Despite having a slightly less powerful support, the synergy this composition provides can quickly make up for any lackluster performance bot lane as long as Vayne focuses on farming.

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: A
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 4
Diving Power: A
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: A
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: A
Sustain: C
Synergy: S
Waveclear: S
Early Game: B
Mid Game: A
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 4
Diving Power: A
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: A
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: A
Sustain: C
Synergy: S
Waveclear: S
Early Game: B
Mid Game: A
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A
S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad
With the release of Taliyah, the wall slam comp is finally complete with more wallers than slammers. Previously, Poppy was used as a slammer, but the comp was a bit lacking in wallers. Now, this team is comprised of so many wallers that Gnar and Vayne can essentially aim in any direction and smash enemies into immovable barricades provided by their teammates.
Despite having a slightly less powerful support, the synergy this composition provides can quickly make up for any lackluster performance bot lane as long as Vayne focuses on farming.
Despite having a slightly less powerful support, the synergy this composition provides can quickly make up for any lackluster performance bot lane as long as Vayne focuses on farming.
Vayne [Marksman] - An all-time favorite marksman, Vayne's late game allows this team to transition from its extraordinarily strong mid-game power spikes. This team also features very high AOE damage, but relatively lower single-target damage, which Vayne has an ample supply of.
Anivia [Mid] - The best early game waller on the rift, Anivia provides strong sustained damage coupled with decent burst damage mid-game. After the mage updates, Anivia received a bigger power boost than ever as a result of changes to Rod of Ages and Zhonya's Hourglass. Her ultimate is also boosted by the walls available on this team, which keep enemies in place long enough for her ultimate to reach its peak damage output.
Taliyah [Support] - Taliyah is definitely seen more as a mid-laner than a support. However, her ability to support is not terrible, and can definitely be used to decent effect. The main drawback to pushing Taliyah into a support position is that it makes Vayne's weak early game a bit weaker. Without some cheese plays early on, Taliyah quickly falls behind against sustain lanes. As a result, Vayne may want to play safe and perhaps pick up an early cull.
Jarvan IV [Jungler] - Although he's been out of the spotlight for quite a while, J4 still shines on the right team composition (like this one). His armor penetration synergizes wonderfully with Vayne and Gnar, and this team deals enough damage that he can build tank items rather than DPS. His attack speed boost also allows this team to quickly take down turrets with Gnar and Vayne.
Gnar [Top Laner] - Gnar is known mostly as a lane bully rather than a hyper carry. However, in this team comp he becomes the star of the show. Make sure you pick up an early Black Cleaver on him, but after that he can easily go tank and fling enemies about to his heart's content.
Anivia [Mid] - The best early game waller on the rift, Anivia provides strong sustained damage coupled with decent burst damage mid-game. After the mage updates, Anivia received a bigger power boost than ever as a result of changes to Rod of Ages and Zhonya's Hourglass. Her ultimate is also boosted by the walls available on this team, which keep enemies in place long enough for her ultimate to reach its peak damage output.
Taliyah [Support] - Taliyah is definitely seen more as a mid-laner than a support. However, her ability to support is not terrible, and can definitely be used to decent effect. The main drawback to pushing Taliyah into a support position is that it makes Vayne's weak early game a bit weaker. Without some cheese plays early on, Taliyah quickly falls behind against sustain lanes. As a result, Vayne may want to play safe and perhaps pick up an early cull.
Jarvan IV [Jungler] - Although he's been out of the spotlight for quite a while, J4 still shines on the right team composition (like this one). His armor penetration synergizes wonderfully with Vayne and Gnar, and this team deals enough damage that he can build tank items rather than DPS. His attack speed boost also allows this team to quickly take down turrets with Gnar and Vayne.
Gnar [Top Laner] - Gnar is known mostly as a lane bully rather than a hyper carry. However, in this team comp he becomes the star of the show. Make sure you pick up an early Black Cleaver on him, but after that he can easily go tank and fling enemies about to his heart's content.
Key Concepts
- If Gnar's mega form is down, feel free to wall off the enemy using Anivia and bursting down turrets with the help of Jarvan's attack speed boost.
- Try just walling off one side at a time; since Vayne's attack range is low, she may have trouble maneuvering with too many walls up.
- Mid-game the J4 + Gnar wombo combo will definitely be your go-to play.
- Late-game peeling Vayne will be your optimal strategy, although the CC combo still works very well if the enemy team is clumped and relatively squishy.
Countering this team revolves around champions with good mobility that thrive off isolation. Selecting champions that are not all melee is also good, since it prevents your team from getting burst down while tunneling on Vayne
Here is an example team that may succeed:
Here is an example team that may succeed:
- Kassadin [Mid] - Arguably the most mobile champion in the game, Kassadin can quickly jump in and out of dangerous locations. He also does okay against Anivia provided he doesn't eat too many auto attacks early in the game. However, the common consensus is that Anivia does technically counter him, so you may want to pick someone like Malzahar if you're purely interested in winning your lane.
- Nidalee [Jungle] - Against a team with no sustain, Nidalee works wonders. Her strong poke damage can proc Gnar's mega form before he's ready, effectively wasting the cooldown.
- Jayce [Top] - Similar to Nidalee, Jayce provides strong poked damage and decent mobility.
- Zyra [Support] - Against a team that specializes in displacement, Zyra works very well as a massive AOE mage. Although she lacks mobility, she can quickly convince enemy teams that fighting in enclosed areas is a terrible idea.
- Ezreal [Marksman] - Another strong poke/mobility champion, Ezreal also works well with Zyra in lane.
All in all, this counter comp is very strong as well, but lacking a tank and requires higher skill to make use of it.
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!
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