However, after the changes below went through, the queen of auto-cancelling herself seems to be experiencing some above optimal changes in her combo power...see below for more details!

In the latest Patch 6.20 update, Riot implemented the "Basic Attack Lock-In", which is meant to make attack-canceling smoother, resulting in better kiting and nicer looking gameplay overall.However, after the changes below went through, the queen of auto-cancelling herself seems to be experiencing some above optimal changes in her combo power...see below for more details!
Basic Attack Lock-In
Basic attack canceling is now more consistent.
At higher levels of play, canceling the backend of basic attack animations is crucial to everything from trading to kiting. Currently, playing around basic attack animations is a bit too suspect to situational variations like a slight spike in lag or the outer edge of Frozen Heart’s aura. We want the behavior around animation cancelling to be a smidgen (about .06 seconds) more consistent, so that more players can learn and master this mechanic.
NO CANCELLATIONSMovement orders issued .03 seconds before a basic attack fires will no longer cancel it. The movement will now occur after the attack fires.
Riven's New Extremely High Cancel Rate
As shown below in the video by Spyroflex, the new cancel mechanic is pushing Riven's max combo speed to some silly new heights. For a champion that was already sporting above average win rates in Patch 6.19, this could potentially be game-breaking.
Riot Response
The official response from Riot indicates that this is indeed a bug, but will not be fixed until next patch unless her win rate spikes tremendously.
Since this was an intended change with unintended consequences, Riot implicitly indicates they will not be taking specific actions for players who use this "bug". They clearly also do not consider it "game-changing", but Riven mains are cackling with delight.
Should you feel uncomfortable with it, note that Riot does indeed consider it to be one, so use your own discretion.
Since this was an intended change with unintended consequences, Riot implicitly indicates they will not be taking specific actions for players who use this "bug". They clearly also do not consider it "game-changing", but Riven mains are cackling with delight.
Should you feel uncomfortable with it, note that Riot does indeed consider it to be one, so use your own discretion.
How to Execute This Combo
Generally, this site tries to avoid showing people how to abuse glitches since this is against Riot's terms and conditions. However, this "bug" is just the basic Riven combo done faster.
Simply auto attack between each of the three spells in her Q combo, and immediately press the next Q once the auto attack registers.
It's fairly simple, and I fully expect her to spike even further up in play rate and ban rate this patch, despite already being the most popular top laner.
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