In a nutshell, the preseason is the time between November 11th (the season end date) and the start of the new season. The length of time for this season varies from year to year.

Hi everyone! Ever since the release of the Preseason sneak preview, some of you have been asking what exactly the "Preseason" is and why you should play in it.
In a nutshell, the preseason is the time between November 11th (the season end date) and the start of the new season. The length of time for this season varies from year to year.
Complaints About Preseason
Generally, many players complain that the preseason is a waste of time and you should just wait until the official ranked season starts. In some ways, this makes sense since your division will restart at the placement level once the new season begins.
However, I'm a firm believer that playing during the preseason is a great idea, and here's a list of reasons why:
1. There are TONS of Preseason Changes
Every preseason patch, Riot decides to make significant shifts in key components of the game, resulting in radically different playstyles and champions that are good in each different meta.
Generally, preseason changes stick through the regular season with some minor revisions. This means that if you don't play during the preseason, when the real thing comes around you'll likely be significantly behind your peers in terms of game knowledge.
2. Games Don't "Really" Count
Even if you lose a bunch of preseason games, you can still quickly make up for it via a few excellent performances during your placement matches. This means that if there's a time to make mistakes in ranked, it's certainly during the preseason before your rank starts to matter more.
3. Games Still Count For A Little
Despite the fact that you can quickly make up lost games after the ranked reset, winning significant numbers of games during the preseason does allow you to get a little higher up in the rankings after your placement matches. The reason for this is that winning games during post season increases your invisible matchmaking rating (MMR). This directly impacts what tiers you get placed in after your placement matches.
4. Stress-Free Ranked Games
When it comes to preseason, your ranked rewards are already locked in. This means that even if you go on a massive losing streak and end up dropping a tier, there's no need to be upset! If anything, just make it up during your placement matches.
5. Easier to Climb Higher
If you're the kind of person who tries hard even on casual modes (I'm looking at you ARAM warriors), preseason is just the place to do it. While everyone else is enjoy their stress-free franked practice, you can continue spamming your tryhard champions to rise to a higher division that you've ever dreamed.
6. Great Time to Practice Secondary Roles
Most players primarily play one role and have a secondary role that they're fairly comfortable defaulting to if their primary one is taken. During preseason is the perfect time to master that secondary role and possibly to get a third backup into shape for maximum ranked success.
7. Sharpen Your Competitive Edge
Some players fall into the trap of playing too much ARAM during the preseason. For players who tend to experience ranked anxiety, doing so may heighten the issue. By straying away from ranked for too long, some players may find it difficult to get back onto the horse and get back into the mindset of playing at their peak levels.
Eye of the Tiger baby.
8. Find a Potential Duo Partner
Early on in the season, ranks get shuffled and placement matches may contain all sorts of divisions. However, during the preseason you'll find players more near your rank willing to duo queue as the games don't matter as much. Oftentimes, these same players may also be willing to duo queue during placement matches to offer a bit more security when it comes to the oh-so-important first few games.
9. Acclimate To Changing Meta Game
One of the coolest parts of Riot's preseason goals is the fact that the meta game always shifts radically during the preseason. Whether it be the introduction of trinkets, champion mastery overhauls, or massive gold generation item modifications, there's always something unusual that throws off the way people play the game.
This season is shaping up to be no different with the removal of stealth wards and a brand new objective on the map. Playing will ensure that you know the strategies necessary to stay victorious!
10. Plan Ranked Climb Strategy
As the metagame changes, often your best roles change as well. Certain champions come naturally to certain people, whereas others that receive radical changes suddenly become strange and foreign.
Take the preseason for what it is, a less stressful time to figure out what works best for YOU in Riot's new regime, and use that game knowledge to maximize your pursuit of ranked glory.
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