The rest of the team is fairly self-explanatory but allows you to gain a massive numbers advantage over your enemies.

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: A
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 3
Diving Power: S
Dueling Power: S
Initiation: A
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: S
Sustain: A
Synergy: S
Waveclear: S
Early Game: A
Mid Game: A
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 3
Diving Power: S
Dueling Power: S
Initiation: A
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: S
Sustain: A
Synergy: S
Waveclear: S
Early Game: A
Mid Game: A
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A
S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad
Looking at this comp, some of you are probably thinking Shaco support? Ugh...might as well put in Teemo marksman while you're at it. Hear me out: Shaco's boxes are his strongest spell right now, and Shaco support actually works very well with the 10% CDR from Eye of the Watchers. This means not only is sightstone part of his core build, but you'll also get a massive amount of fear-bombing (and newly semi-sweeper immune) boxes as well.
The rest of the team is fairly self-explanatory but allows you to gain a massive numbers advantage over your enemies.
The rest of the team is fairly self-explanatory but allows you to gain a massive numbers advantage over your enemies.
Caitlyn [Marksman] - Outside of Teemo, there really are not many ranged marksman that give you additional units on the map. In this case, Caitlyn's Yordle Snap Traps [W] make for a good substitute and can easily be hidden by Ivern's bushes and the summons from your teammates.
Alternatives could potentially be Teemo or placing Mordekaiser bot and a Heimerdinger/Teemo/Yorick top lane instead.
Annie [Mid] - Annie's an excellent engaging burst mage, and her Tibbers can easily tank turrets. This synergizes extremely well with the other champions on this team, and provides a much-needed source of burst damage with an Ivern in play.
Shaco [Support] - Max level Jack In the Box [W] allows your team to easily secure objectives like Dragon to snowball off of Mordekaiser's ultimate. His early game can be a bit painful against certain supports, but if your team fights near his boxes, he can be absolutely game-changing. His ability to continuously spawn new wards in the form of boxes also allows him to maintain vision, even if the enemy team is clearing and he's out of sightstone charges.
Shaco's ultimate also provides an additional unit for enemies to fight against, which can wreck havoc as long as he holds his E and provides his clone with the auto-attack slow.
If you're really against Shaco support, just go Malzahar instead.
Ivern [Jungler] - Arguably the strongest jungler in the current meta, Ivern is truly a cornerstone for this team composition. His shields allow already tanky summons to absolutely dominate turrets, and also provides a way to bait enemies into attacking Shaco's clone. His bushes also greatly amplify Caitlyn's headshot rate, and make it near impossible for enemies to contest objectives.
Mordekaiser [Top Laner] - Mordekaiser is currently one of the most underrated top laners in the game. His objective control and ability to steal enemy souls is pretty standard, but what most players miss is how absolutely dominant he is in lane. The only way to really stop him is by shutting him down early via jungle ganks. However, good Mordekaiser players are well aware of this fact and make sure to survive until he can 100 to 0 the enemy laner...with no items.
Alternatives could potentially be Teemo or placing Mordekaiser bot and a Heimerdinger/Teemo/Yorick top lane instead.
Annie [Mid] - Annie's an excellent engaging burst mage, and her Tibbers can easily tank turrets. This synergizes extremely well with the other champions on this team, and provides a much-needed source of burst damage with an Ivern in play.
Shaco [Support] - Max level Jack In the Box [W] allows your team to easily secure objectives like Dragon to snowball off of Mordekaiser's ultimate. His early game can be a bit painful against certain supports, but if your team fights near his boxes, he can be absolutely game-changing. His ability to continuously spawn new wards in the form of boxes also allows him to maintain vision, even if the enemy team is clearing and he's out of sightstone charges.
Shaco's ultimate also provides an additional unit for enemies to fight against, which can wreck havoc as long as he holds his E and provides his clone with the auto-attack slow.
If you're really against Shaco support, just go Malzahar instead.
Ivern [Jungler] - Arguably the strongest jungler in the current meta, Ivern is truly a cornerstone for this team composition. His shields allow already tanky summons to absolutely dominate turrets, and also provides a way to bait enemies into attacking Shaco's clone. His bushes also greatly amplify Caitlyn's headshot rate, and make it near impossible for enemies to contest objectives.
Mordekaiser [Top Laner] - Mordekaiser is currently one of the most underrated top laners in the game. His objective control and ability to steal enemy souls is pretty standard, but what most players miss is how absolutely dominant he is in lane. The only way to really stop him is by shutting him down early via jungle ganks. However, good Mordekaiser players are well aware of this fact and make sure to survive until he can 100 to 0 the enemy laner...with no items.
Key Concepts
- Make sure to get Daisy to tank turret (or Mordekaiser's Dragon);
- Don't just throw out Tibbers and Shaco clone randomly to get a full army; and
- Roam Mordekaiser to Dragon at level 6 to start the snowball.
Beating this team requires some high burst damage champions to avoid cycling Ivern's shields and dealing a net zero damage.
Here is an example team that may succeed:
Here is an example team that may succeed:
- Talon [Mid] - Burst down Annie and Caitlyn with Edge of Night for instant kills
- Olaf [Jungle] - Blow through Shaco boxes and Ivern stuns using Olaf's ultimate to prevent your team from getting dumpstered.
- Riven [Top] - Riven does fairly well against Mordekaiser, and her burst damage will come in handy.
- Brand [Support] - Tons of units means Brand does tons of damage with his passive.
- Miss Fortune [Marksman] - All champions fall prey to the mighty Miss Fortune ult.
As a whole, this counter composition also works well in its own right.
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!
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