NERFPLZ.LOL Top 10 Tips for Super Long Games | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Jan 13, 2017

Top 10 Tips for Super Long Games

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Long games are the best and the worst. Sometimes it's a fiercely competitive game that pushes you to your limits, and sometimes it's just a throwfest that ends in raging and madness. Either way, there are definitely a few things you can keep in mind to maximize your chances of converting that hour into an LP gain. Check out the ways below!


40~50 minute games are the best and the worst. Sometimes it's a fiercely competitive game that pushes you to your limits, and sometimes it's just a throwfest that ends in raging and madness. Either way, there are definitely a few things you can keep in mind to maximize your chances of converting that hour into an LP gain.

Check out the ways below!

Baron Isn't Worth Getting Aced

This is one mistake I see a lot of teams make, which is to put too much priority on Baron. Baron applies a debuff that reduces your armor and magic resist every time he attacks, meaning that if the enemy team fights you while you've been doing Baron, they do SIGNIFICANTLY more damage. This can quickly lead to a 60 second death timer and the loss of map pressure and structures.

Everyone is "Fed"

Even if you started the game 10-0 as Lee Sin and are sitting at 30-10 now, the 0-10 Lucian from earlier is probably full build by now. Even though you beat him earlier in the game, that doesn't mean the same strategies are going to work on him late game. Make sure you don't underestimate champion capabilities just because they don't have as many kills.

Watch Death Timers

The death timers for these types of games are insanely long. Make sure that you watch the enemy death timers carefully, and don't overcommit if dangerous enemies are coming back to life. If you can stagger the enemy death timers however, you can often win the game much earlier than you normally could.

Backdoor Protection is Strong

If you don't have a heavy AD champion alive with you, don't underestimate the backdoor protection on turrets. Even if you have really tanky champions that can tank the turret, it's often better to just rotate to the lane with minions as the safe bet unless you're desperate.

Push as many lanes as possible

When you manage to get map pressure, make sure to try your hardest to push multiple lanes at once. If you end up against a heavy turtle team with champions like Veigar, Caitlyn, or Anivia, forcing a fight may not be possible. However, if you have multiple lanes pushed, rotating to where your minions are allows you to make sure your push is still beneficial.

Don't split push if the enemy team has good engage

Understand the difference between turning a wave and split pushing. If you're playing Shen and want to split push, make sure your team can survive a full engage without your taunt and front line power. If the enemy team is packing a lot of assassins, split-pushing is worthless if your backline dies before the teleport completes.

Stay in groups

Keeping the support safe so that they can ward is the job of the team. If the entire team is missing, you need your tank to facecheck bushes so that the support can safely ward. If not, then you quickly end up in 4v5 fights with no peel.

Watch out for small area of effect spells

When you're standing in groups, make sure to spread out a little if the enemy team has effective small area of effect spells like Malphite ult, Orianna ult, Annie ult, Riven, etc. Even if you are winning, these scaling AOE spells can quickly demolish teams as a result of the lack of diminishing returns.

Focus one target

Before the fight starts, make sure your team knows who is saving certain cooldowns for dangerous targets. Otherwise, your team should focus the same target and kite back if necessary. This ensures that there's no hesitation during team fights, which can make or break a game.

Be Patient

Sometimes teams try and rush fights when they just have to wait for super minions to take over the game. This can end up in poor fights and the loss of an otherwise won game. Make sure you're patient and don't overcommit.

Camping a death bush is also a great way to win a long game with some patience; just watch out for the small area of effect spells.

Got more tips for long games? Love them or hate them? What was your longest? Comment below!

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