Hey everyone and welcome back to this week's Combo Review series! This week we're going over one of the oldest champions in the game, Zilean, combo'd with some excellent synergies.
Zilean has not been in the spotlight recently compared to years past, but with his popularity currently at an all-time low, this is an opportunity to quickly remind everyone why he was once the most feared champion on the rift.

Hi everyone and welcome back to this week's Combo Review series! This week we're going over one of the oldest champions in the game, Zilean, combo'd with some excellent synergies.
Zilean has not been in the spotlight recently compared to years past, but with his popularity currently at an all-time low, this is an opportunity to quickly remind everyone why he was once the most feared champion on the rift.
Zilean has not been in the spotlight recently compared to years past, but with his popularity currently at an all-time low, this is an opportunity to quickly remind everyone why he was once the most feared champion on the rift.
Main Goal
Zilean's Time Warp (E) generates an absolutely insane 40/55/70/85/99% movement speed for 2.5 seconds. Combine this with a speedster tank like Hecarim, Rammus and Volibear, drop a Righteous Glory somewhere in the mix, and you have near instantaneous engage from anywhere on the map.
Even Quinn's Valor form (R) at 130% movespeed can be run down with ease with this combo, and marksmen with no escape quiver in fear when you're not visible on the map.
Even Quinn's Valor form (R) at 130% movespeed can be run down with ease with this combo, and marksmen with no escape quiver in fear when you're not visible on the map.
Additional Synergies
In addition to the general synergy that Zilean and any one of the three champions have, Zilean's follow-up on engage is absolutely phenomenal as well. By prepping a bomb on the tank champion, Zilean can immediately follow up with an extra AOE stun as soon as his main tank engages. This results in an extra 1.5 second stun on top of whatever CC is already applied.
Lastly, Zilean's ultimate allows tanks to engage freely at will, knowing that even if the entire enemy team converges, he can soak the damage and be quickly revived via Zilean ultimate for round 2.
Lastly, Zilean's ultimate allows tanks to engage freely at will, knowing that even if the entire enemy team converges, he can soak the damage and be quickly revived via Zilean ultimate for round 2.
Alternative Tactics
Alternative tactics include other speedsters to combine with Zilean such as:
- Quinn - Give them a running head start while you transform into Valor mode, if they couldn't get away from your ult in the first place, wait until they see you flying circles around them with Zilean's speed boost!
- Singed - Works similar to Volibear, but also applies his poison and potential Rylai CC in mass effect as well.
- Wukong - What's scarier than an invisible monkey sneaking up on you to throw a quarterstaff tornado on your face? How about an invisible monkey sneaking up to throw a quarterstaff tornado in your face at 199% move speed?
Potential Difficulties
The only difficulty in using this combo would of course be the relatively small number of people who play Zilean comfortably. However, with an approximately 50%+ win rate for all levels of experience at the time of writing this post according to champion.gg for both Mid and Support, it seems like he's not quite as difficult as you'd think.
Although the data is inconclusive with an extremely small sample size, at least it doesn't show that he's grossly underpowered. Worth a go in my opinion!
Although the data is inconclusive with an extremely small sample size, at least it doesn't show that he's grossly underpowered. Worth a go in my opinion!
As a two man combo, if you happen to decide to pick up Zilean, it's a great idea to pick up a duo partner that mains one of the champions mentioned above. On the other hand, you could also potentially convince solo queue players to pick one up if you're persuasive enough.
Let us know how it goes!
Let us know how it goes!
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