Additionally, by placing Heimerdinger top, a lot of pressure is drawn towards the upper side of the map, opening up the possibility of free dragons and/or easier 4v2 ganks bot lane.

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: A
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 2
Diving Power: A
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: A
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: S
Sustain: C
Synergy: A
Waveclear: A
Early Game: S
Mid Game: A
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 2
Diving Power: A
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: A
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: S
Sustain: C
Synergy: A
Waveclear: A
Early Game: S
Mid Game: A
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A
S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad
This week's team comp uses a somewhat older strategy involving lane swapping bot lane to mid to maximize tower pushing power mid to start the game off. By amplifying Tristana's naturally good pushing power with Janna and Jarvan, this team can quickly drop turrets mid lane, opening up the map dramatically.
Dropping an early mid turret also allows your team to counterjungle freely, effectively moving the game to team-fighting stage much earlier with a gold advantage.
Additionally, by placing Heimerdinger top, a lot of pressure is drawn towards the upper side of the map, opening up the possibility of free dragons and/or easy 4v2 ganks bot lane.
Dropping an early mid turret also allows your team to counterjungle freely, effectively moving the game to team-fighting stage much earlier with a gold advantage.
Additionally, by placing Heimerdinger top, a lot of pressure is drawn towards the upper side of the map, opening up the possibility of free dragons and/or easy 4v2 ganks bot lane.
Check out the full team below!
Sion [ADC] - Not truly an AD carry role, I just named it that to emphasize the fact that Sion will in fact be going bot. However, he'll be there by himself. The reason why I chose Sion is that he has excellent wave clear, low mana costs, and is extremely difficult to dive. Additionally, his engage allows him to initiate teamfights from long range into Jarvan follow-up.
Tristana [Mid] - Arguably the strongest pusher in the game right now, since I've neglected to highlight her strengths in solo queue, I figured it would be good to emphasize them on this team comp. With her strong pushing power, Tristana can quickly take out turrets and scale into a strong late game AD carry. By lane swapping, she further emphasizes the objective taking game as she'll be playing with a non-dive support.
Janna [Support] - An extremely powerful peel based support, placing Janna with Tristana mid allows them to push without fear, as even during a jungle gank, most will have trouble trying to engage vs her tornado.
Jarvan IV [Jungler] - Picked as a result of his attack speed boost early on as well as his excellent early game ganking potential, Jarvan can quickly clear jungle and prevent bot lane dives and/or simply beat them down via level advantage. If mid lane can zone out the enemy APC, it may also be possible to dive the enemy mid laner for the early turret if you can get sight on the enemy jungler.
Heimerdinger [Top Laner] - Another cornerstone of the team, you'll seldom see Heimerdinger on a serious arranged team composition. However, as a strong 1v2 duelist, pusher, and zoner, playing this guy top means that the enemy jungler will likely be stuck rotating between top and mid, leaving bot lane and dragon open to strategic maneuvers.
Key Concepts
- Assisting Heimerdinger with warding will allow him to push freely, a must for absolute domination with this team composition.
- Double teleport on Heimerdinger and Sion is probably your best bet in order to sustain and/or split push.
- Rotating after taking mid turret to take further turrets allows your team to get ahead and stay ahead.
Countering this team arramgement mostly involves putting down strong pushers of your own in order to prevent too many turrets from being taken, and also to pressure bot turret down to be the ones snowballing to dragon.
If necessary, you may also rotate your support to mid to play the match 2v2.
Here's an example team that may succeed:
If necessary, you may also rotate your support to mid to play the match 2v2.
Here's an example team that may succeed:
- Karthus [Mid] - As an excellent level one waveclear champion mid, the enemy team pushing towers down early also works well as Karthus is a late game champion that specializes in turtling behind the stronger turrets.
- Xin Zhao [Jungle] - Xin Zhao naturally sports extremely high sustain in the jungle, which allows him to control the scuttle crabs early on. Additionally, he's also a great early game ganker with a slightly faster waveclear than Jarvan.
- Kayle [Top] - A natural counter to Heimerdinger, Kayle can quickly take out Heimer's turrets and tank the ultimate damage with her own ultimate.
- Nautilus [Support] - As a 2v1 lane bot, ideally you'll want to play someone who's able to dive 3v1 with the jungler if possible. As a tanky champion with excellent CC, Nautilus fits the bill nicely.
- Caitlyn [ADC] - Another great lane pusher, Caitlyn also synergizes very well with Nautilus via her traps as additional CC. Her early game also allows her to whittle down laners and take early turrets as easily if not easier than Tristana.
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!
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