Anyway, as the season is nearing its close, that means I'm back and in action with the latest and greatest in the Top Team Composition series! The theme of this team comp revolves around jumping in and out of teamfights rapidly at long ranges and specializes the in the all-powerful Kalista-empowered "Insec" combo.
Check out the details below!

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: B
Crowd Control: B
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 5
Diving Power: A
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: A
Poke Power: C
Pushing Power: B
Sustain: F
Synergy: B
Waveclear: B
Early Game: S
Mid Game: S
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: B
Crowd Control: B
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 5
Diving Power: A
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: A
Poke Power: C
Pushing Power: B
Sustain: F
Synergy: B
Waveclear: B
Early Game: S
Mid Game: S
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: B
S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad
Hey everyone! You probably thought I met with some untimely demise sometime over the past few weeks what with the dearth in posts lately. Luckily, that's not the case. I was actually busy attempting to get to master tier before the deadline and unfortunately did not succeed...
Anyway, as the season is nearing its close, that means I'm back and in action with the latest and greatest in the Top Team Composition series! The theme of this team comp revolves around jumping in and out of teamfights rapidly at long ranges and specializes the in the all-powerful Kalista-empowered "Insec" combo.
Check out the details below!
Anyway, as the season is nearing its close, that means I'm back and in action with the latest and greatest in the Top Team Composition series! The theme of this team comp revolves around jumping in and out of teamfights rapidly at long ranges and specializes the in the all-powerful Kalista-empowered "Insec" combo.
Check out the details below!
Kalista [ADC] - An extremely mobile champion herself, she also gives her support champion a two way trip, increasing the mobility of the team (as if it needed more). This allows the team to quickly drop aggro off Lee when necessary, allowing him to go extremely deep into enemy lines without fear of dying. She also allows Lee to initiate without hitting his Q first, giving him a much larger window to try knocking back main targets back into the team (Insec'ing).
Leblanc [Mid] - The master trickster herself, Leblanc is extremely slippery. After she gets a cooldown item and blue buff, it's basically impossible to pin her down unless she makes a mistake or you happen to have some real quick crowd control effects. She can be used as an initiator if your team has enough faith in your Leblanc player to quickly snipe off a squishy and retreat back to safety.
Lee Sin [Support] - The odd pick of the bunch, he actually works extremely well with Kalista post-6. Pre-6 he may have some trouble laning without jungler assistance, but the all-in power of Kalista Lee Sin is very comparable to other power-spiking champions in the game. He also sports strong built-in manaless waveclear, allowing them to push fast and roam if it fits the team strategy.
Again, don't forget about the Kalista ultimate + Lee Ward Hop + Lee Ultimate combo...very stronk.
Again, don't forget about the Kalista ultimate + Lee Ward Hop + Lee Ultimate combo...very stronk.
Ekko [Jungler] - When it comes to champions that can quickly burst in and out of teamfights, few can compare with Ekko. As a jungler, he can choose to go either Cinderhulk if your team is feeling a bit conservative, or simply provide the team with a fourth assassin to really drive home the assassin comp feel.
Zed [Top Laner] - As far as champions that can compare with Ekko's assassination power, Zed is probably the first one to come to mind. With his smooth fade-away kills, Zed is an absolute master at diving in and out of teamfights with style.
Key Concepts
- Practice makes perfect, and a team like this one needs a lot of practice. It features some of the highest skill requirement champions in the game, and is by no means a team that beginners will see immediate success with.
- This team plays somewhat similar to a kite comp. Players should focus on quickly picking off kills before the enemy team can react, then slowing taking down targets one at a time.
Countering this team is mostly a matter of heavy CC and large scale AOE to prevent too much chasing involved.
Here's an example team that may succeed:
Here's an example team that may succeed:
- Ahri [Mid] - A skill match-up for sure, but with her own mobility and auto-targeted spells, she stands a pretty good chance at out-trading.
- Maokai [Jungle] - This may backfire on you if the enemy team is smart enough to time your Twisted Advance into a bad location, but having Maokai means that after his W starts, you're almost guaranteed a CC or two on your primary target.
- Vladimir [Top] - An extremely tanky champion that pushes waves hard and scales into late game, Vladimir has the ability to survive the majority of assassination attempts while having limited room to be outplayed.
- Tahm Kench [Support] - There's nothing that ruins an assassin's day faster than their target instantly getting devoured by a Tahm Kench support.
- Graves [ADC] - As one of the tankiest ADCs around, playing Graves allows you to remain relatively healthy during assassination attempts compared to some of your more...unfortunate counterparts.
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!
Click here for more team comps!
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