Additionally, when you're blinded from the outside, dodging Lux's skillshots become near impossible, resulting in quick snipes and heavy CC. Lastly, by featuring three extremely high powered range champions and two front liners, this team is extremely balanced when it comes to 5v5s.

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: A
Crowd Control: B
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 3
Diving Power: B
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: B
Poke Power: A
Pushing Power: S
Sustain: C
Synergy: A
Waveclear: S
Early Game: A
Mid Game: A
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A
Crowd Control: B
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 3
Diving Power: B
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: B
Poke Power: A
Pushing Power: S
Sustain: C
Synergy: A
Waveclear: S
Early Game: A
Mid Game: A
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A
S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad
This team doesn't look terribly scary at first glance, until you realize that it's quite difficult to see past that first glance when it comes to fighting this team. Filled with heavy sight reduction abilities, the champions on this team make it very difficult to perform any coordinated attacks, resulting in heavily one-sided team fights.
When you're blinded from the outside, dodging Lux's skillshots become near impossible, resulting in quick snipes and heavy CC. Additionally, by featuring three extremely high powered range champions and two front liners, this team is extremely balanced when it comes to 5v5s and cripples towers and other structures with ease.
When you're blinded from the outside, dodging Lux's skillshots become near impossible, resulting in quick snipes and heavy CC. Additionally, by featuring three extremely high powered range champions and two front liners, this team is extremely balanced when it comes to 5v5s and cripples towers and other structures with ease.
Graves [Marksman] - He's easily swappable with Quinn to be a top laner, but performs very well with Tahm Kench when it comes to all-in fights. His Smoke Screen (W) allows him to dance around enemy champions and kite would be assassins, despite his low base attack range.
Lux [Mid] - As the only major source of magic damage on this team, Lux performs a vital role as one of the safest ranged mages out there. Sporting both a double shield and CC for days, Lux is ideal when it comes to kiting. She can also utilize the massive amount of vision denial this team composition has to position her skillshots for optimal effect.
Tahm Kench [Support] - Playing with a double marksman composition means that your team will be doing a lot of kiting. By pushing Tahm Kench into the bot lane, this team can quickly spread in multiple directions at once, spacing out diving champions and preventing them accomplishing their job or stacking CCs. His devour also acts as an amazing vision denial tool to pull dangerous enemies out of the fight.
Nocturne [Jungler] - As the ultimate vision denying champion, Nocturne also plays a key role in this team as a long-range assassin based champion. Although this team can poke and kite for days, Nocturne can also hard engage if Lux lands a snare on a squishy champion.
Quinn [Top Laner] - Quinn's role in this team composition is not just for her blind, but also as a split pusher. When Nocturne is near top side jungle, Quinn can easily bully and split push to her heart's content. Meanwhile, her enemy laners will have trouble figuring out how close Nocturne is as a result of his ability to quickly bypass warded areas via his ultimate.
Lux [Mid] - As the only major source of magic damage on this team, Lux performs a vital role as one of the safest ranged mages out there. Sporting both a double shield and CC for days, Lux is ideal when it comes to kiting. She can also utilize the massive amount of vision denial this team composition has to position her skillshots for optimal effect.
Tahm Kench [Support] - Playing with a double marksman composition means that your team will be doing a lot of kiting. By pushing Tahm Kench into the bot lane, this team can quickly spread in multiple directions at once, spacing out diving champions and preventing them accomplishing their job or stacking CCs. His devour also acts as an amazing vision denial tool to pull dangerous enemies out of the fight.
Nocturne [Jungler] - As the ultimate vision denying champion, Nocturne also plays a key role in this team as a long-range assassin based champion. Although this team can poke and kite for days, Nocturne can also hard engage if Lux lands a snare on a squishy champion.
Quinn [Top Laner] - Quinn's role in this team composition is not just for her blind, but also as a split pusher. When Nocturne is near top side jungle, Quinn can easily bully and split push to her heart's content. Meanwhile, her enemy laners will have trouble figuring out how close Nocturne is as a result of his ability to quickly bypass warded areas via his ultimate.
Key Concepts
- If you can bait the enemy team into the kite/split push game, that will play to your advantage.
- The comeback potential of this team is very high, so even if you fall behind, don't surrender.
- Towers melt quickly under the double marksman + Nocturne comp, but beware of champions like Malphite and Rammus.
Countering this team revolves around good counterpicks that negate the strengths of their strategies.
Here is an example team that may succeed:
Here is an example team that may succeed:
- Morgana [Mid] - As a strong wave-clearing champion, Morgana can prevent Lux from spamming her harass and force her to focus on clearing minions instead. Black shield can also be a major game changer when it comes to preventing Lux's CC.
- Sejuani [Jungle] - As a high range CC master, she can hold down enemy champions for Morgana to proc her ultimate. This can result in excellent CC combos against a squishy team.
- Malphite [Top] - As a massive attack speed reducer and excellent engager, this champion needs no introductions.
- Alistar [Support] - While we're going for the hard CC engage composition, we might as well just keep stacking them. Alistar's ultimate will also help prevent getting caught out by Lux, and his heal will dilute poke damage from stacking.
- Ezreal [Marksman] - Since you're fighting a team of very heavy AD, playing a champion that naturally builds iceborn gauntlet helps to prevent him from getting gimped. Blue Ezreal's poke is also very strong, which empowers him to soften up the enemy team and keep them from kiting too hard.
All in all, this counter comp is very strong as well.
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!
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