In today's meta, Zac is an extremely dominant jungler who is the third most picked and the most banned jungler in the game. This is a result of his high burst damage ganks that wreck havoc on immobile marksmen, a cornerstone of current strategy.
Meanwhile, playing him mid also offers great potential for fun. By playing him as an assassin-based ganker, Zac can catch many enemies off-guard with his unusually strong all-in abilities.

In today's meta, Zac is an extremely dominant jungler who is the third most picked and the most banned jungler in the game. This is a result of his high burst damage ganks that wreck havoc on immobile marksmen, a cornerstone of current strategy.Meanwhile, playing him mid also offers great potential for fun. By playing him as an assassin-based ganker, Zac can catch many enemies off-guard with his unusually strong all-in abilities.
How to Play
Runes: Ability Power Quints, Magic Penetration Reds, Flat Armor Yellows, Flat Magic Resist Blues
Masteries: 12-18-0, Thunderlord Masteries
Abilities: Q, W, E, then prioritize R > Q or E > Q or E (whatever isn't already maxed) > W
Core Items: Abyssal Scepter, Spirit Visage, Sorcerer's Shoes, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff
Masteries: 12-18-0, Thunderlord Masteries
Abilities: Q, W, E, then prioritize R > Q or E > Q or E (whatever isn't already maxed) > W
Core Items: Abyssal Scepter, Spirit Visage, Sorcerer's Shoes, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff
Why It Works
Extremely Good Synergy With Spirit Visage
As a result of his passive, Zac works extremely well with Spirit Visage's improved heal. This means that against double AP teams, Zac can pick this item up for the heal, and also become extremely tanky from the magic resist while building full AP the rest of the game. Against heavy poke champions, Zac's passive also works well to keep him healthy in lane.
Easy Lane GanksBy utilizing the two ledges on each side of the mid turret, Zac's long-range jump allows him to easily gank his opposing mid-laners with ease. He is also an extremely good roamer (considering he is an excellent ganker), and thus can bait out mid lane to follow or force the side lanes to play passively every time he disappears off the map.
High Waveclear and Sustain
As mentioned before, Zac's sustain is quite good, especially after he gets his Spirit Visage. A mana-less champion, Zac's AOEs also work extremely well against other high wave clear champions, and CSing at turret is hardly a problem for him.
Powerful Late Game Initiation
As far as assassins go, Zac works quite well. Because of his long-range gap closer, Zac can easily initiate fights by taking out a single target and splashing CC and damage all over the enemy team during tower dives.
Potential Pitfalls
Low Long Range Waveclear
During team fights against stronger enemy teams, most compositions rely on their mid lane as the primary source of wave clear. Since Zac's strategy revolves around hiding in the fog of war, this takes out a core tactic most teams like to employ. However, if your other champions have enough wave clear, then this should not be an issue.
Easy to Camp
If Zac is playing aggressive, then it becomes easy to camp him and wait for him to jump in. As a result, he plays somewhat similar to Jarvan Mid, but is slightly better since he does not have mana restrictions or use his gap closer as his main poke spell.
During team fights against stronger enemy teams, most compositions rely on their mid lane as the primary source of wave clear. Since Zac's strategy revolves around hiding in the fog of war, this takes out a core tactic most teams like to employ. However, if your other champions have enough wave clear, then this should not be an issue.
Easy to Camp
If Zac is playing aggressive, then it becomes easy to camp him and wait for him to jump in. As a result, he plays somewhat similar to Jarvan Mid, but is slightly better since he does not have mana restrictions or use his gap closer as his main poke spell.
Zac Mid is certainly still an unorthodox pick. However, it still performs well as a safer, but lower damage version of Jarvan mid. On the other hand, if the enemy team is heavy on AP and your team is low on initiation but high on waveclear, this could be worth looking into.
Suggested Rating: Tier 3
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