said, take this tier list with a grain of salt and feel free to engage in open debate in the comment section with your own thoughts and comments. As the game mode isn't all that popular right now, hopefully this list will help spur some of you to try it out!

Agree? Disagree? Comment below!

Previous versions of this list available here

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