Back in the day, NOBODY facechecked the bottom brush. Mid-laners were solely responsible for leashing, and bot lanes would constantly have level one battles to ensure a level playing field.
Now, bot lane is responsible for helping the jungler leash, resulting in a slow setup and...opportunity for free lane wins.
Now, bot lane is responsible for helping the jungler leash, resulting in a slow setup and...opportunity for free lane wins.
Relic From the Past
Back in the day, NOBODY facechecked the bottom brush. Mid-laners were solely responsible for leashing, and bot lanes would constantly have level one battles to ensure a level playing field.
Now, bot lane is responsible for helping the jungler leash, resulting in a slow setup and...opportunity for free lane wins.
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Best Bush Cheesers
#1 Cheese: Zyra + Caitlyn - Almost every support walks into the bottom brush at level one for control, and almost nobody wards it instantly since that is generally used to control the opposite bush. This means that a well placed Caitlyn trap is nearly guaranteed to snare. Followed up with a Zyra snare, this quickly becomes a blown summoner or at the very least someone's potions for free. Personally, I think that starting Q on Caitlyn is actually more effective just in case they walk close enough to drop a ward but don't actually facecheck it.
More Supports
- Nautilus - With a double CC, Nautilus gives the longest potential CC time with his anchor. However, he does not bully as hard as Zyra as a result of his lower personal damage output.
- Morgana - Her massive CC time is optimal for early game cheese, and she synergizes well with auto-attack reliant marksmen like Draven as a result of her black shield.
- Leona - Start Q for good burst. You probably will not net a kill if you start bot brush, but you can chunk them for a good half.
- Braum - If you pair Braum with Lucian, it is possible to get his CC off at level one during a bush cheese.
- Alistar - Similar to Leona, you probably won't get a kill but you might get a free summoner spell out of it.
- Sona - Sona's level one burst is absolutely incredible. Although it's unlikely to get a kill with, you can easily force them to spend a pot or two.
More Marksmen
- Draven - Arguably the strongest level one marksmen, a few autos from this guy can absolutely decimate someone like Soraka.
- Lucian - His burst has been nerfed, but he is still extremely effective level one, especially if paired with a good amount of CC. As mentioned before, the Braum synergy is also excellent.
What If You're Not Bot Lane?
If you do not play bot lane, you can still utilize this strategy to a lesser effect:
- Jungle: Start on the opposite side of the map, this will allow your bot lane to use this strategy.
- Top: There are a large variety of locations enemy top laners can possibly get to lane from, but if you pick the right bush you can still cheese very hard with someone like Darius.
- Mid: You can't really affect your own lane with a bush cheese, but you could join the top laner early on before minions spawn for a potential 2v1.
Bush cheesing is an extremely underrated tactic that can often result in a lane advantage for very little effort. Most bot laners may be forced to leash for their jungler, but if your jungler ends up starting on the opposite side of the map, definitely consider using this tactic.
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