With her epic level knockback on her ultimate, her ability to isolate teammates synergizes wonderfully with the rest of the team. This leads to some really cool, if unconventional combos that you can pull off with this team.
Check out the details below:

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: A
Crowd Control: B
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 4
Diving Power: C
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: A
Poke Power: C
Pushing Power: B
Sustain: C
Synergy: A
Waveclear: B
Early Game: B
Mid Game: B
Late Game: B
Super Late Game: B
Crowd Control: B
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 4
Diving Power: C
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: A
Poke Power: C
Pushing Power: B
Sustain: C
Synergy: A
Waveclear: B
Early Game: B
Mid Game: B
Late Game: B
Super Late Game: B
S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad
Hi everyone, and welcome to this week's Top Team Comp! Today we're revisiting the disengage comp with some old friends and one new one, the newest member of the reworked squad: Poppy!
With her epic level knockback on her ultimate, her ability to isolate enemy champions synergizes wonderfully with the rest of the team. This leads to some really cool, if unconventional combos that you can pull off with this setup.
Check out the details below:
With her epic level knockback on her ultimate, her ability to isolate enemy champions synergizes wonderfully with the rest of the team. This leads to some really cool, if unconventional combos that you can pull off with this setup.
Check out the details below:
Urgot [ADC] - It is rare that you can find a marksman with the kind of tanky utility that Urgot provides. Although the current Meta does not leave him particularly strong, he is the only marksman that can effectively isolate a single enemy and drag them into your team.
Anivia [Mid] - Where Urgot falls short in terms of damage, Anivia more than makes up for via her burst. Her wall also allows your team to cut off re-engagement by champions that Poppy or Gragas knock out of the battle, preventing most melee champions from ever being in their effective zone.
Janna [Support] - The queen of disengage, no disengage team would be complete without placing Janna on it. She also synergizes incredibly well with Urgot, and her own shield on top of Urgot's makes him near unkillable.
Gragas [Jungler] - Heavily nerfed but not forgotten, Gragas is the primary engager of the team. His ultimate allows your team to split off the peel from the squishies, and allows your team to start the process of selectively isolating each enemy team member.
Poppy [Top Laner] - Synergizing beautifully with Anivia's wall due to her Heroic Charge (E), Poppy also has the added effect of preventing anyone with a dash from jumping over the wall via her Steadfast Presence (W) as well. Naturally, the prime goal is to pull off some slick isolation plays with her Keeper's Verdict (R), but her smaller combos with this team should not be underestimated.
Anivia [Mid] - Where Urgot falls short in terms of damage, Anivia more than makes up for via her burst. Her wall also allows your team to cut off re-engagement by champions that Poppy or Gragas knock out of the battle, preventing most melee champions from ever being in their effective zone.
Janna [Support] - The queen of disengage, no disengage team would be complete without placing Janna on it. She also synergizes incredibly well with Urgot, and her own shield on top of Urgot's makes him near unkillable.
Gragas [Jungler] - Heavily nerfed but not forgotten, Gragas is the primary engager of the team. His ultimate allows your team to split off the peel from the squishies, and allows your team to start the process of selectively isolating each enemy team member.
Poppy [Top Laner] - Synergizing beautifully with Anivia's wall due to her Heroic Charge (E), Poppy also has the added effect of preventing anyone with a dash from jumping over the wall via her Steadfast Presence (W) as well. Naturally, the prime goal is to pull off some slick isolation plays with her Keeper's Verdict (R), but her smaller combos with this team should not be underestimated.
Key Concepts
- Isolate smaller groups of enemy champions to burst down, and watch as the enemy team realizes they are powerless to assist.
- If your team is having trouble pushing down turrets, feel free to get Ohmwrecker or simply wall off the enemy from wave-clearing at their turret.
- This team is somewhat more reactionary than initiative, and will generally rely on Gragas' ultimate or Anivia's Flash Frost (Q) to start a fight.
Countering this team involves high amounts of mobility and zoning power.
Here is an example team that may succeed:
Here is an example team that may succeed:
- Kassadin [Mid] - A champion with an extremely low cooldown on his movement spells, he also puts up a decent fight against Anivia.
- Vi [Jungle] - Via her uninterruptible ultimate, Vi is able to get into the fight and possibly stay in the fight as well. Although she will likely still quickly get knocked out by Janna, she provides your team with some sort of reliable initiation.
- Yasuo [Top] - His windwall may save your team on more than one occasion vs this team's initiation techniques, and even if he gets knocked out he can still ult back in off of Vi's ultimate.
- Sona [Support] - Naturally strong against Janna, Sona also allows your low poke team to sustain long enough to all-in with their ultimates.
- Lucian [ADC] - The current king of mobility bot lane, Having Lucian on your team allows you the comfort of knowing that you have a chance of juking Gragas' ultimate even when flash is down.
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!
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