
Hey guys! Putting through two FOTM lists per patch seems like it was a bit aggressive, so instead I am just going to update this one as the patch goes on. This should make things more manageable and keep updates flowing through.
As we close in on the new patch, it looks like Azir is quickly falling out of his dominant position, whereas Zed continues to top the charts. Meanwhile, the new Ryze is drawing a ton of attention and bans, despite a less than mediocre win rate.
Check out the full list below!

Preface Chatter
Hey guys! Putting through two FOTM lists per patch seems like it was a bit aggressive, so instead I am just going to update this one as the patch goes on. This should make things more manageable and keep updates flowing through.
As we close in on the new patch, it looks like Azir is quickly falling out of his dominant position, whereas Zed continues to top the charts. Meanwhile, the new Ryze is drawing a ton of attention and bans, despite a less than mediocre win rate.
Check out the full list below!
As we close in on the new patch, it looks like Azir is quickly falling out of his dominant position, whereas Zed continues to top the charts. Meanwhile, the new Ryze is drawing a ton of attention and bans, despite a less than mediocre win rate.
Check out the full list below!
The purpose of the "Flavor of the Month" ("FOTM") list is to show which champions are popular in today's metagame, so you can learn how to beat them!
Patch 6.15 Summary
Buffs: Corki, Jarvan IV, Kassadin, Renekton, Shyvana, Vayne, Zyra
Nerfs: Braum, Hecarim, Karma, Malzahar, Shen, Sona, Taliyah, Viktor, Vladimir
Tweaks: Nidalee
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The Tier List
God Tier [Pee Your Pants - BAN]:
Mid-Lane Gods: Zed, Yasuo, Leblanc, Ryze, Viktor
Jungle Gods: Hecarim, Lee Sin, Kha'Zix
Marksman Gods: Jhin, Vayne, Lucian
Top Lane Gods: Irelia, Darius, Yasuo, Ryze
Support Gods: Sona, Leona, Soraka
Tier 1 [Expected Powerhouses]:
Mid-Lane: Ahri, Vladimir, Fizz, Azir, Malzahar, Lux, Twisted Fate, Annie, Swain, Katarina, Anivia, Taliyah, Orianna, Brand, Veigar, Ekko, Syndra
Jungle: Gragas, Graves, Rengar, Zac, Amumu, Fizz, Master Yi, Nidalee, Vi, Elise, Volibear, Rek'Sai, Shaco, Sejuani, Nocturne, Kindred, Jax, Evelynn
Marksman: Caitlyn, Ashe, Ezreal, Jinx, Sivir, Draven, Miss Fortune
Top Lane: Vladimir, Riven, Gangplank, Fiora, Illaoi, Swain, Jax, Gnar, Malphite, Shen, Renekton, Trundle, Fizz, Pantheon, Garen, Olaf, Ekko, Nasus
Support: Blitzcrank, Thresh, Braum, Morgana, Janna, Zyra, Karma, Annie, Nami
Tier 2 [Crowd Favorites]:
Mid-Lane: Cassiopeia, Gangplank, Vel'Koz, Karma, Diana, Lissandra, Morgana, Xerath, Kassadin, Ziggs, Akali, Talon, Kennen, Varus
Jungle: Fiddlesticks, Ekko, Olaf, Wukong, Xin Zhao, Diana, Udyr, Jarvan IV, Shyvana, Warwick, Skarner, Trundle, Rammus, Pantheon, Malzahar,
Marksman: Twitch, Tristana, Kog'Maw, Varus, Kalista, Corki
Top Lane: Teemo, Wukong. Tryndamere, Maokai, Volibear, Hecarim, Kennen, Sion, Rumble, Tahm Kench, Cho'gath, Rengar, Jarvan IV, Kayle, Dr. Mundo, Graves, Poppy, Akali, Jayce, Lissandra, Singed, Nautilus, Malzahar, Zac, Quinn,
Support: Brand, Bard, Alistar, Lulu, Tahm Kench, Taric, Zilean, Nautilus
Tier 3 [Playable]:
Mid-Lane: Zilean, Kayle, Karthus, Lulu, Zyra, Aurelion Sol, Jayce, Cho'Gath, Pantheon, Corki, Jhin, Quinn, Heimerdinger, Galio, Ezreal, Kog'maw (AP), Nidalee (AP), Gragas, Mordekaiser, Urgot,
Jungle: Maokai, Twitch, Rumble, Nunu, Quinn, Kog'Maw, Poppy, Kayle, Aurelion Sol, Dr. Mundo, Cho'Gath, Malphite, Taric, Tryndamere, Tahm Kench, Nautilus, Sion, Aatrox, Taliyah, Nasus, Shen, Darius
Marksman: Quinn, Graves, Urgot, Kindred, Kennen
Top Lane: Taliyah, Rammus, Gragas, Cassiopeia, Lulu, Xin Zhao, Heimerdinger, Aatrox, Aurelion Sol, Yorick, Diana, Nidalee, Lee Sin, Rek'Sai, Zed, Shyvana, Kassadin, Mordekaiser, Warwick, Udyr, Kha'Zix, Karma, Vi, Master Yi, Viktor, Talon, Azir, Urgot
Support: Trundle, Vel'Koz, Poppy, Malphite, Veigar, Shen, Lux, Sion, Kennen, Nunu, Gragas
Tier 4 [Not Amused]:
Mid-Lane: Jarvan IV, Kha'Zix, Wukong, Malphite, Teemo, Riven, Tahm Kench, Tristana (AP), Elise, Fiddlesticks, Sona, Evelynn, Leona, Soraka, Janna
Jungle: Leona, Zed, Fiora, Riven, Gangplank, Blitzcrank, Alistar
Marksman: Twisted Fate, Mordekaiser
Top Lane: Vayne, Elise, Galio, Braum, Alistar, Nunu, Soraka
Support: Taliyah, Galio, Fiddlesticks, Xerath, Teemo, Volibear, Kayle, Maokai, Anivia, Gangplank, Nidalee, Orianna, Yorick, Elise, Lissandra, Ashe, Leblanc
Instructions and Caveats:
Mid-Lane Gods: Zed, Yasuo, Leblanc, Ryze, Viktor
Jungle Gods: Hecarim, Lee Sin, Kha'Zix
Marksman Gods: Jhin, Vayne, Lucian
Top Lane Gods: Irelia, Darius, Yasuo, Ryze
Support Gods: Sona, Leona, Soraka
God Tier Rising: Jhin (Marksman), Leona (Support), Ryze (Mid/Top), Sona (Support), Soraka (Support)
God Tier Falling:
God Tier Falling:
Mid-Lane: Ahri, Vladimir, Fizz, Azir, Malzahar, Lux, Twisted Fate, Annie, Swain, Katarina, Anivia, Taliyah, Orianna, Brand, Veigar, Ekko, Syndra
Jungle: Gragas, Graves, Rengar, Zac, Amumu, Fizz, Master Yi, Nidalee, Vi, Elise, Volibear, Rek'Sai, Shaco, Sejuani, Nocturne, Kindred, Jax, Evelynn
Marksman: Caitlyn, Ashe, Ezreal, Jinx, Sivir, Draven, Miss Fortune
Top Lane: Vladimir, Riven, Gangplank, Fiora, Illaoi, Swain, Jax, Gnar, Malphite, Shen, Renekton, Trundle, Fizz, Pantheon, Garen, Olaf, Ekko, Nasus
Support: Blitzcrank, Thresh, Braum, Morgana, Janna, Zyra, Karma, Annie, Nami
Tier 1 Rising: Draven (Marksman), Karma (Support), Nocturne (Jungle)
Tier 1 Falling: Azir (Mid), Blitzcrank (Marksman), Caitlyn (Marksman), Thresh (Support), Vladimir (Top), Zyra (Support)
Tier 1 Falling: Azir (Mid), Blitzcrank (Marksman), Caitlyn (Marksman), Thresh (Support), Vladimir (Top), Zyra (Support)
Mid-Lane: Cassiopeia, Gangplank, Vel'Koz, Karma, Diana, Lissandra, Morgana, Xerath, Kassadin, Ziggs, Akali, Talon, Kennen, Varus
Jungle: Fiddlesticks, Ekko, Olaf, Wukong, Xin Zhao, Diana, Udyr, Jarvan IV, Shyvana, Warwick, Skarner, Trundle, Rammus, Pantheon, Malzahar,
Marksman: Twitch, Tristana, Kog'Maw, Varus, Kalista, Corki
Top Lane: Teemo, Wukong. Tryndamere, Maokai, Volibear, Hecarim, Kennen, Sion, Rumble, Tahm Kench, Cho'gath, Rengar, Jarvan IV, Kayle, Dr. Mundo, Graves, Poppy, Akali, Jayce, Lissandra, Singed, Nautilus, Malzahar, Zac, Quinn,
Support: Brand, Bard, Alistar, Lulu, Tahm Kench, Taric, Zilean, Nautilus
Tier 2 Rising: Kennen (Mid)
Tier 2 Falling: Alistar (Support), Brand (Support), Lulu (Support), Maokai (Top), Teemo (Top) Twitch (Marksman) , Wukong (Top)
Tier 2 Falling: Alistar (Support), Brand (Support), Lulu (Support), Maokai (Top), Teemo (Top) Twitch (Marksman) , Wukong (Top)
Mid-Lane: Zilean, Kayle, Karthus, Lulu, Zyra, Aurelion Sol, Jayce, Cho'Gath, Pantheon, Corki, Jhin, Quinn, Heimerdinger, Galio, Ezreal, Kog'maw (AP), Nidalee (AP), Gragas, Mordekaiser, Urgot,
Jungle: Maokai, Twitch, Rumble, Nunu, Quinn, Kog'Maw, Poppy, Kayle, Aurelion Sol, Dr. Mundo, Cho'Gath, Malphite, Taric, Tryndamere, Tahm Kench, Nautilus, Sion, Aatrox, Taliyah, Nasus, Shen, Darius
Marksman: Quinn, Graves, Urgot, Kindred, Kennen
Top Lane: Taliyah, Rammus, Gragas, Cassiopeia, Lulu, Xin Zhao, Heimerdinger, Aatrox, Aurelion Sol, Yorick, Diana, Nidalee, Lee Sin, Rek'Sai, Zed, Shyvana, Kassadin, Mordekaiser, Warwick, Udyr, Kha'Zix, Karma, Vi, Master Yi, Viktor, Talon, Azir, Urgot
Support: Trundle, Vel'Koz, Poppy, Malphite, Veigar, Shen, Lux, Sion, Kennen, Nunu, Gragas
Tier 3 Rising:
Tier 3 Falling: Zilean (Mid)
Tier 3 Falling: Zilean (Mid)
Mid-Lane: Jarvan IV, Kha'Zix, Wukong, Malphite, Teemo, Riven, Tahm Kench, Tristana (AP), Elise, Fiddlesticks, Sona, Evelynn, Leona, Soraka, Janna
Jungle: Leona, Zed, Fiora, Riven, Gangplank, Blitzcrank, Alistar
Marksman: Twisted Fate, Mordekaiser
Top Lane: Vayne, Elise, Galio, Braum, Alistar, Nunu, Soraka
Support: Taliyah, Galio, Fiddlesticks, Xerath, Teemo, Volibear, Kayle, Maokai, Anivia, Gangplank, Nidalee, Orianna, Yorick, Elise, Lissandra, Ashe, Leblanc
Tier 4 Rising:
Tier 4 Falling:
Tier 4 Falling:
- This tier list details which champions are most popular in today's current metagame, for better or for worse. Selecting a high popularity champion and doing mediocre is always favorable to selecting a low tier champion and doing mediocre for team morale.
Champion Explanations
- Azir [Tier 1 Mid] - Repeated nerfs knocked Azir off his high horse, and he is no longer the preferred powerhouse amongst mid laners. Instead, they are quickly reverting to other high skill champions like Leblanc and Yasuo, shelving Azir for more damage.
- Fiora [Tier 1 Top] - The latest buffs in Patch 6.14 were just the thing to bring an old favorite back to light. Armed with her increased vitality hit damage, Fiora is an incredibly lane bully that also scales very hard as a full damage duelist.
- Jhin [God Tier Marksman] - The Duskblade build is now in full swing and players are spamming Jhin more than ever. He is starting to become the new Lucian with his powerful trades and extreme damage.
- Kindred [Tier 1 Jungle] - Ever since players started gravitating back towards tank junglers, Kindred are quickly losing steam as a preferred jungler.
- Maokai [Tier 3 Jungle] - Despite the rise of other tanky junglers like Gragas, Zac, and Hecarim, Maokai is left unloved. However, his easy ganks and simple CC may bring him back into the spotlight soon.
- Ryze [God Tier Mid] - Because of the pure *potential* of Ryze's kit, players are very interested in both playing him and banning him as well. However, most players still have not found much success with the champion. Patch 6.15 did not give Ryze any buffs however, so we shall see if he retains his dominance on the ban charts and/or improves his win rate by a bit.
- Sona [God Tier Support] - So incredibly powerful that Riot performed a mid-patch hotfix on her, Sona remains to be one of the most hotly contested supports on the rift.
- Soraka [God Tier Support] - Ever since the changes to healing and shields via Forbidden Idol, Soraka has been a top tier pick and extraordinarily effective.
- Thresh [Tier 1 Support] - After the latest heals and shield changes, band wagon players are largely dropping Thresh from their choices. His utility is still very good, but his burst damage has quite a bit of trouble dropping champions through healers 2v2 bot since it is quite low.
- Viktor [God Tier Mid] - Viktor remains a popular pick for his simple kit that provides an excellent amount of utility, and continues to dominate, especially with Azir out of the picture.
- The purpose of this list is for discussion and to provide a starting point for hero selection.
Agree? Disagree? Comment below!
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