Fiddle in the middle is one of those long forgotten counters to Vladimir that few, if anyone brings to see the light of day. However, as his jungle popularity rises we might start seeing him in a few more old roles like mid lane and support. Check out the details below!

Fiddle in the middle is one of those long forgotten counters to Vladimir that few, if anyone brings to see the light of day. However, as his jungle popularity rises we might start seeing him in a few more old roles like mid lane and support. Check out the details below!
How to Play
Runes: Ability Power Quints, Magic Penetration Reds, Flat Armor Yellows, Flat Magic Resist Blues
Masteries: 18-12-0, Deathfire Touch Masteries
Abilities: E, W, Q then prioritize R > E > W > Q
Core Items: Morellonomicon, Sorcerer's Shoes, Zhonya's Hourglass, Rabadon's Deathcap, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Void Staff
Masteries: 18-12-0, Deathfire Touch Masteries
Abilities: E, W, Q then prioritize R > E > W > Q
Core Items: Morellonomicon, Sorcerer's Shoes, Zhonya's Hourglass, Rabadon's Deathcap, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Void Staff
Why It Works
Excellent Poke
As anyone can tell you from messing around with Fiddle for a bit on ARAM, his harassing ability via his Dark Wind can wreck havoc, especially when there are a low number of closely packed targets for the spell to bounce off of.
Good SustainDespite being vulnerable to hard CC, Fiddlesticks does extremely well against champions like Vladimir and Ryze who are unable to stop his drain from giving Fiddle the advantage during close range trades.
Potential 1v5 Ability
Lastly, Fiddlesticks is one of the few champions who can truly win in a 1v5 battle if he gets fed enough. His AOE ultimate is often one of the highest priority spells to stop from channeling to its climax, and for good reason too. That being said, pretending to roam with Fiddlesticks and turning around into his ultimate is also a great way to take out your rival mid laners.
Potential Pitfalls
Low Early Game Burst Damage
Despite having good 1v1 trades early game, Fiddlesticks does have trouble actually bursting someone down before he gets his ultimate. As a result, he is prone to pushing the lane and getting camped by the enemy jungler after a few good trades.
Very Vulnerable to CC
A champion with two core channeled spells (his drain and his crowstorm), Fiddlesticks is extremely vulnerable to a any form of hard crowd-control. Building Rylai helps him from getting burst down before his cooldowns come back, but otherwise he is very reliant on good map control and decision-making skills.
Despite having good 1v1 trades early game, Fiddlesticks does have trouble actually bursting someone down before he gets his ultimate. As a result, he is prone to pushing the lane and getting camped by the enemy jungler after a few good trades.
Very Vulnerable to CC
A champion with two core channeled spells (his drain and his crowstorm), Fiddlesticks is extremely vulnerable to a any form of hard crowd-control. Building Rylai helps him from getting burst down before his cooldowns come back, but otherwise he is very reliant on good map control and decision-making skills.
Fiddle in the middle is an excellent 1v1 duelist and potential 1v5 duelist as well. However, playing him does take a little bit of sneakiness and good awareness of which champion's cooldowns. That being said, Fiddlesticks himself is in a decent spot right now and could excel mid-lane provided he is against a team with low crowd-control and on a team with low magic damage.
Suggested Rating: Tier 3
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